Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1058: One thousand and seventy

Wei Panyang was inexplicably surprised by Shi Ran's hands and feet. He poured cold water on his forehead. Jin Ming heard Shi Ran's shout from a distance and strode over to see Wei Shao's pale face and rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth and said: "What the **** can there be in this daytime? Shi Ran, you can scare yourself by yourself. Why do you scare Shao Wei?"

Jin Ming continued: "If you can see a ghost in this big day, I will cut your head off!"

Wei Panyang's expression improved a lot when he heard Jin Ming's words. He was always arrogant and didn't like others to see his weaknesses. When he thought that he was scared like that by Shi Ran's words.

Wei Panyang's complexion is not very good-looking and a bit stiff. He felt that he would be frightened just now because of Shi Ran's yin and yang strangeness. When he looked sideways, he saw his face pale, his forehead gradually exuded fine cold sweat, and a few drops of sweat ooze from the tip of his nose. , With a look of horror and shouting "Ghost" is very bluffing.

Wei Panyang glanced at the big sun in the sky and rolled his eyes. Fang Yinglong came over at this time. Shi Ran's pupils were tightened and he could still vaguely see the vaguely swollen shadow behind Fang Yinglong. The wet water fell on the ground under Fang Yinglong's feet. Quickly dried by the sun again, Shi Ran trembled all over, resisting the exclamation, turned and ran away.

This time Wei Panyang didn't keep up. Shi Ran looked ugly and ran away from a distance. He couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, what's wrong with this kid?"

Jin Ming rolled his eyes and said, "What else? I guess I was shocked by what I imagined. Since Wang Yu died, this kid has probably been stimulated too much. There is something abnormal here!"

Jin Ming pointed his head as he said, Wei Panyang and Yingyang Long heard the name "Wang Yu" this time, but they didn't agree with Jin Ming, and their expressions were a bit ugly.

"Shao Wei, Ying Long, let's go first!" Jin Ming subconsciously put his hand behind Fang Yinglong. He probably touched something wet and cursed: "Damn, Ying Long, how come your clothes are wet? Where did mom go before?"

Fang Yinglong heard what Jin Ming said, and he reached out and touched it. He found that his clothes were indeed a little wet. He immediately took off his coat, but there was water stains. He didn't think much about it, before returning to Jin Ming's words: "How the **** did I know? Where is it?"

Wei Panyang touched it too, feeling a bit wet indeed: "It's okay, the sun is big, it will dry out immediately after the sun is exposed!"

Reaction Dragon nodded: "What Shao Wei said is that I think so too!"

Fang Yinglong put his coat on his shoulders: "Shao Wei, Jin Ming, where are we going now? Shi Ran really doesn't care?"

"Where can people run and lose in this big day?" Jin Ming didn't care. Besides, it is impossible for Shi Ran to be an adult who wants them to watch all the time.

"Let's go, let's play billiards first, and we won't be drunk at night!" Yinglong suggested.

Because of the deaths of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua, several of them didn't have a good time. Today, the three of them made up their minds to be happy.

On weekdays, Li Wei Pan Yang and Shi Ran still have a good relationship, so they should send an address message to each other.

Fang Yinglong and Jin Ming nodded: "Come, we will send him a WeChat in a moment!"

Chi Shuyan just walked to the gate of the school. When looking at the scenery along the way, she accidentally saw an acquaintance who rushed over and had only one side. Her memory has always been good, so she recognized that the person who was running in a hurry in the distance was not today. Who is Shi Ran who met at noon?

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