Netizens in Sakura Country completely rioted.

Being scolded by the Internet for stupid pigs all over the world is simply their greatest shame in their lives. This shame is unbearable for them. They must find the culprit and let the culprit come to an end.

"Everyone in the Sakura Country must unite at this moment. The moment of crisis in the Sakura Country has arrived. We must unite where we don't want to be looked down upon by others wherever we go."

"Brothers and sisters of the Sakura Country, unite, we must not be looked down upon by the people of the Dragon Kingdom, we are the greatest human being, and we must not be looked down upon by the people of the world."

"Brothers and sisters of Sakura Country, all stand up, unite, let those auto dealers apologize to people all over the world, and return us innocence and justice. We Sakura nation are not stupid pigs, we Sakura nation are the smartest in the world. Humanity."

"Brothers and sisters of the Sakura Country, if we don't stand up at this moment, we will be ridiculed and despised wherever we go in the future. Let's all stand up. The major car dealers are stupid pigs, and we Sakura nation are not stupid pigs."

The Sakura Country network is full of voices condemning the major auto merchants, and the whole people are calling for clarifications from the major auto merchants, let the major auto merchants apologize, and return the innocence and justice of the Sakura nation.

At this time, the navy added another fire.

"The major car dealers have caused such a large reputation loss to our country, and they must not be spared lightly. Such profiteers who damage the country's reputation should be eliminated and they should not be allowed to damage our country's reputation again."

"The major auto dealers damage the national reputation and the reputation of the people across the country. They are national criminals. All major auto dealers should kill themselves. They must not be allowed to damage the national reputation again."

"Sixty-seven zeros are true. The major car dealers have disregarded the reputation of the country and the people for their own benefit. They are super profiteers. They must not be allowed to continue to exist. They must be allowed to perish. This kind of scourge cannot continue to exist. They must be allowed to exist. disappear."

"All major car dealers will come out and commit suicide. You are the sinners of the country. As a member of the Sakura country, I will give you the opportunity to commit suicide."

"The major auto companies must go bankrupt in place, otherwise they will do something more frenzied next time. This time they will do everything they can to damage the country's reputation, and next time they will be traitors."

Under the guidance of the navy, some radical citizens of the cherry blossom country were super angry and joined the navy's rhythm one after another.

"All major car dealers are going to die. You have a serious national reputation and are not worthy of living in the cherry blossom country."

"Call on the country to expel the nationality of the bosses and high-level auto dealers, let them all get out of the cherry blossom country, and let them harm other countries."

"Yes, it's best to confess to the law, or you must expel their nationality. This kind of scourge is absolutely not allowed to continue to live in the cherry blossom country, let them harm other countries."

"From today onwards, all the people of Sakura Country will boycott all major car dealers. Whoever buys cars of major brands is the sinner of Sakura Country."

"Buying major brands of cars is to collaborating with major car dealers. Such people are also criminals of the country and must be severely punished."

"There are absolutely no friends who buy major brands of cars, as long as the people of Sakura are supervising them."

Radical netizens are filled with outrage. Being a keyboard man is not enough, so they ran into the street and smashed their cars.

Every major brand car will be smashed when you see it.

This matter quickly evolved into a national trend.

Radical netizens from all over the country walked to the streets and smashed them when they saw the major brands of cars. Those who dared to resist were all collaborators of the major brands of auto dealers, and they stunned or even crippled them.

This day was the most chaotic day in the 21st century in the Sakura Country. Police officers from all over the country were dispatched, but when they saw a large group of people on the street, they did not dare to mess around.

Police officers everywhere are afraid that if they are not careful, they will be killed by the crowd on the street.

Police officers everywhere can only use loud speakers to persuade, but this is useless.

The senior officials of Sakura Country realized the seriousness of the situation, held an emergency meeting, and responded quickly.

Senior officials of Sakura Country held a press conference.

At the meeting, the senior officials of Sakura Country ordered the major auto merchants to immediately hold a press conference to apologize to the people of the whole country and explain everything clearly to the people of the world.

In a word, all major auto dealers must take the blame and take everything on their bodies.

At the same time, the senior officials of Sakura Country ordered all major automobile companies to close their doors immediately, waiting for inspections by relevant state organizations.

The major automobile companies were completely stunned after watching the national press conference, and then they were extremely desperate.

