Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1114: One thousand one hundred twenty seven

Feng Yuanlin really didn't know how to explain this to Weifu. After saying that, he might not believe it. He thought he was alarmist. If he didn't say it, he couldn't explain it.

Feng Yuanlin had no choice but to say: "Uncle Wei, this matter is indeed confidential, the murderer has not been found, and some things cannot be revealed, but I can promise that we will solve the murderer and bring it to justice as quickly as possible."

Weifu is not an unreasonable person. He knows where there are rules, and police stations also have police rules, so it's hard to ask more.

At this time, Dr. Wang said that it would be better for your son to have a head examination after he woke up. Dr. Wang’s words finally diverted Weifu’s attention. When he thought that Ayang might have a brain problem, Weifu and Weimu were shocked. .

Feng Yuanlin still comforted: "Uncle Wei, Aunt Wei, I see that Pan Yang should be fine, and there is no real problem with his head. At most, I was too irritated last night. It should be fine after some time! Doctor Wang If you do, you should be cautious. I think Pan Yang would simply do a full-body examination to be safer."

Feng Yuanlin's words finally calmed the uneasy heart of his father and mother, and hurriedly said that Feng Yuanlin was right.

When Dr. Wang saw that Wei's family indicated that he would have a full-body examination, he nodded in agreement and went out to make arrangements first.

Feng Yuanlin felt that instead of making Wei's father and mother worried about Wei Panyang's head, it was better to worry about other problems, and he was relieved.

Looking at Pan Yang, the eye guard, he walked to the corridor at the entrance of the hospital and took out his mobile phone to dial Shu Yan's phone. He thought that Shu Yan would not answer the phone for a while, but it didn't take long for Shu Yan to pick up the phone. Feng Yuanlin flew immediately. He said that Wei Panyang had just turned awake, and also said that Wei Panyang was too frightened by the stimulation last night.

Chi Shuyan nodded and said: "Brother Feng, I know, I will come to the hospital again in the evening."

Hearing Shu Yan's words, Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief. It is best for Shuyan to come over in the evening. If Wei Panyang has been irritated and frightened, there is nothing he can do, but Shuyan definitely has a way to make the kid normal.

It really didn't work. He planned to let Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, and Xiong Luoying come over first, so that Wei Panyang could calm down.

Seeing that it was almost time, Shuyan was going to class, Feng Yuanlin didn't bother much, and hung up the phone, indicating that she would pick her up at school in the evening.

"to make!"

Chi Shuyan just returned to school and walked to the door. Before anyone went in, he saw the little guy Li Yu sitting on a small stone bench not far away.

Or the little guy saw her first.

Because the little guy looks very delicate, many people glanced at him, and some people thought he was lost, and walked over to ask for help.

The little guy Li Yu was very impatient and ignored it at all. In the end, many people recognized the little guy as a waiter in the imperial restaurant that was very popular recently. Looking at the takeaways beside him, I am afraid it was a delivery.

Many people slandered the royal restaurant not only hiring child labor, but also letting child labor deliver meals, which is too wicked!

"Shuyan, I am here!" The little guy was very excited.

Chi Shuyan's eyes were a little surprised, she walked over, and people dispersed a little.

The little guy took the initiative to stand up and handed the lunch box to her. She said in a gruff voice, "Grandpa Li learned from Shuyan your friends that you have not eaten, so Grandpa Li asked me to come and bring you food."

Chi Shuyan really didn’t expect Li Yuchu and Li Yu to be so caring. They weren’t hungry just now, let alone, after noon, she was really hungry, she immediately held the little guy in her arms, causing the little guy to flush. .

"Give me lunch? Have you waited a long time?" Chi Shuyan was in a complete mess.

The little guy Li Yu shook his head shyly: "Just waited a while, soon!"

Why didn’t Chi Shuyan know that this little guy was telling a lie? I probably waited for her for noon. When I thought that this little guy had been waiting for her for so long to deliver her food, Chi Shuyan’s heart was hot and soft. I couldn't help but bow my head and kissed the little guy on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Thank you Li Yuchu for me! Thank you too!"

This intimacy made the little guy's cheeks flushed, his cheeks flushed, his big eyes rounded, and he hurried away.

Chi Shuyan exhorted loudly: "Run slowly, be careful, thank you Xiaoyu!"

Little Li Yu runs faster!

