Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1066: One thousand and seventy nine

The more Feng Yuanlin looked at Shuyan's expression, the more likely it was. No wonder Shuyan suddenly invited him to dinner alone. The more Feng Yuanlin's brain was filled, the more worried he became. At this time, he said: "Shuyan, tell me what about that boy Zhenbai Bullying you? I must take your side to vent your anger!"

Chi Shuyan was very helpless for Brother Feng's brain. She said: "Brother Feng, there is something to do with you. I want to ask Brother Feng and Qin Qing what are your plans?"

After Chi Shuyan said this sentence, seeing Brother Feng heard the word ‘Qin Qing’, his face changed a little.

Chi Shuyandang did not see the discoloration on Brother Feng’s face, and squinted, “Brother Feng, let’s be honest. I’ve never liked this woman Qin Qing. If you really want to marry this woman Qin Qing, I think I plan to prepare. I have broken up with you."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, Chi Shuyan's tone deliberately was a little bit half ridiculous, half a joke and a bit serious, and Feng Yuanlin's expression was startled.

He looked at Shuyan a few more times, and for a moment he was not sure whether Shuyan's last sentence was true or false, and he didn't understand that Shuyan was suddenly so concerned about his relationship with Qin Qing.

Although Feng Yuanlin has a rigorous personality on weekdays, sometimes he still likes to watch some dog-blood dramas when he is free. For fear that Shuyan would suddenly say something about him, Feng Yuanlin thought so and said so. Of course, he ridiculed his tone and said with a horrified expression: "Damn, Shuyan, your next sentence is not to say that you empathize with Zhenbai and don't fall in love with me?"

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Feng Yuanlin continued: "Although Brother Feng knows that Brother Feng is very good and recruits people, Shuyan, if you empathize and don't fall in love with Brother Feng, there is nothing wrong with that boy Zhenbai. Good fruit for me to eat, I can't stand Brother Feng! But on the other hand, it also shows that Brother Feng, I am better than your man, right?"

Chi Shuyan couldn't help rolling his eyes, and saw that Brother Feng was indeed in a good mood today. He was relieved that he was not affected by Qin Qing.

Feng Yuanlin sighed with relief when he looked at Shu Yan's expression. He said that Shu Yan only had Zhen Bai under his eyes. How could he really have a crush on him?

I also thought that Qin Qing once satirized Shuyan in a disguised form and was not at ease with his hospitality, cold face, and soon recovered.

To tell the truth, the more he looks at Zhenbai, the more envious he is. Let’s not say that Shuyan is very capable at her young age. The most important thing is that this girl has not so deep feelings for Zhenbai. He knew that Zhenbai was the same at first. Yan is in love, and she is also worried that Shuyan is too young and uncertain, not suitable for Zhenbai.

Now think about it, although Shu Yan is young, she has a very mature personality. She has never worried Zhenbai much, and there is no ambiguous man beside her, who always treats Zhenbai wholeheartedly.

He has only now discovered that the uncertainty and deserving of time really have nothing to do with age. It depends on whether you have this mind.

The right person is the most suitable person.

Thinking of this, he really felt a little envious and envy for the luck of this kid, Zhenbai, of course, besides envy and jealousy, he was more happy for his brother.

Speaking of feelings, Feng Yuanlin subconsciously felt annoyed and touched the cigarette case in his pocket, and soon thought that Shuyan was in front of him. Feng Yuanlin put the cigarette case back in again. Chi Shuyan saw Brother Feng's little move and raised his lips. : "Brother Feng, if you want to smoke, just smoke, I'm fine!"

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