Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1076: One thousand and eighty nine

Qi Zhenbai was seduced by his wife's unconscious behavior and took a deep breath. After seeing her drunk, her speech was still clear, and her expression was somewhat surprised and somewhat surprised.

Only when he heard that his wife had only a few words with his father-in-law, he had to take the phone in his hand and talk to his future father-in-law.

"Dad! What do you want to say?" Qi Zhenbai was somewhat familiar with his father-in-law, but his tone was calm.

Over there, Chi Lingyan choked when he heard the familiar ‘dad’ of Qi Zhenbai, but before the military district, this kid had often called him ‘dad’ directly.

Chi's father accepted it quickly. Thinking that Yan Yan had just talked to him about the door-to-door son-in-law, he couldn't help wondering if the two children had quarreled. Wait, his daughter is still with this kid at this late hour? Chi's father thought about the possibility of two people living together. At this time, it was confirmed that they were living together. Chi's father could not help but felt a little irritated. For a while, he forgot about the quarrel between the two, and suddenly asked in a cold voice, "Yan Yan did not. Live on campus?"

Qi Zhenbai:...

Qi Zhenbai's questioning of his father-in-law is indeed somewhat guilty. On the one hand, his wife is indeed young. He takes the perspective of his father-in-law and thinks about it if one day another man abducts his daughter-in-law so early, he must beat him. Break the opponent's leg.

Thinking of this, Qi Zhenbai shuddered, did not directly admit or deny it, and said, "Yan Yan is drunk!"

Chi's father snorted coldly, and didn't want to really pursue whether the two were living together. He breathed a sigh of relief if they didn't live together. If the two really lived together, Chi's father felt unable to breathe after thinking about it.

The only good thing is that even though he didn’t have a good face to Qi Zhenbai before, he had to admit that the other party really took care of Yan Yan and was calm and mature. With the performance of this kid in the military district, he really gave Yan Yan to this kid. , He is also relieved that being older has the benefit of being older, and being older at least knows how to hurt people.

Chi father thought about it, thinking that his daughter likes what this kid likes, and he doesn't bother to intervene in the lives of the two young people. If one day this kid is really not responsible for Yan Yan, then the old and new accounts will be calculated together.

Chi's father didn't talk to Qi Zhenbai for a long time, so he hung up the phone. Qi Zhenbai put his mobile phone on the edge of the bed. Seeing his wife's eyes sparkling only when he didn't speak, his heart was softened.

He lifted the quilt and went to bed. Seeing his wife still looking at him with sparkling eyes, the man's low tone sounded: "Not going to sleep?"

"What did my father say?"

"Go to bed first!"

"Oh!" Chi Shuyan fell asleep obediently.

Qi Zhenbai hadn't **** her pockets just now. As soon as she moved, the whole bathrobe spread out, revealing the white and snow-white skin, Qi Zhenbai's blood rose up.

He was still reluctant to toss people tonight, and wanted to see how his wife was drunk. He pulled the clothes to cover them quietly, and asked quietly, "Then what did you say to your dad?"

After a long while, Chi Shuyan seemed to understand the meaning of the man in front of him, and suddenly said, "Are you willing to come and be my father's son-in-law?"

Qi Zhenbai:...

"After I am married, my dad is alone, so I told my dad that I want to find him a son-in-law!" After Chi Shuyan was drunk, there seemed to be a lot of things to say. Seeing the man in front of him hadn't spoken for a long time, thinking he would not She was willing to be her son-in-law and nodded and said: "If you don't agree, I'll look for someone else."

After speaking, Chi Shuyan raised a smile and said with some pride: "Uncle Wei and Aunt Chang always say that his family has too many sons, and that several brothers from the Wei family can join the family! There are others!"

Qi Zhenbai:...

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