The industry recognizes Su Hao and admires Su Hao. Especially the young elites are taking Su Hao as an example, learning from Su Hao, and thinking that one day they can become a successful businessman like Su Hao.

For example, some young people who plan to start a business even called Su Hao on the Internet to publish a book, telling the business experience in the book, so that people all over the world can learn something.

Regarding Su Hao’s experience, not only young people with entrepreneurial aspirations are interested, but people all over the world are interested. This topic directly describes a hurricane on the Internet and completely blows to Su Hao’s Weibo.

Su Hao's Weibo is full of messages calling for Su Hao to publish a book.

"Su Shen, publish a book, talk about your experience, so that everyone can learn."

"Su Shen, I want to start a business recently. Can you tell me about your experience so that I can avoid detours."

"Su Shen, I am ready to spend a million to start a business. Can you tell me which industry is the best? I also want to be a big boss and a successful person."

"You don't need to ask Su Shen. I will answer you this question for Su Shen. The Internet industry has the most potential and money, but your one million is probably not enough."

"Su Shen's first pot of gold is hundreds of thousands, am I missing one million?"

"The question is, can you compare to Su Shen? You don't deserve to give Su Shen shoes."

"That is, don't compare with God Su, God Su is a god you can never catch up with."

"Haha, there are people who want to be compared with God Su. I am also drunk. There has been a God Su for thousands of years. Be realistic. The miracle created by God Su is unprecedented."

"Don't forget, Su Shen is only 20 years old, 20 years old, with assets exceeding one trillion yuan, earning 500 billion yuan a year, and reaching the top of the world's richest man. Was there such a man before? No, there was no one before, and there will never be one in the future."

"Su Shen will only be the god we will always look up to. If we want Su Shen to impart experience and speak well, maybe we have a better attitude. Su Shen will publish a book to impart a little experience. Who makes Su Shen a good person."

"Haha, this is really possible. God Su is a good man, but I don’t want to kidnap God Su by morals. God Su publishes books if he wants to publish books, but he doesn’t publish books if he doesn’t want to publish books. It’s us who teaches experience when Su God publishes books. Fortunately, we have nothing to lose if Su Shen does not publish the book."

"That is, moral kidnapping is shameful. The people I hate moral kidnapping most say that the higher the standing, the heavier the responsibility. This is a typical moral kidnapping. Who dares to kidnap God Su morally, I am the first to disagree. "

"The second one I disagree. I'm just here today. I dare to morally kidnap God Su that is the enemy of the people of the Long Kingdom."

"Yes, as a member of the Dragon Kingdom, you must protect God Su. God Su is still young and has infinite achievements in the future. You can't let moral kidnapping ruin him."

"Don't worry about this, Su Shen won't care about this, Su Shen's position is already at the top, Su Shen can already ignore moral kidnapping."

"Haha, this is a good thing, but I still want to know Su Shen's experience, I also want to make a breakthrough, even if I fail, I won't regret it."

"Yes, if I fail, it means I don't have that life. If I succeed, I can not only improve my life, but I can also pay more taxes to the country and contribute a meager strength to the country's economic construction."

"Haha, I have a good enlightenment, so I can speak more if I can speak."

"With this awakening, I also want to pay more taxes to the country, haha."

"Pity me, a poor person who doesn't even have to pay taxes. I want to pay taxes too. Who can give me a chance to pay taxes?"

"The idlers should not come to join in the fun. If you have the hands and feet, you can find a job. As long as it is a formal job, you can pay taxes."

"That's right, just say a few words if you are lazy. Why are normal people so lazy? Haven't you heard of doing it yourself and having enough food and clothing? In my case, the old man can't marry a wife."

"Haha, really, people here especially hate those who are lazy and gnawing on the old. If it is difficult for a man to marry a wife, it is also difficult for a woman to marry out."

"Don't talk about the handicapped, normal people be diligent, make more money while you are young, and sigh when you are old, the lesson of the people who come here."

"Haha, don't talk about this, I'm a little sad when it comes to this, I hope Su Shen can say a little bit about his experience, whether he publishes a book or post on Weibo, it doesn't work. It's not good to start a live broadcast on YY."

"It is estimated that Su Shen does not have this plan now, and Weibo does not understand it. It is best to open a YY live broadcast. I hope Su Shen can read our message and consider starting a live broadcast."

"I also hope that Su Shen will start a live broadcast. If Su Shen starts a live broadcast, I will watch it even if it is the end of the world."

