Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1137: One thousand one hundred and fifty

It was confirmed that Yang Lan's injury was not a major problem and went to the infirmary, Chi Shuyan felt relieved.

After school in the evening, Zhen Yu received a call to take the two of them to the restaurant for dinner. Zhen Yu likes to eat the dishes of the imperial restaurant, so she asked her boyfriend to order dinner in the imperial restaurant box.

Yang Lan really pretended to wear sunglasses.

Chi Shuyan had to go to the hospital because of the jade card. She didn’t have time to make the jade card, so she had to take her next batch of Lingyu, which is the jade card, to Xiao Ningjin and Jiang Duo for the herbal medicine in the Qiankun Ring. several.

She didn’t go with them first, there was still a while before the food was served. Taking advantage of this time, Chi Shuyan asked Yang Lan and Zhen Yu to go there first, saying that she would be there in a while. By the way, she asked Zhen Yu to say hello to her boyfriend. Arrived early.

Zhen Yu understood that Shuyan had a lot of things, nodded and said: "Sheng, Shuyan, then you go to work and come here!"

Chi Shuyan estimated the time and said that she would be able to come in within half an hour. Zhen Yu nodded more relievedly. On the side Yang Lan was still a little worried about what she looked like, she came to see Renzhen for Zhen Yu today. On the scene, if Zhen Yu's boyfriend and his friends see her like this, isn't it a shame for Zhen Yu?

Chi Shuyan was sure that Yang Lan couldn't see anything with sunglasses, and Yang Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

They parted ways with the two, Chi Shuyan first took a taxi to the hospital, while dialing Qi Zhenbai's cell phone, whether it was to ask for leave or to go home later tonight, Chi Shuyan planned to inform the man.

She dialed the phone, but the call was not connected for a long time. Just after the call was over, Chi Shuyan made three more calls. When she heard the beeping tone on the other side of the phone, no one was connected, she felt inexplicably cold and cold. .

Isn't that Qi Zhenbo that man just broke up with her last night, and now he doesn't even plan to answer a phone call, and intends to disconnect her completely?

Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan couldn't help feeling cold. She hung up the phone, rolled down the car window, and sighed as she looked at the tall buildings and neon lights outside.

Fortunately, within a few minutes, the phone's ringtone suddenly rang. Chi Shuyan glanced at the screen and saw that it was not Qi Zhenbai who called her back on the screen?

Chi Shuyan was not the character that hurts the spring and sad autumn. At this moment, she saw the man on the opposite side calling her. Her eyes lit up and immediately picked up. The man's low and magnetic voice sounded: "Something?"

The man's tone is not deliberately cold, but this tone is much colder and alienated than before.

Chi Shuyan could still hear someone vaguely reporting something to Qi Zhenbai, fearing to disturb him: "I'm busy now?"

"Hmm! What's the matter?" The man's tone was still not cold.

Chi Shuyan was still very uncomfortable with the man's indifferent tone, and said, "I might be out of the door in a couple of days!"


Ok? What means?

Chi Shuyan was quite disappointed, and wanted to talk, the man over there had already expressed that he had to be busy!

Chi Shuyan had to take the initiative to hang up.

It's better to answer the call than not to answer it. When I think of her going out before, the man must ask all the details. Now I am afraid that the other party does not care or in his heart, he really decided to break up, so everything about her has nothing to do with him.

Chi Shuyan was very frustrated and didn't understand how the two broke up to the point of breaking up, but she was the one who lost the reason for breaking up.

She also understood once again that some things can't be said casually, saying that it hurts others, even if you don't mean it in your heart, but the other party will listen to it and chill.

Chi Shuyan thought about her and Qi Zhenbai all the way, so naturally she didn’t want to break up so easily. She made up her mind and waited for the matter to be resolved, and then had a good talk with the other party to make up for the other party. Now she wants to make up for the other party. , It's a pity that the timing is wrong, and she has no time to make time.

Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but feel a headache.

Chi Shuyan thought all the way very engrossed, and waited for the driver to stop the car. When it came time, Chi Shuyan regained consciousness, paid the money immediately, and got off the car.

Chi Shuyan calmed his mind, and took the elevator to Wei Panyang Ward. The elevator in Wei Panyang Ward was a short distance away, so he had to walk a short corridor.

Chi Shuyan walked in the direction and saw Wei Panyang’s ward number from a distance. Not long after, the ward opened and it was the guardian mother. Just as Chi Shuyan wanted to say hello to the guardian mother, she saw her closing the door incorrectly, and her movements were a little staggering. Stiff, completely unlike human movements, Chi Shuyan's expression changed.

After watching the other person close the door, he staggered and walked with his heels, hands and feet.

Chi Shuyan was not sure for a while whether the guardian mother was alive or just being possessed, but the guardian mother had white light and black energy all over her body, and it should have been recently possessed.

Chi Shuyan took out a talisman and lit it in front of him, only to see the black eyes flashing with golden light.


She looked over again, and saw a ghost on Wei Mu's body. Although the ghost was neither a fierce ghost nor an evil ghost, the black aura and faint red light all over her body were obviously not good.

Chi Shuyan secretly posted a tracking charm, and once the thing moved to kill, she would know immediately.

She faintly felt that this ‘thing’ should have been directed by the big ghost to the upper body, and the target should be Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, and Wei Panyang.

Since its target is Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, and Wei Panyang, this thing will come back again to make sure that there will be nothing wrong with the guardian mother. In order to avoid getting rid of the grass and startling the snake, Chi Shuyan pushes the door. When I entered, I saw Jiang Duo, Wei Panyang, Xiao Ningjin sitting together and chatting heartlessly.

I also bought a lot of snacks and canned beer.

When Chi Shuyan pushed the door in, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin and others were shocked when they heard the movement at the door. They thought it was the guardian mother who was back again. The boys hurriedly subconsciously emptied the beer. Hide it.

It was Jiang Duo who saw Chi Shuyan sharply, and his face immediately frightened and smiled excitedly: "Ning Jin, Pan Yang, Ahao, Luoying, don't hide, it's not Pan Yang's mother who came back, it's Master Chi! Master Chi! "

As soon as Chang Hao's words fell, the others glanced excitedly at Chi Shuyan, and Chang Hao, Wei Panyang, and Xiong Luoying also excitedly said: "Master Chi is here, Master Chi came to see us, great! Great! "

Xiao Ningjin's eyes also lit up.

When Chi Shuyan saw that these guys met that thing, she didn't dare to drink alcohol. She also knew that these guys were used to being wild. Suddenly, the guys could only stay in the ward for a day. Everyone was bored. , But thinking of the guardian who was possessed just now, if she comes back later, she still doesn't know if these boys will survive after tonight.

"Is it cool to drink?"

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