Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1080: One thousand and ninety three

Jin Mingxin said that seeing Shi Ran's appearance just now really frightened him, but he was just fooling him, looking for some ghost master, it is better to find the police.

Although the deaths of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua were a bit weird, he thought there was a ghost at first, but since Lu Yunfeng took them to an eighteen or nine-year-old female liar, he heard the female liar talk nonsense about what dirty things they encountered. He didn't believe what the **** they really encountered.

Jin Ming hurriedly said honestly: "Master Wei, what I said just now was purely fooling Shi Ran, that kid really frightened me, Master Wei, I think Wang Yu is wrong these days. The stimulus of Shen Zhihua’s death, coupled with the fact that the female liar has been brainwashing Shi Ran, it’s not surprising that he believes in those superstitions. At present, we have to look at Shi Ran and don’t let Shi Ran’s kid come in contact with the late female liar, so as not to Deceived!"

Wei Panyang and Jin Ming thought about the same, and felt that Shi Ran's appearance just now should indeed be stimulated, but thinking of the appearance of Shi Ran's excitement, Wei Panyang was inexplicably frightened and frightened, and this frightened him. I can't tell what's going on, it's just my intuition that something big will happen, and then think about the weird death of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua.

Wei Panyang shuddered suddenly, thinking about it and thinking that life is more important, and suddenly said: "Jin Ming, do you really go to which temple to find a Taoist or master?"

Jin Ming:...

Jin Ming felt that it was an insult to let him go to the temple to find Taoist priests and masters. If other acquaintances see him, he should not get confused. He was naturally unhappy, but he persuaded him, "Master Wei, what is it to find a Taoist monk? Others? When I saw it, I thought I was sick! Besides, what kind of society is there now, where are ghosts possible? As for Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua, haven't the police explained them all?"

For fear that Wei Panyang would really ask him to find some master or Taoist priest, Jin Ming immediately shifted Wei Panyang’s attention and said: "Wei Shao, by the way, we have not resolved the matter with Jiang Shao. Although we had some conflicts last time, Everyone is brothers, so what is it to be froze for a female liar? How about when should I contact Shao Jiang to get together and get together?"


Wei Panyang was distracted by Jin Ming's words and nodded in agreement.

After the two parted ways at the entrance of the hotel, Jin Ming thought of the little lady who had cursed him just now, and took out his mobile phone to call 110 to inform each other.

It's a pity that although he remembered that the other party was from Yenching University, he really didn't remember the other party's name and where the professional class was.

Jin Ming was not reconciled, he just had to grit his teeth.

But what came to mind, Jin Ming returned to the hotel’s Shi Ran door. Seeing Shi Ran lying on the bed, he took out his mobile phone first. Because the relationship was good, everyone would switch to mobile phones on weekdays. Jin Ming still knew Shi Ran’s screensaver password. Enter it, open the telephone address book, and see that there is no phone number of the female liar, he is a little unwilling.

Shi Ran didn't save her number, how did she get in touch with that little lady before?

Jin Ming remembered his grudges, and made up his mind that the little lady would not want to swindle a dime from them. In the end, Jin Ming still found a yellow paper talisman from Shi Ran. Seeing a phone number written on it, he laughed coldly, and his eyes flashed with disdain. , Shi Ran, this irritated kid would believe in this kind of innocent scam trick. He directly shifted the yellow paper talisman into a ball and threw it into the trash bag bucket. He stepped on a few more feet before leaving!

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