Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1090: One thousand one hundred and three

Feng Yuanlin really didn't have any thoughts to say anything to Shuyan because of the seal of his mother. The two didn't say anything for a while and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan realized that Brother Feng hadn't talked with Qin Qing clearly, and he had also gotten involved with her mother. When thinking of her mother, Chi Shuyan felt a little emotional that it was not easy to seal brother.

When she hung up the phone, she glanced and found that she had been talking to Brother Feng for more than half an hour. She got up and got ready to take a bath. She had to get up early to go to school tomorrow morning. She didn’t know that Qi Zhenbai would be there tomorrow morning. Will not send her to school.

Just coming out of the shower, Chi Shuyan wrapped it in a bath towel.

The big bright light on the ceiling of the bedroom was turned off, and only two small table lamps were turned on. The tall man didn't know when to enter the room and leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. The orange light fell on the man's cold face.

The man seemed to be a little irritable when he looked at him. The buttons on the collar of his shirt were loosened one by one, his eyebrows were a bit tired, and he closed his eyes to wonder if he was really asleep or having a nap.

Thinking of what happened last night, she was somewhat guilty and embarrassed. Who made her do something wrong? Doing something wrong after drunk is also doing something wrong. With her brows and eyes a little to please, she walked over and patted the man on the shoulder. If this man is really sleepy, it will be done in bed.

Before she dropped her hand on the man's shoulder, her wrist was suddenly grasped by a strong force. The man opened his eyes, and Leng Ruihan opened his guarded eyes: "Who?"

Chi Shuyan felt a sharp pain in her wrist, and when she met the man's indifferent eyes, she made an inexplicable cry in her heart, and replied with a somewhat flattering smile on her brows: "Me! Are you sleepy? Do you want to go to bed? Or? Planning to take a shower in the bathroom? I will put you bath water?"

When Qi Zhenbai saw the woman in front of him, he immediately relieved the strength in his hand, then let go of his hand, his face still pale, his face was neither good nor bad, he got up and nodded to her faintly: "Don't worry, I have something to do, you first sleep!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan realized that this man was really angry this time, and really planned to fight her coldly?

Otherwise, no matter how busy this man is, he would put things in front of her.

Chi Shuyan didn't feel wronged, only felt that she was sad and urged to get her drunk. This would be a big deal if she didn't drink!

She wanted to explain to this man what happened last night, but she didn't even know what happened last night. She just felt that the man's mood became more abnormal. I am afraid that she was drunk and made trouble last night!

Chi Shuyan wiped the cold sweat that just broke out of his forehead, and for the first time deeply understood the meaning of the word ‘death’. For a while, I really didn’t know what to do? I can't explain, I can only coax the man slowly.

But how to coax people, she has only coaxed children, as for an adult or an adult man like Qi Zhenbai, she really doesn’t know how to coax, so she simply sat on the sofa and took out her mobile phone. Baidu didn’t think much about it and sent a Tianya help post: After getting drunk, he accidentally sent a boyfriend to his own boyfriend and made a cross-border thing, and was "catched" by his boyfriend on the spot. How to coax people back!

After Chi Shuyan posted this post anonymously, she kept staring at her phone, hoping that the netizen could give her some way. I didn’t know if the post was finished, but many people commented, but they all scolded her. Yes, some netizens said that even the woman who hooked up with her boyfriend’s best buddy had a small character, and her character could not improve. They persuaded Qi Zhenbai to kick her quickly, or she

Conscience is repentant, it's best to let her boyfriend go, and find another man to make do!

Chi Shuyan:...

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