Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1144: One thousand one hundred and fifty seven

Yang Lan looked a little unnatural and stiff when she heard Zhen Yu's words. To be honest, she had no idea about the man surnamed Feng, and she inexplicably rejected Zhen Yu's words.

Yang Lan didn't understand the meaning of Zhen Yu's words, and said with a little selfishness: "Since everyone is friends, why don't you add a WeChat together?"

Yang Zhi didn't think much about what Yang Lan said, and asked Feng Yuancen and Feng Qin to take the initiative.

Not surprisingly, Feng Yuancen was a face-controller. At first, he asked his friend to come over. He was originally interested in lack of money, until he saw that there was such a beautiful little girl beside his friend and girlfriend.

From the first sight of each other, Feng Yuancen's eyes flashed stunningly, and Yu Guang never moved away from him. It is rare to see a woman who is so close to his own appetite. It's a pity that this woman has a rather cold complexion.

Feng Yuancen’s original interest is a bit less. He likes beautiful women, but he doesn’t like hypocritical women. What's more, although he likes beautiful women very much, he enjoys the pursuit of women more. At this time, he takes it back. Sight, but the addition of WeChat has not been rejected.

Feng Qin and Feng Yuancen both added WeChat with Yang Lan. When the two of them added WeChat with Chi Shuyan, Chi Shuyan hadn’t spoken yet, and Yang Lan suddenly said, “By the way, Shuyan, did you have your phone just now? Just lost it?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan guessed some of Yang Lan's selfishness. Since she had spoken out, Chi Shuyan nodded according to her thoughts: "Sorry, I accidentally lost my phone!"

Zhen Yu's expression was a little surprised, and she looked at Yang Lan in a daze.

Yang Lan has made many boyfriends and is quite flirting. Not long after the food was served, she was quite familiar with Feng Yuancen and had a pleasant chat.

It’s just that Feng Yuancen will take the initiative to throw the topic on Chi Shuyan from time to time. Chi Shuyan’s tone is not familiar and not too cold. After all, the other party is Zhen Yu’s boyfriend’s friend. She has to give some face, but from time to time she sees Yang Lan. The sight of Chi Shuyan inexplicably hurt his brain.

To be honest, the atmosphere at the dinner table was quite embarrassing, mainly because Zhen Yu and Yang Zhi had previously said that they would introduce a reliable friend to Yang Lan.

Yang Zhi took the initiative to introduce Feng Qin. Compared with Feng Yuancen, he felt that Feng Qin was suitable. The main reason was that there were too many women around Yuan Cen, too many peach blossoms, and he did not reject these peach blossoms. He was always ambiguous with these women. Good home, not to mention Yuan Cen is a family member, and his family is too high, so he dare not easily introduce people to Yuan Cen.

So before coming, Yang Zhi didn’t talk to Feng Qin about his girlfriend, but he said a few words to Feng Qin and also told Feng Qin and Yang Lan’s name. So at this time, he watched Yang Lan stay in Fengyuan. Cen Xian was attentive, and Yang Zhi frowned.

Yang Zhi regretted asking Yuan Cen to come over at this time. He always knew that Yuan Cen’s charm to provoke women was too strong. Then he took the initiative to speak with Feng Qin next to him to resolve Feng Qin’s embarrassing Chi Shuyan. He told his girlfriend. Good friendliness is better.

As for the friend surnamed Yang, who is next to her girlfriend, to be honest, if it weren't for Zhen Yu to say that Miss Yang has a very good personality and a very nice person.

He really might not introduce good friendly brothers to each other.

It may be that Zhen Yu said before how this Miss Yang has a good personality, and his expectations are too high, so at this time, seeing her being attentive to Yuan Cenxian, he felt that the other woman was no different from other women.

Zhen Yu was also a little embarrassed at the moment. Yang Lan's move was entirely to slap her in the face in front of her boyfriend, but thinking that she didn't make it clear, Zhen Yu didn't mean to blame Yang Lan.

Women are pretty and human. She made up her mind to talk to Yang Lan for a while, telling her Feng Yuancen is not a good home, Yang Lan will definitely listen.

She is most afraid of rotten peach blossoms.

Chi Shuyan was not good at expressing his attitude, but his brows frowned when he saw that Yang Lan had been too courteous to Feng Yuancen.

To be honest, Feng Yuancen, a man with too many peach blossoms, is really not a good attribution to a woman, let alone Yang Lan, who walks with peach blossoms, is not a good target.

She didn't want Yang Lan to repeat the same mistakes. She found an excuse to go to the bathroom, patted Yang Lan and said, "Did you just want to go to the bathroom? I just wanted to go, why not go together?"

Yang Lan guessed that Shuyan had something to say to her, hesitated for a moment, so she got up and nodded.

When the two went to the bathroom, Zhen Yu and Yang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere improved.

On the other side, the two of them walked to the place where no one was by the window, Chi Shuyan said directly to Yang Lan: "Yang Lan, that Mr. Feng is not a good home. I think that Mr. Feng's appearance is very intriguing, not suitable. Object!"