"Yes, if Su Shen opens a live broadcast, even if it is absent from work, I have to watch Su Shen's live broadcast."

"Absenteeism is wrong. You can ask for leave. Let's talk about it if you don't ask for leave."

"Haha, I almost believed in what you guys said, Su Shenhui started a live broadcast."

"Believe it or not, @苏神 is right to open a live broadcast. If there are multiple people @苏神, maybe Su Shen will really consider it. After all, a live broadcast is nothing to Su Shen."

"All @苏神吧, everyone who wants to watch Sushen live broadcast @苏神 is right, those who want Sushen to teach experience @ several times, haha."

"If Su Shen opens a live broadcast, the popularity will definitely explode."

"Does that still need to be asked? At least 100 million people watched it."

"Who do you look down on? Only 100 million, at least 500 million, if foreigners can watch YY live broadcast, at least 1 billion, 2 billion is possible."

"Haha, speak hard, it's absolutely okay to be able to talk more, haha."

The topic of wanting Su Shen to teach experience will eventually evolve. Chengdu wants Su Shen to open a live broadcast.

The whole network is calling for Su Shen to open a live broadcast to teach experience.

Su Hao learned of what happened on Weibo only when he returned to Villa 20.

"Su Hao, now people all over the world are calling for you to publish a book and open a live broadcast. You are even more popular than a big star." Du Ruomeng teased.

"Publish a book, start a live broadcast, what the hell?" Su Hao questioned.

Du Ruomeng said: "You know it by reading Weibo."

Su Hao opened Weibo and Du Ruomeng continued talking.

"In the beginning, some young people who wanted to start a business wanted you to publish a book to impart experience, and finally caused a discussion across the Internet, and eventually it turned into a live broadcast for you to talk about experience."

Su Hao swiped Weibo for a few minutes, and saw all comments from @他让开live, and his face was speechless.

"These people are really boring."

Du Ruomeng laughed and said, "This is normal. The 20-year-old man in the world has more than one trillion assets. Who doesn't want to learn from your experience."

"Yes, it took less than three years to build a trillion-dollar business empire. Who doesn't believe in learning experience, I want to learn." Zhang Mengqi agreed.

Su Hao smiled evilly: "Mengqi, you want to learn to speak early, and I will teach you the experience in the evening."

Zhang Mengqi understood Su Hao's meaning in a second, and Su Hao glanced at him, and said: "I don't want you to teach your experience alone, I can't bear it."

"Meng Qi, fortunately you reacted, otherwise you would be miserable." Du Ruomeng smiled.

"Only the concubine knows how you made so much money in just three years." Du Ruomeng said with emotion.

Concubine Yuan Xue said: "I don't understand either. Although I walked with Su Shao, I didn't participate in many of them. I was just a witness."

Su Hao said: "If you don't witness, I can have today's achievements and have your share of credit. Without you, I would definitely not have today's success."

"Because of you, I am full of motivation, and it is because I want to give you the best happiness, I want to stand at the top of the world."

Concubine Yuan Xue and her daughters were all moved by Su Hao's affectionate words. Even Li Rongrong was moved and sank directly.

"Just you can talk, I love to hear what you say." Du Ruomeng took Su Hao's arm and said, "Then you plan to publish books and broadcast live?"

Su Hao directly said: "Just publish a book. I don't have that leisure. As for the live broadcast, I can consider it, but I don't have much experience to say. I have a talent that others can't learn."

"Bang Se." The girls all gave Su Hao a stern look.

Su Hao said, "What I said is the truth."

"You all know what I do, do you learn it?"

Du Ruomeng said: "If I can't learn, my IQ won't allow me to learn."

"Ha ha."

Everyone laughed.

Su Hao asked Zhou Xue: "How about YY live broadcast now?"

Zhou Xue replied: "Very good. Although there are other companies engaged in live broadcasting, the traffic is very different from that of YY live broadcast. YY live broadcast occupies 90% of the traffic in the live broadcast market."

"Currently, YY live broadcast has more than 100 million users, and the daily traffic is 50 million. After all, live broadcast is a new industry, and many people don't like to watch live broadcast very much."

Su Hao said: "It is good to have 50 million traffic. If there is no YY backflow, it would be super awesome to have 10 million traffic."

"Well, I will start a live broadcast, but to face the global market."

