Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1088: One thousand one hundred and one

Feng Yuanlin didn't really understand what Shu Yan meant at the beginning? I don’t know what Shuyan’s ‘things not to do’ refers to? I always felt that her question made him puzzled.

I thought that last night was also the first time he saw Shuyan drunk, but Shuyan's wine was really good, and when he was drunk, he would laugh at people, quietly and very painful, no wonder Zhen Bai liked her so much.

It is said that the character is seen after drinking, whether it is a woman or a man.

Seeing that Brother Feng hadn't spoken for a long time, Chi Shuyan and others almost squirted blood out of his throat, very doubting that he was too shameless about what Feng Brother did last night, so it was too difficult for Brother Feng to tell?

At this moment, Brother Feng suddenly said: "Which one do you mean?"

Chi Shuyan just sat on the sofa, pouring water to suppress her shock, and just fed the cup to his mouth, Feng Ge suddenly said, not only was Chi Shuyan sprayed out of fright, but also choked on her own saliva and his coughed cheeks were flushed. , Feng Ge just said that she didn't just do something to him "crossing the boundary"? Do other shameless things?

Cough, cough, cough..., Chi Shuyan thought about this, and felt that she had no face to see people, and even more faceless to see Brother Feng. She knew she would lose the chain after being drunk. She would not dare to drink anything with Brother Feng when she was killed?

Her wine is so bad?

Feng Yuanlin over there heard Shuyan's earth-shattering cough after another sentence, and was startled, and asked her what's wrong? what happened?

"No...things, cough cough...Feng brother!" Chi Shuyan was moved to do something'shameless', and brother Feng had a very good attitude towards her. He didn't even call her black and was willing to give it. She has a chance!

After finally coughing, Chi Shuyan didn't have the courage to ask Feng Ge what shameful things he had done. She lay on the sofa and weakly explained: "Feng Ge, I didn't mean it last night!"

Feng Yuanlin thought that Shuyan was talking about drunkenness, nodded and said, "I know! It's okay!"

Chi Shuyan looked grateful and complicated. She was grateful for Brother Feng's magnanimity and heart, and complicated her bad wine and character after being drunk. After being drunk, she even hooked up with her old acquaintance Feng Brother?

She once thought about her wine when she was drunk, but she never expected her wine to be so bad?

Fortunately, she was acquainted with Feng Ge when she drank and hooked up last night. Feng Ge still trusted her character and did not take her actions seriously, but how many people did she hook up last night?

With the affirmation of Brother Feng, she originally wanted to ask herself if she was seen by Qi Zhenbai when she hooked up after drinking. But now she doesn’t have the courage to ask about the process anymore. No wonder Qi Zhenbai ignored her today. His eyes were not eyes, and her nose was not a nose. He just thought that the man would take the initiative to pick up vegetables for her. Too soft and too good.

Chi Shuyan was sure that Qi Zhenbai was really angry, but there should still be room for a change of heart. She made up her mind to behave well these days and let the thing last night pass directly.

"Shuyan, why don't you speak anymore?"

"Brother Feng, I'm really sorry last night, you... are you okay!" Chi Shuyan is really afraid that his cross-border behavior will cause any shadow to Brother Feng. If he doesn't like it because of her and Qin Qing in the future. The woman is guilty!

Feng Yuanlin didn’t understand why Shuyan kept apologizing tonight. He just wanted to speak, and the Feng’s mother over there opened the door and said, “Yuan Lin, you can leave that child A Qing, but the baby in her belly, you Can't leave it alone!"

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