Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1128: One thousand one hundred and forty one

Wei Panyang now knows that Master Chi is not an ordinary expert, and that she is a fool if she doesn't buy the good things in her hand. Ning Jin told him before that they rely on the talisman given by Master Chi in front of him. Retiring all over, he was a little hesitant before, but now he is convinced.

Thinking of the last time that ghost was pinched by the neck and pressed into the water, he really didn't want to go through the last horrible thing, and he thought that the thing that Master Chi said last night was a big ghost.

Wei Panyang had just fainted once, and this time he wanted to faint again. Thinking of what they provoke this time, Wei Panyang only felt frightened. He didn't want to die, but he couldn't bear to die. Naturally, these life-saving talisman can buy as many as possible. Not too much at all.

Moreover, in truth, this Fulu is really a good thing with a price and no market. An expert like Master Chi is probably hard to meet. If you accidentally encounter a liar, your life will be in vain, so Wei Panyang wants to think about it. I can buy as much as I can, looking at the stack of talisman, eyes filled with excitement and coveting, cheeky gritted his teeth and asked: "Master Chi, can I buy all these talisman?"

As for Ning Jin and the others, they will find Master Chi to buy them again. It's really not good. He will give everyone one or two at most.

Chi Shuyan:...

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, the outside door was suddenly kicked open. I saw a few boys headed by Xiao Ningjin's eyes first falling on a stack of talisman on the table with scorching excitement, and then looking at Wei Panyang with fire: " Fuck, Wei, you **** kid want to eat alone?"

Wei Panyang was embarrassed when he was caught eating alone.

Others followed Xiao Ningjin to fight against Wei Pan Yang, and the attitude was so exciting.

"Yes! That's right! The surname is Wei, you **** want to eat alone!" Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, and Jiang Duo were very excited. For fear that Master Chi agreed to Wei Panyang eating alone, the boys didn't care about mentioning Wei on purpose. Pan Yang's dark history said with a special face: "Master Chi, ignore this kid, this kid didn't believe it last night. The rest of us believe it!"

"No! No! I never doubted Master Chi!" Wei Panyang almost swore to show his loyalty.

"The first time this kid saw you, he not only satirized you, but also kicked the stool and turned away!" It was Jiang Duo who said this, and this sentence directly hit Wei Panyang's heart.

Chang Hao made another cut: "Master Chi, this kid must have spoken badly about you behind the scenes!"

What Wei Panyang is most afraid of is that Master Chi will turn over the old accounts with him before. All his **** things he did before are black history. At this time, Wei Panyang's intestines are called regrets. Now you can describe Wei Pan in one sentence. Yang's current mood is'how bad it was at the beginning, how much regret it is now', and his regrets are knotted.

For fear that Master Chi would have an opinion on him, it would be okay for Master Chi to refuse to sell him. For fear that Master Chi would ignore him, Wei Panyang immediately cried and broke down and suddenly hugged Chi Shuyan's thigh and cried: "Master Chi, I was wrong! I was really wrong! It was because I had eyes and no beads before, and I sincerely regretted it. Do you forgive me for not making it?"

After Chi Shuyan's experience last night, she was hugged in her thigh again, and she couldn't say a word on her face. She had forgotten what happened before and didn't care about it, but it didn't mean that she was broad-minded.

Chi Shuyan deliberately didn't speak, and Wei Panyang was so frightened that she kept yelling that she was wrong.

Xiong Luoying said at this time that Master Chi's future Fulus would be sold to them, and there were any other jade medals.

Wei Panyang's eyes turned red immediately, and Xiao Ningjin said that he deserved it and let this kid eat alone.

Chi Shuyan saw that Wei Panyang confessed his mistake with sincerity, and no longer embarrassed him. After all, she had experienced too many suspected "liars" in her previous life. It was only a small matter and it was quite normal, and she had always been right and wrong.

To be honest, she just broke up last night, as long as she didn't touch her bottom line, she was really not in the mood to care about such little things with this kid today.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the time, and really didn't have time to tell them more, indicating that she had to go to class. As for Yupai, she would give it to them within today.

Because the boys all regarded Chi Shuyan as a master, Xiao Ningjin and the group looked at each other a little when they heard the word ‘in class’. When they looked at her again, they knew that Master Chi might have just entered university at this age.

Hearing that there will be jade medals within today, Xiao Ningjin and Chang Hao were so excited, they looked at Chi Shuyan with scorching and gratefulness.

At this time, Wei Panyang’s weak voice came: "Master Chi, I...can I also want it?" For fear that Chi Shuyan would not give it, Wei Panyang gritted his teeth and said pitifully: "Master Chi, you too Count me if I can't make it? How much money will be made!" For fear that Chi Shuyan would not agree, Wei Panyang said sincerely and diligently: "Master Chi, I will pack all your meals in the future, and I will give you meals every day."

"You don't need to relax the meal. Okay, get up. Then you can just collect the money!" Chi Shuyan threw off this sentence and hurriedly ran to catch up with the course, making up his mind when to refine a gust of wind. With invisible symbols, you can post one to school in no time, so you don’t have to rush.

After waiting for Chi Shuyan to leave for a few minutes, Wei Panyang finally understood Master Chi's meaning, and his eyes widened and excitedly said: "Did Master Chi agree to me? Did Master Chi agree to me? Great! Great! Now! I have money! I have money!"

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo and the others:...

After Wei Panyang got up, he glanced sharply at the Fuluo next to him, cheeky and asked Xiao Ningjin a few people: "How do we divide this Fuluo?"

"Fuck! Don't do it for you!" Xiao Ning Jin said.

Wei Panyang immediately grabbed some busy pockets, and the complexion of the other people watching suddenly changed, his eyes were anxious and he wanted to swear vulgar words, pressing Wei Panyang and returning a talisman.

Xiao Ningjin calmly looked at the kid Wei Panyang frequently, wait, when did this kid suddenly believe in Master Chi's words? Last night the kid told them that Master Chi might be a little unreliable, but today this is too diligent and enthusiastic. They all sounded goosebumps.

What excites this kid?

Xiao Ningjin asked the others to step aside and asked the question.

Wei Panyang thought that he was watching the news just now, and Ning Jin and A Duo were not there. Wei Panyang played haha ​​at the beginning and said that he did not believe in Master Chi.

A few people didn’t believe it at all. In the end, under Xiao Ningjin’s interrogation, they spit out the truth obediently and said: “I’m not watching the news just now. I accidentally saw that the little girl who was late to stop getting in the car was killed by the master late last night!” Wei Panyang added another sentence: "Master Chi is really amazing and awesome!"

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