"Make the overseas version of YY Live Broadcast as soon as possible. After the overseas version of YY Live Broadcast is completed, I will start a live broadcast on YY, and let YY Live broadcast directly open the world market."

"This is okay, as long as you open the live broadcast, you can definitely make YY live broadcast open the world market." Du Ruomeng extremely agreed.

Zhou Xue's daughters also echoed.

In this way, Su Hao decided to start a live broadcast and also announced the news on Weibo.

After the overseas version of YY Live Broadcast is launched, I will start a live broadcast on YY Live. The time is to be determined. Please remember to join in at that time.

Fans and netizens couldn't help but scream when they saw Su Hao's Weibo.

At that moment, there were excited shouts from all over the country.

"Ahhhh, Su Shen really agreed to start the live broadcast, haha, I am so happy, this time I must move the bench in advance and wait for Su Shen's live broadcast."

"¨` God Su is really a good person, I know that God Su will agree to our petition, but any simple request will be agreed to God Su. It is nothing for God Su to open a live broadcast, God Su will definitely agree. ."

"Haha, I'm so looking forward to it, Su Shen, I must find time for the weekend. Most of the weekends have time."

"Su Shen will consider this issue, don't worry."

"Now I'm waiting for the overseas version of YY live broadcast to go online. Su Shen is going to take care of the people all over the world."

"That's for sure. Not only are we Long Guo people looking forward to the live broadcast of Su Shen, netizens all over the world are looking forward to it, but that's good, Haoyu Group has one more product that is popular all over the world."

"Yeah, this live broadcast of Su Shen completely allows YY to open the world market, and even spread all over the world. Su Shen is really amazing. A simple live broadcast will bring a product to the fire. Su Shen is awesome."

"Calm down, calm down, this is just a basic operation, haha."

"Yes, calm down, this is just a basic operation."

Su Hao’s announcement of the live broadcast has made people all over the world look forward to it. Many business leaders are looking forward to Su Hao’s live broadcast. They all want to hear Su Hao’s experience.

The high level of the country also noticed Su Hao's Weibo.

The second elder directly called Su Hao.

"Su Hao, are you broadcasting this live broadcast for people all over the world?"

Su Hao: "Yes, Grandpa Su, this live broadcast is aimed at people from all over the world. I plan to briefly talk about some of my experience with you."

Grandpa Su: "Well, you can handle the so-called experience. I guess even if yours is too profound, everyone will not understand it."

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, in fact, I don't have much experience to say, and everyone who I know can't learn it."

Grandpa Su: "You stinky boy."

"I am calling this time to promote the Dragon Kingdom during the live broadcast and increase the impression of the Dragon Kingdom in the hearts of people all over the world."

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, don't worry, I will definitely promote a wave of Long Kingdom (of the king's money). I will briefly introduce the famous scenery and cultural characteristics of Long Kingdom."

Grandpa Su: "You are interested."

Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, you are polite, I am also from Longguo."

At the end of the call, Su Hao briefly prepared something to gain a deeper understanding of the scenery and cultural characteristics of Long Country.

YY soon developed an overseas version of YY live broadcast.

The whole network is urging, YY can only work overtime to create an overseas version of YY live broadcast.

December 30.

The overseas version of YY is officially launched.

Haoyu Group promoted in all channels, and the users of YY overseas version increased rapidly.

People took the initiative to help YY live broadcast, saying that Su Shen will open a live chat on YY live to talk about experience.

As a result, the number of users of YY Live has surged, and many people are downloading YY Live, looking forward to Su Shen's live broadcast.

Talented people from abroad have also joined the ranks of anchors. Game anchors and talent anchors are increasing rapidly.

These people see that the anchor of YY Live Long Country can make money, and they will naturally not let go of this opportunity to make money.

Especially Sushen will return to the live broadcast immediately. At that time, the traffic of YY live broadcast will definitely increase crazily. After Sushen's live broadcast is over, those traffic will fall on other YY live broadcasters, and it will be difficult not to make money at that time.

After the overseas version of YY live broadcast was launched, people all over the world looked forward to Su Hao's live broadcast.

"Su Shen, when will the live broadcast start?"

"Su Shen, let's talk about it, when will the live broadcast start? Freeze the time."

"Su Shen, hurry up and give me an accurate time. I can't sleep because of this for the past few days."

The whole network is shouting Su Hao to confirm the live broadcast time.

In the end Su Hao decided on the time of the live broadcast.

The live broadcast is scheduled at 8pm on January 1, 2005. .

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