Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1094: One thousand one hundred and seven

Wei Panyang didn’t expect Jiang Duo to be so persistent to Shi Ran’s coming over. Before Shi Ran called and said that he was not in good health, he didn’t want to come. He looked at Fang Yinglong and his expression was not so good. Not coming, but Jiang Duo insisted.

Wei Panyang reluctantly explained: "Shi Ran said he was not feeling well, so he didn't have time to come over!"

"No, I'm going to see that kid tonight. Besides, aren't everyone all brothers? What's wrong with missing someone?" Jiang Duo said.

Compared with Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao, and Xiao Ningjin have a good relationship with Shi Ran on weekdays. Shi Ran has a good personality and everyone plays well. At this moment, Xiong Luoying and others also say what is wrong with missing someone?

Wei Panyang couldn't talk about Shi Ran cursing Fang Yinglong's death in front of Fang Yinglong, so he got up and went to call Shi Ran again.

Not long after, Jiang Duo's cell phone rang. He glanced around and saw that it was his dad's phone. He didn't dare to go home because of dirty things these days. It was strange that he didn't call at home.

At this time, Xiong Luoying and Xiao Ningjin came over and saw Father Jiang's phone number. The boys looked surprised: "Jiang Xiaoduo, your father's phone number?"

Chang Hao subconsciously worried: "Aduo, your dad won't call and scold you and let you go home by the way!"

When Chang Hao finished speaking, Xiong Luoying and Xiao Ningjin were also a little worried.

After all, the relationship between Jiang Duo and Jiang's father was not good. The brothers and brothers knew very well. When they went to Jiang's house, Jiang's father scolded Jiang Xiaoduo for trash in front of them. The relationship between the two fathers and sons shocked them.

However, these days, Jiang Duo has been proud to show them how good his family is to him, including his father who usually gives him money, how good and good he is, the boys have been half-believing.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoduo smiled triumphantly and said to a few people: "It's too late for my dad to treat me well!"

Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, and Xiong Logic suddenly thought of what Jiang Xiaoduo said before about the online shopping that the master's moisturizing pill, to cure Mr. Jiang.

So far, a few people still have doubts about the young girl celestial master whom Jiang Xiaoduo admired very much, but just in case, the boys still brought the talisman they bought from that person. After all, they were bleeding heavily for these yellow paper talisman. , With a idiot, without vomiting blood, it would be better to carry it without any loss.

It's just that there have been no accidents in recent times, which made them wonder if they were thinking about making up for the death of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua.

At this time, Xiao Ningjin suddenly said, "Jiang Xiaoduo, you said that your dad treats you very well, it is better to answer the phone hands-free!"

To be honest, since his grandfather recovered from his illness, coupled with the nourishing pills he snapped up to make his dad's body hurt, his dad has almost changed his personality and his temper has changed, and he has been very good to him.

However, Jiang Duo has a guilty conscience and fear subconsciously without going home or calling these days. After all, the fear of his dad is hidden in his heart over the years.

Seeing Jiang Duo's eyes hesitating, Xiao Ningjin couldn't help but wonder if this kid had teamed up with the little girl to pit them money! It's nonsense to fool them to spend a lot of money on waste paper, and how to cure Mr. Jiang!

At this time, Jiang Duo was forced by a few brothers, so he had to say, "Hands-free, hands-free! You guys stay away from me, don't disturb me calling my dad!"

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