Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1108: Overlord to bow? One more

The Chen team said Wei Panyang and Shi Ran two names.

After hearing the situation of the two of them about the closure of the bureau, Team Chen frowned and said: "The kid surnamed Wei is okay, but he has filled a lot of water in his stomach. It is estimated that he will be able to wake up in a couple of days. It's just a guy named Shi Ran. Boy, I’m afraid it’s not good. Not only did he lose too much blood, but he also suffered too much! The boy suffered no less than twenty dollars!"

The thought of that kid fell in a pool of blood all stabbed out some of his intestines, that is, Team Chen, who has experienced many battles and encountered many things, was a little frightened. What cruel thing this group of boys has caused.

When the fifth middle school incident passed, he also specifically asked Master Chi that the probability of encountering this kind of thing is too small. As long as you are not too sullen in your life, you will encounter this kind of thing almost once or twice.

Team Chen originally thought that the fifth middle school incident would just go so far, but he didn't know how to run into it again.

Team Chen's heart shrank, and suddenly said, "Stop the game, or we should ask Master Chi to have some insurance! After all, if those boys really encounter something like that, our police station can't help it."

Although I don't know how these guys escaped last night, I'm afraid that when the thing entangles a few people, it will be troublesome when something happens at the police station.

Feng Yuanlin nodded: "Sure, I will call Shuyan tomorrow morning. It's too late tonight."

Team Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

When I woke up early the next morning, Chi Shuyan received a call from Brother Feng in a daze. Seeing that there was nothing around him, the man had already got up, Chi Shuyan was a little lost, wait, Feng Brother's call?

Chi Shuyan thought that he might be embarrassed by Feng's cross-border behavior after drinking. Feng Yuanlin didn't know what Chi Shuyan was thinking over there. He looked serious and told him that some of the boys might have died of dirty stuff last night. In the matter of escaping here, by the way, also tell the story of a few boys mentioned about him last night.

"Shuyan, those guys do you know?"

Chi Shuyan’s embarrassment disappeared under what Feng Brother was talking about, and his face gradually became straight. He put on his clothes and answered Brother Feng: “If Feng Brother said Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin, I do know them. Are you okay?"

Feng Yuanlin said that all the boys did not have any trouble in the police station, but the others were not so lucky. The best luck was Wei Panyang.

Wei Panyang’s stomach was filled with a lot of water and nothing happened. She was able to wake up in the past two days. As for the others, Shi Ran was still in the hospital. He was too seriously injured and I don’t know if he can survive. One is called Jin Minghe. Fang Yinglong's person was dead, and the one named Jin Ming was confirmed to have died last night.

But the corpse named Fang Yinglong was a bit weird. He had just died last night, but it was confirmed that his corpse had been dead for a few days, and the corpse was severely swollen.

Hearing what those guys said, they were a bit irritable, but they didn't die yesterday. They called up the surveillance of the clubhouse, and they could see that there was nothing unusual with the last night's surname Fang Yinglong, nor was it like a ghost.

Chi Shuyan didn't know what happened to these people, and it was difficult to judge for a while, but what was certain was that the thing might be wrapped around Fang Yinglong first.

Because there was a class today, Chi Shuyan couldn't go there in the morning. After all, she had asked for leave too many times before, so she had to discuss with Brother Feng to go there at noon.

Feng Yuanlin nodded and agreed: "Shuyan, you come here early, Feng Ge is afraid that I can't stand it!"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "No problem!"

Because of Jiang Duo's encounter with ghosts, Chi Shuyan had forgotten that a certain man ignored her yesterday. She was thinking about it when she washed her teeth and went down the stairs for breakfast.

The Qi family elder son, Qi father, Qi mother and the others once again determined in the morning that Shuyan and Zhenbai did not seem to be in conflict. How could they be so calm about the conflict between the two young people.

After breakfast, Mr. Qi asked Zhenbai to send Shuyan to school.

Before getting on the bus, Qi Hao said that he would bring Hao Xing back today. Chi Shuyan waved his hand and said, "No, I have time to pick him up! It will save you trouble!"

Qi Hao had to give up.

After getting in the car, the car drove for a while, and the atmosphere in the car was very quiet. Twenty minutes later, when the car stopped in front of her school, Chi Shuyan remembered that she didn't seem to have said a word to this man along the way. Looking at the expressionless face of the man in front of him, he finally remembered that this man seemed to be fighting with her last night?

cold war?

Thinking of the two words ‘cold war’, Chi Shuyan couldn’t calm down, just about to speak.

The man next to him had a cold expression and said concisely: "Here you are! Get off the car!"

Chi Shuyan unfastened his seat belt and looked at the expressionless man next to him a few more times. Just as he wanted to speak, the man's low voice sounded again: "It's almost time, why don't you get out of the car?"

Chi Shuyan choked, this man just didn't want to stay with her? She stretched out her hand and raised her wrist, and looked at the time. It was indeed about to start class. She had to keep holding back a lot of words in her heart, twisting the door and nodding, obediently getting out of the car, but when she left, she looked back a little bit three times.

Qi Zhenbai stepped on the accelerator and was about to go to the company. The car window door was knocked suddenly, Qi Zhenbai rolled down the car window and waited to see the familiar and delicate slap face, his complexion did not change much: "What else?"

When Chi Shuyan saw the very cold face of a man in the car window, she couldn't help but feel a little pain. She gritted her teeth and she was willing to give up, and suddenly spit out the words that had been holding back in her heart: "You were not cold to me yesterday. Is it not hot because I was drunk and you saw that I did something that I shouldn’t do to Brother Feng?"

Without waiting for the man to speak, Chi Shuyan quickly explained: "I was really drunk last night. I didn't mean to take advantage of Brother Feng. Did we make a good relationship? I won't drink anymore!"

Qi Zhenbai:...

Chi Shuyan was afraid that the man would reject him, and said that he would give him a day to think about it before giving her an answer, and then turned around and left quickly.

At this time, Qi Zhenbai’s face was a little subtle and dark, and more stunned. He took out his cell phone blankly and wanted to call Feng Yuanlin. He turned on the screen and saw an unread text message. He opened it first. Feng Yuanlin sent it to him last night.

Qi Zhenbai glanced, and when he saw the content of the message Feng Yuanlin had sent him, his face changed suddenly.

I saw that the text message read: Zhenbai, Shuyan was drunk last night, what did you tell her, or why would she suspect that she was arrogantly bowing to my overlord and was also caught by you?

After Feng Yuanlin edited this short message, he copied the words from Shuyan's WeChat before, separated two sentences with symbols, and sent them to him together.

At this time, Qi Zhenbo finally understood what his wife just said. His face was black and green. It is not to be angry, nor is it not to be angry. His complexion is very ugly, and his eyes are somewhat subtle and complicated. He looks out of the car window. After a few more glances, I saw no one, and then stepped on the accelerator to leave!

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