Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1131: One thousand one hundred forty four

Counselor Zhang shuddered severely in Shuyan's sentence "Provoked something that shouldn't be provoked", and his hair became frightened inexplicably.

He did not want to think too much, but what the student Shuyan in front of him inevitably made him think too much. If someone else told him about it, Counselor Zhang would definitely not believe it, but facing this very capable student in front of him, besides, From Shuyan's various magical charms to his family, he also thought that even if there are any wonders in this world, he thinks it is extremely possible.

It's just that this was really finished from Shuyan's mouth. Counselor Zhang was still scared. His face was pale and pale, and the pen in his hand slammed on the ground. The whole person was silly on the spot, and his lips trembled and trembling, and suddenly said:" Shu... Shu Yan, what you said... said it wouldn't be... that kind of thing, right?"

Chi Shuyan nodded.


Counselor Zhang's face became paler, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. Why was this peaceful time suddenly so terrifying? Suddenly scared his hands and feet became weak and at a loss, his eyes turned black: "Then...that thing really hurts people? Tangning treasured her..."

Counselor Zhang has not forgotten that Tang Ningbao shouted something ghostly before. He didn't believe it at all before, but now he thinks about Tang Ningbao's face at the time and how he thinks and doubts. He shook his hands and gritted his teeth and asked: "Shu Yan, our school Is there that thing too?"

Chi Shuyan saw Counselor Zhang's face pale and horrified as she looked at her, as if she had nodded her head at this moment, Counselor Zhang could pass out in shock immediately.

Chi Shuyan was fortunate that he didn't tell him about the killing of the door this morning. He shook his head and said, "No, Teacher Zhang! Don't think about it. This kind of opportunity is the same as your chance to win the lottery, although occasionally many people encounter this evil. , But the chance of encountering a person in a lifetime is too small, and only once in a lifetime! Don't think too much! Besides, if you bring these charms, that thing dare not find it!"

Counselor Zhang nodded hurriedly, not knowing whether he was relieved and immediately accepted the talisman. He didn't plan to go back, but thinking of what Shuyan said, he still planned to go home and give the talisman that Shuyan gave to his wife and son. Bring it.

He was really worried that his wife and son didn't wear the charms given by Shuyan.

Having said this, it is easier to ask for leave. Counselor Zhang nodded immediately, but before approving the leave, Counselor Zhang said: "Shuyan, I know this is very urgent, but you'd better finish the afternoon class. Recently, schools have become more and more strict in approving leave!"

Chi Shuyan had this plan, and didn't want to embarrass Counselor Zhang and nodded.

"Shuyan, thank you! Thank you, let me thank you for these symbols for my wife and Xiaoyang!" Counselor Zhang is really grateful to the child. He can think of everything.

Before leaving, Counselor Zhang originally wanted to care about the lads who provoke the thing and what that thing, but after thinking about it, he really didn't have the courage to take this muddy water. Now that the sun is shining outside, Counselor Zhang thinks No matter how dangerous this society is, you shouldn't know what ordinary people like him shouldn't know. It's no good if you know it, so you won't be afraid.

Chi Shuyan left Counselor Zhang’s office and went to the police station. He was immediately taken into the office by Team Chen, saying that his house was inside. Before going in, Chi Shuyan handed a stack of Explosive Talisman and Pure Yang Talisman to Team Chen. He divided it up with others, but last night she drew a lot of talismans, but she has limited personal ability. There are so many people in this police station that it is impossible for everyone to have them. Chi Shuyan only asked Chen's team to give a few. Acquaintances and the personnel responsible for this case.

Team Chen now knows that the thing Shuyan gave is a great thing. She just took out the talisman. Team Chen’s eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and she immediately took it. For fear of slowing down, Shuyan regrets it, and Team Chen is excited. Said: "Master Chi, you are so kind!"

"I'm all my own, call me Master Chi, just call my name!" Chi Shuyan didn't have any pretensions.

The provoked Chen team smiled, slapped Chi Shuyan on the shoulder, and said happily: "Yes, Shuyan, they are all their own, or I will mention the closure and let you enter us directly. team?"

Team Chen was very excited when he thought of the benefits of Shuyan's success in their pair, not to mention that he also liked to admire Shuyan's high-quality but never airy and low-key character.

Chi Shuyan shook his head and laughed, "No, I'm still a freshman now, it's still early!"