This this. . .

How could the state actually deal with them? How could it be possible that they paid so many taxes for the country every year? How could the state deal with them?

What's wrong with inciting people to support domestic production?

What is Haoyu Group doing in Longguo differently? What's wrong with this?

The major car dealers in the Sakura Country never dreamed that they would end up tragically now. If they knew it would be such a tragic end, they would definitely not take the initiative to declare war on Feilong Motors.

No matter how developed Feilong Motors is, it is impossible for Sakura Country to take the initiative to deal with them.

Now that they are engaged in this, their fate will definitely be very miserable, which is tantamount to handing over the Sakura country market to Feilong Motors and other brands of cars from other countries.

All this is the bitter fruit of their own brewing.

The major car dealers in Sakura Country are naturally unconvinced.

According to the current trend, if they do not resist, they will definitely be cheated to death by the appeal of the people of the country. The company will fail and it is possible to expel their nationality.

They didn't want such a tragic result.

Netizens from all over the world are watching the excitement and are waiting for the apologies from the major car dealers in the cherry blossom country.

Longguo netizens are most happy.

"It's a real laugh, Sakura Country, this is a dog biting a dog, this is the most classic dog biting a dog I have ever seen. It's a real laugh, haha."

"The car dealers in the Sakura Country took the initiative to declare war on Feilong Motors. It is estimated that they would never expect such a tragic result in their dreams. It is really laughable. Netizens from all over the world are right. Sakura Country people are stupid pigs, haha."

"This is the funniest farce I have ever seen. The dog bites the dog. It's so cool to watch, haha."

"The whole world scolds the people of Sakura Country as stupid pigs. I'm so happy. I also said that many people in the Long Country travel to Sakura Country every year to shop for goods. It's special. From today on, I will never go to Sakura Country. "

"Yes, starting from today, I will not go to the cherry blossom country when I travel to Africa. It's special, I want to see what is great about your cherry blossom country."

"The brothers and sisters of the Dragon Kingdom are united, try not to travel to the cherry blossom country to scan the goods, we must not let the idiots of the cherry blossom country look down."

"Yes, brothers and sisters of Long Country, we'd better not go to Sakura Country to scan the goods. If you want to be looked down upon by a stupid pig, let's talk about it separately."

"Isn't the great rivers and mountains of the Dragon Country beautiful? The Dragon Country is much larger than the Sakura Country, enough for you to play for a lifetime, and there are other countries, no matter how good it is, why go to the Sakura Country."

"Don't go to the Sakura Country. The Sakura Country degrades the idiot. If you step on the land of the Sakura Country, you will be assimilated and become a idiot."

"Yes, people all over the world are now boycotting the Sakura Country. How can we make an exception for the Dragon Country? Didn’t you see that the people from all over the world say our Dragon Country is okay? Do you talk about playing in the Dragon Country? Sakura Country is stupid. Don’t go to the pig production area unless it’s necessary."

The people of the Long Kingdom originally resisted the Sakura Country, and such a disturbance is even more resistant to the Sakura Country.

Many people appealed to the people of Long Country not to travel to Sakura Country to scan goods, and not to be looked down upon by the people of Sakura Country.

The major auto merchants in Sakura Country hold press conferences one after another

At the press conference, the major auto companies did not apologize or explain, but to fight for their last hope.

We definitely don't want to deceive the Chinese people. We just want the Chinese people to support domestic production. Don't be led by netizens from all over the world. You are really stupid when you are led by the rhythm.

We just hope that our country will not be attacked by the Dragon Kingdom.

Think about us now, the mobile phone is invaded by the Dragon Country made Huaxin mobile phone, the chat software is invaded by the YY, the computer system is invaded by the Huaxin computer system, if this continues, our country will definitely be surrounded by the Dragon Country, and then we will leave. If it is not made in Dragon Country, that is the sorrow of our Sakura Country.

We have never thought of deceiving the people of the country, never thought of harming the country’s reputation. We hope that the people of the country will be rational and not let the netizens all over the world take the rhythm. We, the people of Sakura, are the smartest.

The lack of apologies or explanations from the major auto merchants in the Sakura Country directly made the senior officials and the people in the Sakura Country even more violent.

"Special meow, they know their mistakes and don't change them. These profiteers are really brazen, and they have pushed their mistakes to netizens all over the world. Brothers and sisters, they just smashed their company."

