Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1045: One thousand and fifty seven

Seeing Yang Lan’s fright, Chi Shuyan comforted: “It’s best not to fall in love this year. You can try it next year. I will give you a few safety charms and transfer charms at that time, so you can touch them at all times. To your destiny!"

Yang Lan just recovered from the irritation and fright, with joy and gratitude on her face: "Shuyan, thank you! Thank you!"

At this time the box door was pushed open, and the waiter began to serve the food. Chi Shuyan saw that the little guy led by Li Yu and the little guy Han Yu brought the food, very helpless. When the waiter was serving, she let the two children sit at the table together Don't serve food for dinner.

Li Yu uncharacteristically said seriously: "This king wants to make money for you!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Yang Lan and Zhen Yu were bloodied by the cute little guy Li Yu, especially when they heard that the handsome guy said he wanted to make money for Shu Yan, the two of them looked envious and hated.

Zhen Yu was okay, she found the real man, but Yang Lan thought of her rotten peach and fate, and looking at Shuyan, it was always a handsome guy who attracted him, from the Qi family to Mr. Qi, and down to the exquisite and beautiful little handsome guy. Envy's eyes were red, but seeing how close this child and Shuyan looked, Yang Lan blurted out: "Shuyan, isn't this the son you just gave birth to with Mr. Qi?"

As soon as the words fell, Chi Shuyan’s mouth twitched, and Yang Lan knew that she was talking nonsense. How could Shuyan have such a young son at this age, unless she had a relationship with Mr. Qi from the Qi family at the age of 13 or 4 How can this be possible, kid?

Zhen Yu said at this time: "Maybe it is Shuyan's younger brother!"

Chi Shuyan smiled at this time and said, "It is indeed my brother!"

"This king is not your younger brother!" She is his princess.

Soon, the scent of the dishes on the table made Yang Lan and Zhen Yu no time to think about the relationship between the two children and Shuyan. Both of them were attracted by the rich dishes on the table and swallowed their saliva. His face sighed: "Shuyan, wouldn't this restaurant be yours? No matter how good we eat before, haven't we been so rich?"

It seems that many dishes on the table are not on the restaurant menu.

Even Chi Shuyan hasn’t eaten Li Yuchu’s food for a long time. She couldn’t help swallowing her mouth after smelling the scent. She replied, “I didn’t open it, but the chef of this restaurant has some friendship and relationships with me. Let go of your stomachs. If you don’t eat enough, order more, don’t worry about spending more money, you can still eat!

As soon as this table of dishes came up, Yang Lan completely forgot about the upcoming relationship and seeing the face, watching the crispy fragrant mango quail rolls, pearl king crab, agate fishballs, and oily crispy fish on the table followed one by one. Yang Lan and Zhen Yu were dazzled and gulped.

Both of them are foodies, and they don’t care about talking anymore, and they’re no longer polite to pick up the chopsticks and gobble them up. Just a bite, the taste is absolutely amazing. The two people who ate have both wanted to cry. You can't eat such good dishes in just one meal.

And they have eaten a lot of good dishes in this restaurant before, but last time it tasted delicious and delicious, but it was so different from this time, Yang Lan couldn't help but directly said what was in his heart: "Shu Yan, I now really believe that you have something to do with the chef of this restaurant. Last time we ate in the restaurant, although the food was delicious, it was not as delicious as it is today!"

After saying this, Yang Lan continued to eat frantically, the chopsticks could not stop.

The speed and posture of Zhen Yu, who has always been reserved and restrained, is not much better than Yang Lan, and she moves the chopsticks faster.

Chi Shuyan was also happy to see that the two of them were eating with relish and gobbled up. After listening to Yang Lan's words, he also understood that the last time they came to eat, I am afraid that they were not eating dishes made by Li Yuchu himself. After all, there are too many people in the restaurant, Li Yuchu does not It may be done one by one.

At this time, the little guy Li Yu couldn't help but said proudly, "Of course, these are all the dishes that Grandpa Li personally cooked for Shu Yan!"

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