Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1117: One thousand one hundred and thirty

Chi Shuyan is also quite curious about this. In fact, she can find out what happened to a few boys through contact, but it involves people's privacy and no one allows it, and she can't risk the privacy of the other party.

As for searching for the souls of Jinming and Fang Yinglong, it is also possible to search for souls, but searching for souls goes against the way of heaven. Unless forced to do so, it is best to search for souls instead of searching for souls.

During the conversation between the two, the car had stopped in front of the hospital.

Before Chi Shuyan was about to get out of the car, Feng Yuanlin felt after Feng Yuanlin thought of the "for the dead ghost" and the "guike" that Shuyan had just said, and her body trembled. Looking at the night outside, Feng Yuanlin gave a punch for no reason. She trembled and couldn't help saying: "Shuyan, if that thing is really a ghost, can you know where it is now? Will it go where it hurts people these days?"

Chi Shuyan took out a jade plaque from his pocket. This jade plaque was not a first-class magic weapon, but a rare third-class. He passed it to Brother Feng to accept it, and said: "That ghost should be covered by the jade on Jiang Duo's neck. The card hurts vitality. It should be fine for the past two days. It hasn't hurt people so quickly, but I don't know how well this thing is. If the way is higher, I am afraid that things are a little complicated and difficult to handle."

She was even more worried that that thing was to improve Taoism by harming others.

"Then what you said to those boys in Jiang Duo was to comfort those boys?" Feng Yuanlin asked suddenly with a rush.

Chi Shuyan said: "As long as Jiang Duo is here, it shouldn't be possible for that thing to attack a few of them, but now I feel that the most dangerous thing may not be a few of them."

That thing had been **** in the water before, and once it went ashore, it could harm other people. This was what she worried about the most, and she had never told her brother.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, felt that this matter was a bit serious, and said it might be, Feng Yuanlin's expression suddenly changed: "Shuyan, you mean that thing can harm others?"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "It's ashore, and anyone who wants it will do it! It depends on who is unlucky!"

As for Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin, they are just a little bit more unlucky than the others. That thing has already remembered a few people and treated them as dead ghosts. If they didn't accept the thing, they would definitely die.

After listening to Shu Yan's words, Feng Yuanlin realized that this matter was more serious than he thought. When he thought that something could harm people unscrupulously, Feng Yuanlin's heart fell to the bottom.

Riding on Feng Ge did not return, Chi Shuyan stuffed the things in Feng Yuanlin's hands: "Feng Ge, taking advantage of the other's weakness for these two days, we can find the thing as soon as possible. Then collect it. ."

Feng Yuanlin nodded, and this was the only way to go. As soon as he got out of the car and noticed that there was something in his hand, he saw a jade card in his hand, and his expression was stunned.

He had seen the jade plaque on Jiang Duo’s neck before, and Feng Yuanlin had a faint guess in his heart, so he listened to Shu Yan and said: “Brother Feng, this jade plaque is good for people’s health and can drive away evil spirits, you keep it."

Feng Yuanlin shook his hand, his expression moved, Shu Yan gave him such a big gift?

He didn't know before, but now he knows what a good thing this thing is! It's a good thing to save your life. The one in Feng Yuanlin's heart is touched. It's so **** good that this wife Zhenbai married!

Afraid that Brother Feng would be polite with her, Chi Shuyan deliberately said: "Brother Feng, I will send everyone else, but I will get acquainted with you later. If you make it up today, you won't be angry!"

When it comes to this, Feng Yuanlin is no longer hypocritical. Besides, he is really greedy at the jade brand, gratefully put it in his pocket, touched and touched, uneasy, and put it directly on his neck.

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to give a few bracelets filled with spiritual energy to Feng Ge's mother, but thought that Feng Ge's mother asked Feng to marry Qin Qing. Chi Shuyan didn't have a good impression of Feng's mother. As for Feng's father, Chi Shuyan made up his mind when to get a gift for Brother Feng to pass on to Father Feng.

"By the way, Shuyan, didn't you say that the jade medal is gone before?" Feng Yuanlin asked suddenly. The boys had been begging Shuyan to give it to him before, and said that all the money would be paid, and Shuyan was not tempted. , It can be seen that this thing is a real baby bump, and the price is probably not cheap.

Because of the herbs in Qiankun Ring, the jade magical tools used to instill aura are almost the same for her. Chi Shuyan said that these are her only few jade medals, and other jade medals are still useful. Feng Yuanlin is even more moved. Would Shuyan be so kind to him?

"Okay, Brother Feng, we will go to the hospital and talk about other things as we go!"

This jade card dilutes some dignity in Feng Yuanlin's heart.

When the two entered Wei Panyang's ward, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying were all sitting beside them, but Weifu and Weimu were not there.

Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, and Xiao Ningjin saw Chi Shuyan with their four sharp eyes. It was a passion and hurriedly shouted, "Master Chi!"

The voices of a few boys are bigger and smaller, but Feng Yuanlin should let them be quieter. Only then can the boys be obedient and quiet.

Next to Wei Panyang, seeing Jiang Duo yelling Chi Shuyan enthusiastically, his eyes were a little dazed, but he was calmer than before, but Wei Panyang was calmer, but his eyes were still filled with panic.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the other party, and she was really frightened to see the other party. He wanted to see Wei Panyang for the first time. How crazy this kid was, but he looked very honest now.

Chi Shuyan saw that the other party was in a more stable state, and raised his lips: "Can you ask something?"

Wei Panyang's face was very haggard. Hearing her words, his eyes were horrified and rejected subconsciously.

Chi Shuyan didn't make a roundabout, and went directly to the subject and asked him what happened when he went to Swan Lake? Can you remember?

Who knows that although Wei Panyang's face was haggard just now, he was a little energetic, but when her words fell, the other party suddenly screamed, his eyes rolled, and his breathing was short of breath, as if he couldn't breathe and would faint.

It was Feng Yuanlin who hurriedly pinched among Wei Panyang’s people. Wei Panyang didn’t pass out. He was limp on the bed, panting with endless panic in his eyes, and spit out: "I don’t know anything. !"

Seeing Wei Panyang's appearance, Chi Shuyan couldn't ask any more questions, and Feng Yuanlin had to give up seeing Wei Panyang's miserable appearance.

Chi Shuyan's eyes flashed, seeing that Wei Panyang did not cooperate, and planned to reach out to learn something through touch, but just as she stretched out her hand, Wei Panyang's face was pale and anxiously hiding from her hand, screaming non-stop, not long after , Weifu Weimu came in, she had to give up.

Weifu and Weimu were shocked when they heard her son's scream outside the door. As soon as the two came in, Feng Yuanlin was afraid that Weifu and Weimu would misunderstand Shu Yan, so she explained to Shuyan first.

Weifu and Weimu also knew what kind of stimulation his son had been irritated, and he was so courageous now that he didn't think much about it.

Xiao Ningjin suddenly spoke in a low voice at this time: "Master Chi, I remembered something this afternoon!"

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