If it was before, Yang Lan would have listened to these words, but now she has a very good impression of Feng Yuancen. Although she knows that she is for her good, she is instinctively repulsive in her heart and nodded as if she had listened.

Chi Shuyan saw that the other party hadn’t listened, but at the end of a good friend, she said: “Although the next Mr. Feng is not suitable for you, the next Mr. Feng is very suitable for you. You didn’t always want to wait for yourself before. Peach Blossom? Now that fate is here, you can take good care of it. I think the other person is very suitable for you. He is simple and honest, with good personality, coupled with good potential, is a good target!"

Yang Lan heard Chi Shuyan say that Feng Qin is more suitable for her, frowned instinctively, and was not very happy. Chi Shuyan glanced at her and continued: "The other party still carries..." Jinguang merits, no worries in the future Developed, coupled with the other party’s focus on love and devotion, Chi Shuyan thinks this object is really good, except for looks, but devotion, ears are not soft, and each point is a bonus item of twelve points. To be honest, Except for her boyfriend who is not in comparison with Zhen Yu, others can be said to be far better than her boyfriend, such as career and vision. Others are devoted to feelings and are comparable to her boyfriend.

More importantly, you can also change Yang Lan's own fortune, which is very good.

Chi Shuyan thought well for Yang Lan, and sincerely hoped that she would be well, but it is a pity that Yang Lan did not give Chi Shuyan a chance to finish her sentence. Mr. Feng really doesn't call!"

Chi Shuyan was a little disappointed in her eyes, saying that she didn't call Feng Qin. Is it possible that she only called Feng Yuancen?

Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and said: "Yang Lan, you are my good friend, so I just told you a heart-wrenching remark, that Mr. Feng is definitely not a good home. You are unlucky this year in your birth year. Find a man who will provoke peach blossoms. Friends are not wise, is it possible that you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

The words'repeat the same mistake' made Yang Lan pale for a while.

Chi Shuyan has already said what she should or shouldn't say. The rest is her own business. She patted Yang Lan on the shoulder: "Do you think more about it?"

Chi Shuyan said these words and turned to leave.

Yang Lan suddenly held Chi Shuyan's hand, her tone was rather aggressive: "Shuyan, do you like Yuan Cen?"

Chi Shuyan frowned instinctively when she heard Yang Lan spit out Feng Yuancen's intimate name, and then heard her words clearly, her face looked a little ugly, if it wasn't for some friendship, she really wanted to shake her face at this.

Chi Shuyan's eyes were a little cold, and his lips curled up and said: "Don't worry, you know that I already have a boyfriend, not to mention my boyfriend is far better than the other, why should I like him?"

To be honest, Feng Yuancen looks good. Compared with the two, she is naturally a better-looking man. As for the others, the other party is far behind.

At this time, Yang Lan was inexplicably relieved. After thinking about it, Mr. Qi, regardless of his appearance, figure, and status, is top notch. Of course, if he only talks about appearance, the two types cannot be compared. Mr. Qi She is a tough and masculine perfect type, while Feng Yuancen has a feminine and white face. Out of the eyes of her lover, Xi Shi appears in her eyes, and she instinctively has a more favorable impression of the latter.

Yang Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Yang Lan did not give up to Feng Yuancen, Chi Shuyan did not say anything, but was more disappointed in his eyes. He only hoped that the other party would think about his own fate, and what did Chi Shuyan think about his own fate. I feel that my life is more important.

Chi Shuyan only hoped that the other party was only temporarily stunned, and then he thought about the seriousness of the matter.

After Chi Shuyan and Yang Lan entered, Yang Lan's enthusiasm for Feng Yuancen was reduced a bit, and she did not show her courtesy in Chong Feng Yuancen. Zhen Yu was a little surprised and took the initiative to pull coal for her and Feng Qin.

Yang Zhi frowned, but Zhen Yu really hoped that Yang Lan would find a good place.

After that, Yang Lan didn't repel much, and she took the initiative to talk a lot with Feng Qin.

Feng Yuancen doesn't care about women's indifference. He is mostly inverted by women. Of course, if Yang Lan and Feng Qin are really good, as the saying goes, friends' wives, don't be deceived, Feng Yuancen won't hook on Yang Lan again.

After seeing Feng Yuancen, Yang Lan took the initiative to speak to Shu Yan and stopped talking to her, frowned, and looked at Chi Shuyan from time to time. Chi Shuyan was stared at by Yang Lan with doubts and doubts. Very uncomfortable, to be honest, if Yang Lan is so confused, she feels that she may not be suitable for Feng Qin.

As a good friend, she naturally only hopes that her friend will be better. Chi Shuyan only hopes that the other party will be clear. Yang Lan has a good personality, but Du Dui is very emotionally confused. She does not want the other party to go the wrong way and end miserably.

Yang Lan didn't know Shu Yan's kindness here, and it didn't take long for a dinner to end.

When leaving, Feng Yuancen seemed to be interested in Chi Shuyan again, and took the initiative to drive her to send her off.

Just as Chi Shuyan wanted to refuse, Yang Lan suddenly came over and said, "Shuyan, didn't your boyfriend say that he will pick you up tonight, why hasn't he come to pick you up yet?"

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