"Yes, it damages the country’s reputation and makes netizens all over the world call us stupid pigs. This is an ironclad fact. The major auto dealers don’t admit it, and they say that the Dragon Kingdom creates threats. It’s so pitiful. I will bear it. Nope, did anyone go with me to smash all major brand car stores?"

"Huaxin smartphones are the greatest smart electronic products in the 21st century. This car dealer has urged us not to use them. They are absolutely unkind. They want our country to lag behind the world. Such vicious people must not let them stay. In Sakura Country.. 0"

"Yes, it's really vicious. I knew that their next step is to betray the country. Maybe these car dealers are spies sent by other countries. They must be killed. If we don't kill them, our cherry blossom country will gradually fall behind. "

"Huaxin smart phones and computer systems are the most advanced products in the current industry. It is really hateful that major auto companies incited conspiracy theories. Such people obviously don't want our cherry blossom country to be better. I can't bear it anymore. Brothers and sisters, I'm going to smash their store now, is there anyone together?"

The senior officials of Sakura Country directly ordered the major auto companies to make rectifications immediately.

Netizens from all over the Sakura country walked to the streets and went directly to the car stores of major brands.

The staff of the auto stores of the major brands saw the menacing crowds, and they all drove off as soon as possible.

So many people rushed in, and they dared to go up and stop them, and they would definitely die without knowing how to die.

Losing his life for work is worthless.

Most of the staff have the same idea as people, they don't have to rush in the crowd, they have already started to beat them.

If you dare to damage the country’s reputation or betray the country, this kind of garbage company must be killed.

On this day, the car stores of the major brands of Sakura Country were smashed by the Chinese.

Police officers everywhere don't care about it, letting people beat them up.

As long as the public only beats and smashes the police officers of major car shops, they will not care.

The people of Sakura Country are relatively restrained, only looking for creditors, and they didn't make trouble because of it. After smashing all the major car stores, they all rushed to the next store.

Other stores closed after the news, but unfortunately this could not stop the anger of the people.

The closed stores were pried, and then there were debris everywhere.

September 20.

This day is the darkest day for the major car dealers in Sakura Country.

On this day, the stores across the country of the major brands of Sakura Country were madly smashed by the people.

In the end, even the company was not let go. The employees of the company were afraid of being involved, and they all slipped away early.

After the major auto stores and companies were smashed, local police officers then came to the door and directly blocked the major auto companies and stores.

September 21.

The bosses of major automobile companies all appeared at the press conference in Sakura Country.

At this press conference, the bosses of the major auto companies all apologized sincerely and took all the blame on them.

Under the pressure of the senior officials of the Sakura Country, they had no choice but to hold back.

The senior management of Sakura Country knows that only the bosses of major automobile companies can confess their mistakes and explain them to the people of the world to eliminate the anger of the people of the whole country.

In order to survive, the bosses of major automobile companies can only choose to apologize.

The people of Sakura Country were very happy to see the bosses of major automobile companies kneel down and apologize and beg the people for forgiveness.

"Even if you apologize early, you will be fine. If you make a mistake, you will be arrogant. It deserves it."

"This kind of rubbish is expelled from nationality directly. If they are still in the cherry blossom country, I will fight it once."

"That's right, if these profiteers and traitors dared to stay in the cherry blossom country, I will fight once when I see them."

"Let countries expel their nationality. Our country does not need this kind of rubbish that harms the country. Let this rubbish go to harm other countries."

"This kind of traitor should be shot. Kneeling down and begging for mercy is too light."

"This kind of rubbish should go to God, our country is still kind, let them kneel and apologize."

After the bosses of major auto companies apologized, the senior officials of Sakura Country announced that major auto companies would rectify indefinitely.

I hope other companies will take a warning and don't make the same mistakes. Sakura Country will never be merciful to any company that harms the country.

In this way, the major automobile companies in Sakura Country existed in name only.

The CEOs of major automobile companies left the cherry blossom country one after another the next day.

The major auto companies are always really scared.

They can't wait to put on their wings and fly out of the cherry blossom country earlier, because they will be in danger of being killed by the radical people if they stay for a while.

Su Hao couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the news about Sakura Country.

Special, talented person, this wonderful country of Sakura can really do everything. .

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