Team Chen had to look disappointed.

"Team Chen, I'm going in first!"

"Wait, Shuyan, I have a few things to ask you!" Team Chen said suddenly.

"You said!"

Team Chen looked a little dignified at this time, and said, "Shu Yan, did the killing of the door last night have something to do with the things that the boys provoke?"

Chi Shuyan nodded.

Team Chen took a breath and couldn't help but ask again: "Then what the boys provoke this time is more serious or minor than what the girls provoke in the fifth middle school last time?"

Chi Shuyan also wanted to make Chen's team prepared, and he didn't hide it and said directly: "It's more serious!"

As soon as the words fell, Team Chen gasped, and was frightened by these three words. He couldn't calm down after a while. Chi Shuyan said before pushing the door in: "So Team Chen, if other people take action, let them be well. Bring the talisman I gave, just in case. This thing is very cruel, and it can drive ghosts away. When going to the scene of the crime, be careful and pay attention to whether there are any weird people!"

Chi Shuyan didn't care how many heavy bombs he had dropped, unscrew the door and went in to let Team Chen digest well.

At this time, the team Chen outside the door was really scared by Chi Shuyan's words. The talisman in his hand was even stronger, and the talisman was written tightly. These are all life-saving things and must be hidden quickly.

Without this thing, you might die if you are not careful, and no one wants to die for nothing.

Team Chen just wanted to kick all Fulu in his pocket, but Xiao Shan saw him sharply, and strode over: "Old Chen, what good things are your kid hiding?"

Xiao Shan quickly squeezed Team Chen's hand and glanced into his pocket. When he saw Huang Zhifu's face changed, he was delighted: "Old Chen, Master Chi just came, did she give these Fulu?"

There is no need for Team Chen to answer, Xiao Shan has determined that nine out of ten of these talismans were given by Master Chi. He was very excited and quickly said: "You have a share, hurry up and divide me half!"

In the office, Chi Shuyan just went in and Brother Feng was still on the phone, Chi Shuyan was not in a hurry, sitting on the sofa waiting for him to finish the call.

When Feng Yuanlin finished the call, his expression remained solemn.

"What's wrong? Brother Feng?" Chi Shuyan poured a glass of boiling water and walked over and put it on Feng Yuanlin's table.

Feng Yuanlin rubbed his eyebrows and sighed: "It was a call from the attending physician of the murdered little girl's father last night, asking if he could claim the corpse tomorrow. He had to come over this morning, but the little girl kissed her father. It seems that in the hospital, the little girl was in a coma after being stimulated by an accident. As for the little girl's mother, she ran away with other men not long after the little girl was born! The little girl's surname is Yang, Yang Jiao! "

I remembered that the little girl's tragedy could have been avoided last night, but it was a pity that something happened to the little girl.

Chi Shuyan didn't have a good impression of Yang Jiao's little girl, but it was thought that the girl who was assaulted and victimized was still at a different age, and that she was still being assaulted. Chi Shuyan sighed and felt uncomfortable.

Sometimes a little girl’s personality and outlook on life are very influential with her parents, parents, and the complete family. Although the little girl has a bad temper, she is a poor person.

"Shu Yan, how do I feel that these days have been eventful!" Feng Yuanlin sighed with emotion.

"By the way, did the driver plead guilty?" Chi Shuyan asked.

When Feng Yuanlin mentioned the driver, his face was angry, and he said coldly: "All kinds of physical evidence are there, can he deny it? That brute!"

It was indeed the first time that the driver committed a crime. He ran in a hurry because of sudden harm, but he forgot the evidence left in the little girl's body that made him run away from the monk.

Feng Yuanlin's expression was very complicated and said: "Speaking of which the driver has a wife and children, he has a good life. His son is in junior high school and his family is not very rich. He depends on the driver's money for the family! Do this kind of thing!"

Feng Yuanlin thought of the driver’s wife and son coming over to intercede this morning, saying that there was no such driver, and her family would have no income in the future, and her son would not be able to support him, so he let the driver go, otherwise it would break her family’s life and seal off Yuan Lin is very helpless!

Chi Shuyan nodded. Just about to speak, the phone rang suddenly. She picked up the call. It was Counselor Zhang's call. Counselor Zhang's familiar voice came: "Shuyan, are you free to go back to school? Director Huang is looking for you, I'm afraid you will get Director Huang to agree with this fake!"

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