Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1135: One thousand one hundred forty eight

Chi Shuyan heard that Director Huang wanted to withdraw Teacher Zhang’s position as counselor, his face changed slightly, and she spoke first: "Director Huang, it is me who asked Teacher Zhang for leave, and the person who forced him to criticize me, these things It’s okay with Teacher Zhang. Besides, I did ask for leave in an urgent matter. Besides, just because I asked for a few days off, you will have to withdraw Teacher Zhang’s position as an instructor. It’s too trivial!"

"Shuyan!" Counselor Zhang's expression changed. He glanced at Director Huang, whose expression was getting more and more ugly, and immediately signaled to her to shut up quickly. She was a student who offended a school leader and had nothing to end.

Speaking of it, he can still accept the withdrawal of his counselor, and he is afraid that Director Huang will find the fault and give Shu Yan'an a name for her to remember the big mistake or ask her to drop out. That is a really big deal!

Then he would rather be removed from the position of counselor. He also thought about it. His wife is pregnant again. If the counselor is really removed, he can take care of the family with peace of mind.

Director Huang’s personality is never good on weekdays. Except for the students who hate most of being fished in troubled waters at school and asking for leave for three days, the most forbidden is the students provoking his majesty. So Chi Shu’s face just fell off, and Director Huang’s face was screaming. An ugly, angry face blushed, and angrily patted the desk and said: "I'm talking to your counselor, is there a place for you as a student to interrupt?"

Chi Shuyan didn’t put Director Huang’s threats under his eyes, and his tolerance for Director Huang who was avenging his personal revenge in front of him was getting lower and lower. As soon as he was about to speak, Counselor Zhang quickly apologized to Director Huang for her, and said: "I I do feel that my counselor is incompetent and should be removed, but Director Huang, this child has a straight-tempered and no other malice. He didn't deliberately contradict you. If I didn't allow me to approve the leave, wherever she could ask for leave, she would be held responsible. at me!"

"Ms. Zhang!" Chi Shuyan's expression changed.

Director Huang was quite satisfied with what the counselor Zhang said. It is considered the current affairs of the surname Zhang, but as for the female student in front of him, Director Huang is getting more and more displeased. It is okay for this student to ask for leave once or twice. After reading her leave slip, it was discovered that this female student named Chi Shuyan had taken a lot of leave from the beginning. One time it was extremely difficult to take a long time. According to school regulations, he could directly call the other party to drop out.

However, the principal had to intervene in the matter of dropping out. Director Huang did not intend to make such a big battle, but he still wanted it. He had to teach the late female student a vicious lesson, so that she dared to confront it just now. He, so he told what he had remembered. After hearing this, Counselor Zhang changed his face.

There was no expression on Chi Shu's face. It didn't matter whether the other party remembered it or not. Chi Shuyan said, "Director Huang, if I really want to remember it, it will be fine, but since I remembered it, Teacher Zhang's position doesn't need to be removed! All I’ll take it on my own. Of course, if you don’t agree, I would also like to ask the principal of our school if the teacher approves the students for a few days off. This post is an understatement and can be withdrawn?"

This threatened and beaten words not only made Director Huang's angry face flushed, but also made him tremble with anger. He has been Director Huang for so many years. At all, no one dared to speak to him in this tone and tone, and even dared to threaten him. ! Makes sense? Makes sense?

Whether it is a fellow teacher or a student. Director Huang shivered and pointed at Chi Shuyan, almost speechless, and finally said to the counselor Zhang: "Look at the students you teach? Are there such students who contradict the teacher? The other way around! It's the opposite! What do you dare to threaten me?"

Chi Shuyan was indifferent to the anger of Director Huang in front of him and said indifferently: "I know I am a thing, and Director Huang is not a thing!"

As soon as the words fell, Director Huang's face turned blue by the irony and curse of "not something", his forehead was stretched, his fingers pointed at Chi Shuyan, and his face was trembling, and his neck was flushed with anger. One piece, she can also remove the blue veins that saw her neck bulge.

Counselor Zhang was really worried about Shuyan at this time, and quickly persuaded her to stop talking!

Chi Shuyan put the furious and trembling Director Huang into her eyes, her heart was refreshed, and she wanted to speak, but seeing Counselor Zhang's worried face, she had no choice but to speak.

Director Huang was suffocated by Chi Shuyan's provocative remarks. He couldn't get up and down. He couldn't calm down for a while, and he didn't hold a word. After a long time, he blurted out furiously: " Well, remember that you have passed the college once, and next time you have to ask for leave, you just drop out of school by yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, Counselor Zhang changed his face. There are small and big mistakes. In particular, Counselor Zhang heard that Director Huang not only had to give Shu Yanji a big mistake, but also dropped out of school after taking a leave of absence. Too serious and too much.

Before Counselor Zhang could speak, Chi Shuyan said: "Tomorrow I have an urgent matter, and I need to ask for a day or two of leave. I hope Director Huang will approve it! I can no longer ask for leave in the future!"

Director Huang has never seen such a lawless female student at all, and dare to ask him for leave?

Director Huang looked at the other party downplaying that he was going to ask for leave and he didn't worry about what he had just done. Director Huang not only had a green face, he was holding a breath in his chest, and he wanted to vomit three liters of blood.

Even at this time, Counselor Zhang did not expect Shuyan to dare to ask Director Huang for leave. However, thinking of what Shuyan said, the matter is indeed very serious. Counselor Zhang hurriedly said to help: "Director Huang, this kid is really wrong! "

Seeing that Director Huang was so angry, it was obviously impossible to agree to approve leave. Counselor Zhang thought about what Shuyan said before, and he kept a plan to help her, telling the truth: "Director Huang, Shuyan is a celestial master. There are a few young guys who get involved with things that shouldn't be offended, that's the kind of evil. They ask Shuyan for help. This is a matter of life. You can't disagree!"

Counselor Zhang acted too hastily at this time but completely forgot that Director Huang in front of him was a person who did not believe in ghosts and gods at all, and he was very repulsive of superstitions, ghosts and gods, and even hated them.

Director Huang was alive and glared at Counselor Zhang and said furiously: "You dignified you, a college teacher, actually believe in such a ridiculous and unbelievable superstition? If there is a ghost, you will show me a ghost? I see you. I have read all the books and books I have read for most of my life. What kind of university teacher are you worthy of? Don’t fool around and delay the future of our students!"

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