Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1056: One thousand and sixty eight

Jiang Duoxin said that although they are all talisman paper, can the talisman of those liars compare with Master Chi's?

At this moment, Jiang Duo didn’t care about concealing good things, for fear that some of his friends wouldn’t listen to him and would die. Thinking of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua’s corpses, Jiang Duo felt a little uncomfortable, and suddenly said seriously: "Just now you looked at this man. Master Chi is young, but he has real abilities. Do you still remember my grandfather's illness?"

Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao naturally remembered Jiang Duo's dead aunt and nodded immediately.

Xiao Ningjin looked at Jiang Duo more.

Just listen to Jiang Duo said: "Then you still remember my interception of Hu Yunfeng Nourishing Dan!"

Several people nodded immediately.

"Actually, my grandfather was really in very bad health at the time. Many authoritative doctors told my parents that my grandpa would not survive for a few days. Later, I was a dead horse doctor, and my grandfather accidentally ate Master Chi’s house. The moisturizing pill bought in Taobao shop, after taking a few perfect pills, my grandfather will be fine!" Jiang Duoxin said that more than half, his grandfather took one pill and it was more than half of it. The moisturizing pill has been taken until a few days ago. It's darker and younger than a lot of years. What his grandfather likes most in the morning is to go outside to find an old lady to dance the square dance. Every day when he comes home, he praises Zirundan as a good thing.

Because of his grandfather’s illness, his dad really doesn’t say he is trash now. He plays with him and his dad doesn’t care. The only condition is that he has to stay in front of the computer and stay up late to buy good things from Master Chi’s house. .

Every time he snapped up a good item, his family would give him money.

He won't say much about these nonsense, Jiang Duo summed it up in one sentence: "Anyway, I think Master Chi is a capable person. I'm willing to give this Fulu more money."

Don't say he is willing, his father, mother, and grandfather are definitely willing, and they want to let him buy more.

Besides, these talismans weren't bought for tens of millions of dollars. Didn't you hear that Master Chi said that these exorcism talismans are discounted and given for free?

This thing can be hidden well, it is a life-saving thing, he planned to have this jade medal on his neck, it should be very safe, these talisman should go home and give it to his parents and grandpa!

Jiang Duo should have said it and said it, and regardless of the other people's belief or not, he said that if he didn't believe it, he couldn't help it. Xiao Ningjin suddenly said to Jiang Duo: "I will give you money to buy the talisman in your hand!"

Jiang Duo didn't even want to refuse directly. These are all priceless treasures in the market. When he takes home, his father will give more money. Who cares about Xiao Ningjin's money?

Seeing Jiang Duo's refusal very quickly, Xiao Ningjin shrank his pupils, and quickly said, "Anyway, you have that baby on your neck. You probably won't need this talisman. Besides, if you are deceived, I will suffer more. !" When it comes to the end, Xiao Ningjin is a bit bitter.

"Ning Jin, do you really believe in the nonsense of Aduo?" Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying said in unison.

Jiang Duo said in his heart that Master Chi used his head as a testimony to this talisman. He was absolutely not fake. He said, "By the way, don't you believe me? Or I will spend 200,000 yuan to buy you one! The one in your hand! Five talisman, I will spend one million to buy it! How about?"

As soon as Jiang Duo's words fell, Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao were very moved. Recently, the two of them were a bit poor and crazy, and mosquito legs are also meat.

As if seeing the expressions of the two people next to him, Jiang Duo said: "Yes, you can sell me all the talisman in the hands of you who don't believe it, one for two hundred thousand."

In the end, although Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao did not fully believe in them, they still felt that their fate was more important. They could not withstand Xiao Ningjin’s lobbying. They gritted their teeth and sold one each to Xiao Ningjin. As for the other four talisman, two People are still hiding well.

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