Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1142: One thousand one hundred and fifty five

After dividing the jade cards, with the jade cards, it is not a big deal for Weimu to become unconscious with Changhao. As for selling jade cards again, Chi Shuyan did not plan to do another loss-making business and sell jade cards again.

Chi Shuyan finally left the hospital. When he was in the car, Chi Shuyan still called Brother Feng and told him about the hospital.

Let Brother Feng pay attention if there is something wrong with someone around him, be careful.

Feng Yuanlin didn't expect Shuyan to go to the hospital and encounter such a thing. He had to go to the hospital because of Shuyan. Otherwise, after a day or two, he really didn't know if he could see Jiang Duo and Wei Panyang. Several boys.

Chi Shuyan made a long story short with Feng Feng because of something, and said that he went to the police station after eating at night.

Feng Yuanlin immediately said: "Success!"

Because of the old ghost in the hospital, Chi Shuyan arrived at the royal restaurant a while later, and went to the box, Zhen Yu and Yang Lan.

Sit and talk and have not served food.

Yang Lan saw Shuyan coming in with sharp eyes, her eyes lit up, and she quickly got up: "Shuyan? You are finally here! Sit down! Sit down!"

As soon as Yang Lan finished speaking, Zhen Yu also saw Shuyan at this time, her eyes brightened, and she was in a good mood. Chi Shuyan was a little sorry for being late, but Zhen Yu was happy and said: "Just come! Just come! We too Just ordered, Shu Yan, you just came here!"

At this time, Zhen Yu's boyfriend also politely said that he was not late.

This is also the first time that Chi Shuyan saw Zhen Yu's boyfriend. He looked good, about 1.75 meters tall, with a gentle personality, clear brows, and patience hidden in his eyes.

Although he recruits peach blossoms, he is not bothered, he is quite specific. It is a good target to be a target. It is a pity that his personality is a little less decisive, a little more indecisive and soft. It is not a big deal, but it is quite For people who can live a solid life.

Looking at Zhen Yu again, although her personality is gentle and shy, most of the time she is still very assertive and able to come up with ideas decisively. Looking at it this way, the two are very matched. After the two support them, they will be able to live and be beautiful.

Chi Shuyan turned his attention back. After Zhen Yu had introduced her boyfriend in front of her, Chi Shuyan also greeted her, and only then did she know that Zhen Yu's boyfriend was Yang Zhi.

Yang Lan has a good impression of Zhen Yu's boyfriend, but she sees too many unreliable men, and she is afraid that Zhen Yu will also find an unreliable boyfriend.

At this moment, she saw Zhen Yu's boyfriend. Although she saw Shuyan, her eyes were polite, but she had no other thoughts, and most of her attention was on Zhen Yu.

Yang Lan was quite relieved, after all, to tell the truth, among the three of them, the most prominent appearance is Shuyan. Shuyan is really long and has nothing to say. The facial features are exquisite and impeccable, plus she The skin is white, as the saying goes, one white hides one hundred ugliness, as long as a woman has a fair complexion, no ugliness will go anywhere.

What's more, the Shu Yan is not ugly at all, and the facial features are very delicate and beautiful, coupled with the white face, it is really beautiful.

Occasionally, even a woman like her would be stunned, which shows her looks.

The only weakness of Shuyan is that she is too young, her appearance has not fully grown, and Shuyan is usually very low-key, otherwise Shuyan would have long been their school's school flower.

Coupled with the exposure of Shu Yan's ‘Prince Qi’s’ identity, there are no boys who dared to show her courtesy in school.

However, this does not affect Shu Yan's charm to attract men. Seeing that Zhen Yu's boyfriend did not show any courtesy to such a big beauty as Shu Yan, nor did he stare directly at people, Zhen Yu's boyfriend was fairly reliable.

Yang Lan feels that if she has a boyfriend in the future, testing her boyfriend's reliability is to take Shuyan to meet him. If the other person has clear eyes and does not stare at Shuyan all the time, it is quite reliable. If she keeps staring at the beautiful color and squinting, she doesn't bother to ask for this kind of man, and she will be sure that she will not mistake him in the future.

The more Yang Lan thought about it, the more he felt that the attention was good. Chi Shuyan talked to her boyfriend with Zhen Yu, and noticed that Yang Lan looked at her increasingly hot gaze, with some doubts in her eyes, and looked over.

Yang Lan smiled with a guilty conscience.

"By the way, I have two friends who came here right away and they are already at the entrance of the restaurant, don't you mind!" Yang Zhi's expression was still a little nervous, and he looked at Zhen Yu's face next to him all the time, and he could see that he paid great attention. How she feels.

Zhen Yu was so sweet in her heart that she immediately nodded her head to show that she didn't mind, and blinked at Yang Lan.

Yang Lan looked dumbfounded.

Actually, when the two were in love, Zhen Yu hadn’t met Yang Zhi’s friends very much. It was not that Yang Zhi did not want her to see her. It was that Zhen Yu was shy and a little embarrassed. In addition, she went to school on weekdays. The two had a chance to date on weekends. The world of the two of them is so pitiful that there are no other people to meet.

However, when the two are in love, it is unlikely that they will not see Yang Zhi's friends. Zhen Yu also has some affinity with his best friends, but they have no real meaning.

Chi Shuyan saw what Zhen Yu meant by the side, and secretly said that it would be a good way to get off the list with friends and boyfriends.

It's a pity that Yang Lan didn't see what Zhen Yu meant.

Actually, this time Yang Zhi called his good friend to come, and Zhen Yu took the initiative to mention it, mainly because she felt embarrassed and guilty that Yang Lan had fallen in love, plus Zhen Yu really felt that his boyfriend’s friend was pretty good. Although there are only a few sides, she is very polite when you see the face. Zhen Yu really believes in Yang Zhi's character, so he thinks his friend's character is also good. It would be great if she really sees Yang Lan's character. .

Of course, Zhen Yu didn't think about introducing her boyfriend to Shuyan, but when she thought that Shuyan had a famous flower, or the famous Qi family Qi family, she didn't dare to have the idea of ​​being a matchmaker.

It's a pity that Yang Lan was injured today, but she couldn't see it with her sunglasses. Thinking of this, Zhen Yu blinked at Yang Lan again to make her work harder for a while!

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