Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1105: One thousand one hundred and eighteen

A group of people just went into a mess and just ran away. At this time, apart from Xiao Ning Jin, a few finally realized that Wei Panyang was still half-dead by the ghost inside.

A few people looked inside, waiting to meet the ugly face that was swollen and swollen with corpses and grinning at them, and then looking at Wei Panyang's dying face, they felt cold and flustered. , Trembling all over.

"What to do? What about the old guard?"

"Yeah, what should the old guard do? Really watch him die?"

Everyone is brothers. Others can't really watch Wei Panyang die. If any other gangster catches Wei Panyang, they still have a fight.

But to rush in and confront such an ugly ghost, no one has the courage, and at a glance, they all have weak legs.

Seeing "Fang Yinglong" turning into such a ghost, several people trembled in their hearts, fearing that they would become like this. How did they get into this thing?

I thought that they might have gotten into such a thing when they drove out to travel before. Why did they regret it in their hearts? Why did they go on a trip in the first place?

Thinking about Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua's sudden death inexplicably before, a few lips trembled, and their faces trembled with horror. They looked at the door and saw that the door hadn't opened yet. Chang Hao couldn't help but said with a pale face: "The door can't be opened yet. Open it? It won't be a while after Wei Panyang's death, we will die, right? I don't want to die!"

In the last sentence, Chang Hao, a big man with a bit of weeping voice, kicked the door with his foot anxiously, but the door was locked with iron and couldn't be opened.

"I don't want to die either!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Others were also anxious. They couldn't open the door and kicked them with their feet, but it was useless at all. Some people took out their mobile phones to make a call and wanted a waiter to open the door. When they took out their mobile phones, not only the mobile phone was black, but it was opened and there was no signal.

Xiong Luoying was lucky. Not only did he turn on his phone, he also got the signal. Xiong Luoying was a little excited and just called out in a low voice. The woman on the other side of the phone gave a sharp squeaky grin: "What can I do?"

The scared Xiong Luoying smashed the phone directly on the spot.

Other people were also terrified.

Shi Ran suddenly changed his face and shouted, "He's out! He's out!"

I saw that the thing in the bathroom threw Wei Panyang, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, on the ground, staggering out stiffly, as the woman's sharp creaking and chuckle mixed with her crying voice, the ceiling lights flashed from time to time, and her body froze at them. Come.

A strong rancid smell and watery smell came.

Including Xiao Ningjin, who was the most courageous, was frightened by the ghost staggering towards them. His face was pale, his hands and feet were soft, and his head was blank.

"My god! Run quickly!" Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying screamed, and the three of them ran away with Shi Ran. When the three of them ran, Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin had to follow.

But this luxurious hall is so big, unless the door is opened, where else can they go?

A few people ran, the thing was chasing behind, chuckling, laughing and crying while chasing, a few scared on the spot wanted to jump from the twenty-odd floors of the balcony, but when they looked down at the height, no one dared to jump. While running, crying and crying loudly for help outside the balcony, the voice was hoarse, but no one responded, and the more the ghost chased the faster, the few people dared not waste their energy and ran desperately.

"Shi Ran!" Jiang Duo suddenly screamed. Everyone looked over and saw that Shi Ran was forced to the corner of the balcony by the thing, and he was bound to die.

Obviously, a group of people found that the ghost seemed to be very grudges, and it seemed that they had been chasing Shi Ran most of the time.

Xiao Ningjin wanted to lure the ghost into chasing him, only to see that the thing glanced at him sharply, put his eyes on Shi Ran, who was pale and weak to the ground, twisted his face and grinned smugly: "Grab It's you!"

Shi Ran was cold and horrified by the swollen and ugly ghost, and trembling with his hands on the wall next to him: "No! No! Don't..."

"Caught you! Caught you!"

Shi Ran's legs trembled softly. Seeing the thing coming towards him, Shi Ran's blood flowed back to his forehead and burst into pieces with a bang. He didn't even think about turning over and wanted to jump over the hotel balcony.

