Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1125: One thousand one hundred thirty eight

As soon as the man's stern and angry words fell, Chi Shuyan hardly dared to look up at the man's face beside him when he heard the words'going son-in-law' and'change a man'. His head went blank and his face was stunned. force.

Could it be that when she was drunk, not only did she get drunk and took advantage of Brother Feng, she actually said the idea of ​​‘going son-in-law’ to this man, and even spit out the words of changing a man?

Terrible, it's terrible!

No wonder!

No wonder this man has such a cold attitude towards her these days.

If it was said that she had been a little wronged when a man occasionally ignored it, then at this moment she never dared to think about the word ‘wrong’ at all, but felt that she really deserved it!

Chi Shuyan hardly dared to think of the man's gloomy and ugly expression and his chill when he first heard her.

She wanted to say that she was just thinking about it, saying that it is one thing to do is one thing. At that time, in the military area, when she saw that other people were dragging the family, it was only her father who suddenly felt the feeling.

Sometimes, when she thinks of her father alone, and thinks that her mother is sorry for her father, she will inevitably feel guilty, and if it weren’t for her dragging the oil bottle, on her father’s terms, she might have already found a good partner. Life is going well, but her dad froze for her. He didn't marry again in his previous life, and he still didn't marry again in his life.

What's more, her father's death was indirectly caused by her in her previous life. Her father's death in her previous life was a hurdle in her heart, which became her obsession.

She feels too much guilt towards her dad, so she hopes that her dad will live well, not only can live well, but also live happily. It is inevitable that occasionally she only cares about her dad’s feelings and ignores the feelings of the man next to her, but forgets those words. It will also cause harm to him, and he will be chilled.

After all, this man is really good to her!

She is sorry to anyone in this life, nor can she be sorry to these two men who have treated her wholeheartedly.

Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan felt very guilty. While swallowing his saliva to explain, Yu Guang only dared to glance at the man’s clothes, and immediately guilty of heart, his face turned pale and looked back, his words reached his mouth, his throat was blocked, and he couldn’t utter a word, and he didn’t know how to explain. ?

Chi Shuyan didn't speak, and the man next to him also didn't speak. There was a dead silence in the car, and Chi Shuyan became more nervous.

The man drove blankly, and she did not dare to bother, so she had to wait for the car to park in the apartment garage. Before the man turned the door to get out of the car, she hurriedly tugged at the hem of the man next to her, and immediately straightened her attitude and admitted her mistake: " I'm wrong!"

Seeing the man still not speaking, Chi Shuyan continued to wink his eyes obediently and said, "I was really wrong, Zhenbai!"

After apologizing, she didn't dare expect the man to forgive her.

Click! With a sound, Chi Shuyan immediately raised his eyes to see the tall and lonely figure of the man going away through the car window!

That's it!

What a big deal this time! This man probably really took that word into his heart, and it was not so easy to forgive her.

The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more she felt sad, but she could only blame herself for this strange thing. After killing her, she didn't dare to get drunk again.

Getting drunk can cause so many things.

Seeing the man entering the building, Chi Shuyan hurriedly twisted the car door to follow. When entering the elevator, although the man pressed his thin lips and made no sound, the elevator door had not been closed for a long time.

She hurried in and stood by obediently, reaching out her hand and tentatively pulling at the man's hem, secretly looking at the man's face from the sidelines.


There is no expression on this face, not only the face is cold, but there is no coldness in the eyebrows, and the thin lips are pressed into a line. From the side, the deep silhouette of the man looks more and more sharp and not close!

Chi Shuyan saw how he was pulling a man's clothes. The man treated her as a transparent person. After returning to the apartment, the man looked cold and found an excuse to go to the study to deal with things.

Chi Shuyan:...

What is self-inflicted, not living, she finally understood deeply!

Chi Shuyan took a breath, absent-mindedly and nervously, sat on the sofa in the living room for a while, looking at the closed door of the study from time to time.


She was so wrong!

Is there a chance of compensation?

At this time, Chi Shuyan was rather crying without tears. After sitting restlessly for less than ten minutes, she gritted her teeth and walked to the entrance of the study again, knocking softly on the door.

"Come in!" the man said coldly.

Chi Shuyan's heart trembled subconsciously, opened the door handle to enter, and before entering, the strong smell of smoke in the study coughed, and she saw the man looking away from the computer screen. When she scanned her, the cigarette **** just lit by her right hand immediately Rolled in the ashtray, then got up and drew the curtains, opened the window, turned around, frowning sharply: "What's the matter?"

Chi Shuyan stood tremblingly behind the man because of what she had done wrong, and glanced at the dozen or so cigarette butts in the ashtray. Chi Shuyan couldn't help but feel a little worried, but now she can't vomit out if she advises men to smoke less. Away, he looked at the man in front of him and said suddenly: "Zhenbai, shall we talk about it?"

Qi Zhenbai subconsciously touched the cigarette in his pocket, then put down his hand, put his hand on his back, his body was straight, his eyes were serious and cold, like a big mountain standing still, his sharp eyes staring at him without making a sound for a long time. Then he suddenly said: "Are you sure you want to talk?"

Chi Shuyan nodded.

"Yes, then you just have to tell me, if I refuse to go to your house and be your house's son-in-law, can you replace me with a man at will? In your Chi Shuyan eyes, my boyfriend Qi Zhenbai can Whether there is no value, after all, I took the initiative to get in from the beginning, so you didn't care about my existence?" The man looked at her faintly, there was no warmth in his eyes.

Chi Shuyan shook her head to explain, but when she saw the man's cold and not warm complexion, she felt an inexplicable cold in her heart. She just wanted to speak, only to hear the man's magnetic voice: "Do you want to break up?"

As soon as the word'break up' fell, Chi Shu's face changed drastically. Not only was his head dumbfounded, but his face was dumbfounded. He looked at the man in front of him in a daze and couldn't believe it. Does this man mean to break up with her?


Not long after, the man's temperatureless voice suddenly sounded: "As you wish!"

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