Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1147: One thousand one hundred and sixty

Neither Chen Mei nor her husband understood how the policeman returned the drain? There are some doubts in the eyes.

Feng Yuanlin said at this time: "If there is any damage to the public property when checking the population, we people’s public servants will replace you!" 
The three of Chen team, Wu Haoming, and Xiao Shan next to him did not expect that their own ability to block the bureau could be so good. Big?

However, Chen Mei and her husband were surprised and incredulous when they heard this. Although Chen Mei's husband is a teacher, it is impossible to afford a house in Kyoto, where the land is very expensive. The house is still rented.

The family lived very frugally. It would be great if there were benefits. The two couples looked happy.

After the two couples didn't think much, they walked to the bathroom door and took a look. Chen Mei said in doubt, "This floor drain was still good just now! Why was it suddenly opened?"

The more Chen Mei thought about it, the more she couldn't touch her head. She didn't notice anything unusual when she came to take a bath just now.

Chen Mei's husband is also quite puzzled. They use this bathroom almost every day, so why don't they know what's inside.

Hearing the words of the two couples, Feng Yuanlin, Xiao Shan, and Team Chen's expressions changed subconsciously, and they walked over, with a little thoughtfulness in their eyes. They didn't know what to think of, and their expressions were not very beautiful.

Chi Shuyan picked up the drain for the couple's bathroom and reinstalled it. When everyone was not paying attention, she calmly drew a void pure Yang talisman. She wanted to stick the talisman, but she was afraid of being torn. Or others do not believe it.

Next to Chen Mei, she was a little embarrassed to see a little girl installing a bathroom drain for her house. This little girl looked white and beautiful. How could she do such a thing?

Chi Shuyan moved fast. Chen Mei and her husband were very embarrassed. Chi Shuyan had something to say to Feng Ge, and Feng Yuanlin also had something to say to Shu Yan.

The two looked at each other, and Feng Yuanlin immediately put Team Chen, Xiao Shan, and Wu Haoming in charge of any losses in the verification, and he walked out of the door.

As soon as Chi Shuyan was about to walk out of the door, he saw the milky little boy stomping over again and grabbing Shuyan's hand, while the milky boy called to her sister.

Feng Yuanlin was surprised that Shuyan had such a child fate, and Chi Shuyan did not expect the child to like her so much. Although her child had a good fate, she had never seen a boy who liked her so much.

Chi Shuyan's eyes flickered, and he took out two pure Yang talisman and peace talisman from his pocket, and passed them through with a red string. Each red cord had a pure Yang and peace talisman. He brought it to the little guy and put on another one. The good red string was handed over to Chen Mei, so that she could bring it to the younger children. At the same time, he also gave Chen Mei and her husband two pure Yang talisman, and said: "This talisman is I asked from a very effective temple in Kyoto. It is safe. Fu, is very good for children, but also very fortune for adults and good health! It is a gift for my two children!"

If the young girl in front of me said that the talisman belonged to her, Chen Mei might not believe it, but when she heard the young girl said that she had asked for it from the most famous temple in Kyoto, Chen Mei still believed it very much, and she immediately thanked the other person.

When Chi Shuyan went out, she was relieved to see that Chen Mei had indeed brought the red rope to another child, and did not throw the talisman.

Chi Shuyan rubbed the little guy's head, then squeezed his face, and closed the door for the family. When he turned his head, he saw Brother Feng staring at her in a daze.

After a while, Feng Yuanlin said, "Shuyan, you are really soft-hearted! Has anyone said that you have a good heart?"

Chi Shuyan smiled and didn't say anything. He said that if he feels soft, he has to depend on fate to see people. It's rare for a child to like her so much. It would not be nice not to give a gift. What's more, how cute the white boy just now is. I don't want to see the child's body again next time. It's good to be a bad guy occasionally.

As for the words "good-hearted", I'm spared.

She doesn't want to be a good person.

Chi Shuyan did not answer the words of Brother Feng directly, but uttered three words straight into the subject: "Sewer!"

Feng Yuanlin's face changed suddenly, and he immediately nodded knowingly: "Go, go to the sewer?"

Chi Shuyan shook his head solemnly, and then first took out a tracking charm, but every time he tracked, the breath of that thing would become weaker and lighter, but that thing would hide its breath again, making it very difficult to search.

Chi Shuyan still tried some tracking, and the news he got was on the first floor of the building next door.

Chi Shuyan rushed to the first floor of a building next door with Feng Yuanlin and knocked on the door of the other building under the pretext of the police. Unfortunately, this family was more difficult and unreasonable than the family just now, and had not opened the door first. It's useless to say that it is a policeman without opening the door.

The woman's sharp curses only became quieter as she entered the bathroom.

Chi Shuyan felt that the fluctuations were getting closer and closer, and she could almost confirm that the thing was stuck on the bathroom drain, waiting for the killer.

Seeing that the door hadn't been opened, Chi Shuyan looked at Brother Feng: "Can you kick the door?"

As soon as the words fell, only a screaming, piercing and sharp woman screaming in the bathroom inside, Feng Yuanlin kicked open the door immediately.

The people inside did not know what was going on, the man and the old man were at a loss: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

As soon as the words fell, seeing the outsider kicking the door open, the man ignored the bathroom and stopped Chi Shuyan and Feng Yuanlin again, with a look of caution: "What do you want to do in my house at night? I want to call the police! I want to call the police. !"

The man stopped them for a while, but he couldn't stop Chi Shuyan at all.

Chi Shuyan directly ignored the middle-aged man in front of him, quickly bypassed him, kicked open the bathroom door, only to smell a strong **** smell, Chi Shuyan looked up, and saw a middle-aged woman hurriedly stabbed. After a few knives, his head was twisted off, covered in blood, his head tilted into the bathtub, his legs were out, and he died in the bathtub, which also stained all the water in the bathtub bright red.

The old man and the man outside came in, and when they saw the horrible scene inside, they screamed in horror. The old man was so irritated that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Feng Yuanlin's face sank subconsciously when he saw the scene inside.

Chi Shuyan's eyes kept falling on the ground drain that was pried open. At this time, there was nothing in it. The tracking symbol still fluctuated a little bit. The thing was not far away. Chi Shuyan immediately rushed to Feng Yuanlin and said: " Brother Feng, you stay here first, I'll be right back in a while!"

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