"Shi Ran!" Xiao Ningjin sobbed and shouted.

The ghost was one step faster than Shi Ran. Before he jumped down, he suddenly pinched his neck, his mouth widened and exhilarated with excitement: "I caught you! I finally caught you!"

Xiao Ningjin and a group of people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Shi Ran hadn't jumped down. In a blink of an eye, they saw that something had a sharp dagger in their hands sometime, and they suddenly stabbed Shi Ran wildly and continuously: "Let you run! You run!"

Shi Ran made a scream, but the ghost didn't stop. He stabbed more than a dozen knives to the same place, stabbing and wringing.

With Shi Ran's intestines, his face was covered with bright red blood.

The ghost was licking the blood, a river of blood on the ground, smelling a strong smell of blood, the thing went wild with excitement, and continued stabbing a few more times until Shi Ran's screams became weaker and weaker, and finally did not make any more Any sound.

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao saw Shi Ran's eyes wide open and slumped in a pool of blood. They couldn't believe their eyes were red, and they stared out in horror. Then they looked at the thing holding sharp **** ones. The dagger came towards them

A group of people finally realized the cruel **** of this thing, and they staggered back in a panic, their faces extremely panicked.

Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao swallowed their saliva, they couldn't speak, fingers twitched, Xiong Luoying pulled the stubble close to his brain, crying: "What to do? What to do? Ning Jin, Ah Duo, are we going to die? Are we going to die here tonight! No one can escape?"

A few of the proud men of the sky are in the greenhouse on weekdays. Where have they ever seen such cruel **** scenes, as long as they glance at Shi Ran, who is dying of blood on the ground, the few people are cold from the outside to the bones, and their limbs are full of chills. .

Xiong Luoying glanced at Xiao Ningjin, the calmest one, and stretched out his hand to ask him what to do? When he touched his hand, his hand was as trembling as his hand, and then he touched him, and his hand was trembling even more.

Xiong Luoying couldn't help becoming desperate.

"I don't want to die, my parents are still waiting for me to go home!" Chang Hao suddenly said.

Jiang Duo is usually courageous, but now he was shocked by Shi Ran's death and the thing coming over. Not only did his hands and feet become soft, his urine almost leaked out.

Xiao Ningjin reacted first and asked everyone to scatter quickly. Only in this way can everyone die slowly. No one wants to die. Now it can only depend on fate and luck.

Before the three separated and ran away, Jiang Duo suddenly thought of the Fulu given by Master Chi, and suddenly grabbed Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying who were running slowly.

Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying, who were suddenly caught, were frightened and screamed sharply, for fear that they would be caught by the ghost.

Jiang Duo gritted his teeth and said: "Where is the talisman that Master Chi gave before? Give me one!"

Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying were so scared that they didn't even want to hurry up and said, "Aduo, run quickly! That talisman is useless!"

Just this ghost, what use is that light piece of paper?

"Let you talk nonsense, give me one!" Jiang Duo believed in the Fu Lu given by Master Chi.

As soon as the words fell, before the two of them took out the talisman, Xiao Ningjin also remembered the talisman given by the little girl who claimed to be "Master Chi" before. He was calmer than the others and knew that unless the talisman was really useful today, they would Everyone here is a dead end, it is better to fight.

So when the ghost catches up with him first, he gritted his teeth and took out a talisman from his pocket.

Xiao Ningjin gave no hope after throwing the talisman over. After throwing the talisman, he ran quickly, only hearing a sorrowful scream behind him. When Xiao Ningjin turned his head, he saw'Fang Yinglong' suddenly bursting into darkness, and that face was in'Fang Yinglong' The same woman with long hair and shawl soaked her face to change, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Useful! Useful!" Jiang Duo looked excited when he saw that Ning Jin threw a talisman at the thing that could cause damage to the thing.

Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao didn't expect the yellow paper talisman to be really useful. After a moment of sluggishness, he burst into tears and shouted, "Useful! Useful!"

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