Chi Shuyan laughed at the back of the little guy who was running. She found that this little guy was quite adapted to modern society, and she was not the king who opened her mouth and closed her mouth like before.

After the little guy Li Yu left, Chi Shuyan took some time to borrow Yang Lan's dormitory to eat. It happened that Yang Lan and Zhenyu had just woke up.

Chi Shuyan asked them if they were hungry, they came over to eat with her.

Knowing that it is the food in the Imperial Restaurant, there is no reason why Yang Lan and Zhen Yu should not eat them. They just heard the word "Imperial Restaurant", and the two of them couldn't help their saliva flooding. After washing, they immediately ran over to eat. .

Every time Li Yuchu cooks for her, they are very rich, and the amount is large. When the dishes are just opened, the aroma is strong, and Yang Lan and Zhen Yu just went to the imperial restaurant to join in at noon. At this time, they couldn't help but swallowed their saliva.

At first, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu politely stated that they were not hungry. After that, they ate more than Chi Shuyan. When they finished all the dishes, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu's cheeks flushed, embarrassed and embarrassed.

However, Shuyan is an acquaintance, and Yang Lan was also not there, and said cheerfully that she would treat her next time.

Zhen Yu was more shy, but she was embarrassed.

Chi Shuyan smiled. Compared to eating alone, she still likes to share with everyone. She is happy and doesn't like to care too much. What's more, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu are her real friends.

She opened the mouth and said: "If you have time in the future, you can invite me to have a meal in the royal restaurant!"

With that said, Chi Shuyan didn't intend to make the two of them spend money.

Only then did Yang Lan and Zhen Yu smile, and patted their chests to show the next treat.

"Okay, time is almost up, let's go to the classroom!" Chi Shuyan packed the lunch box, carried it, and prepared to throw the garbage bin on the way.

Yang Lan and Zhen Yu also prepared almost the same, and they took a few books for the afternoon course and dared to go out together.

A girl hurried in from outside, Chi Shuyan recognized that the other party should be Yang Lan and Zhen Yu's roommates, they looked pretty, and greeted each other with a smile.

The girl didn't reply, frowned, and suddenly said, "What does this smell? It smells so bad?"

The girl glanced sharply at the packing box in Chi Shuyan's hand, her brows tightened, her expression darkened, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu said, "Yang Lan, Zhen Yu, is this your dormitory or everyone's dormitory? Everyone has stated before that it’s best not to bring strangers in the dormitory, if you have nothing, who is to blame? Who is to pay for?"

As soon as the girl's words fell, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu changed their faces first, and Chi Shu's complexion was also a little embarrassed, so they listened to the other party to continue: "Also, if you can eat out in the future, it's best to eat out. What's the matter with eating in the dormitory? The food is good, what do other people do? Smell the smell of your food?"

The other party pinched his nose, opened the door and turned on the fan. Even the good-tempered Zhen Yu almost broke out. What's more, Yang Lan, Yang Lan broke out on the spot, slapped the table hard and said, "Xia Lanying, Shu Yan is my friend or my classmate. What a stranger? Second, when did our dormitory say that we can’t bring food back to eat, who said that? Or did you prescribe it yourself? Third, who said it smells bad, what about me? It smells very good, or you have a problem with your nose."

Xia Lanying is not a disadvantaged character either. Yang Lan is noisy, and she is also noisy, saying that it is really trivial to bring food back to eat, but who is to blame if her things and money are gone to bring a stranger back? As the saying goes, knowing the person, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, who knows if the other party is a thief, and the irony is that she may be a thief.

After Zhen Yu heard Xia Lanying's irony, an honest person almost burst into swearing, and secretly asked how much money she thought she had, and she still needed to steal her money because of her identity? It's ridiculous!

Chi Shuyan was indeed very ugly when he heard the girl named Xia Lanying in front of her, her eyes were cold. She was fine living outside, but Yang Lan and Zhen Yu lived with each other under the same roof without looking up. She didn't want to see her. Because of her, the two really had any conflict with each other, and it would be uncomfortable to live together in the future. At this time, they said: "Okay, it's almost time for class, Yang Lan, Zhen Yu, let's go first!"

When she said this, she set her eyes on the other party’s face, swept the other person a few times, her eyes flashed with cold light, her ugly face was a little bit more smile, and she was in a good mood and deliberately said: "Let’s go, you don’t go. I can go now!"

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