Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1149: One thousand one hundred sixty two

Half an hour later, Feng Yuanlin sent Shuyan to the entrance of Liska’s apartment. Before Chi Shuyan got off the car and went upstairs, Feng Yuanlin suddenly said: "Shuyan, you are going back so late, did Zhenbai call You? Need me to call Zhenbai to talk about the situation?"

Feng Yuanlin said and looked at the time, it was quite late, it was almost ten.

Chi Shuyan knew that it was good intentions to seal Brother, and grinned: "It's okay. Sometimes it's not a big deal to come back later. Besides, he didn't seal Brother and care about me as strictly as you want!"

Feng Yuanlin said that Zhenbai's desire for control and control has always been very strong, especially for Shuyan, but when Shuyan left, Feng Yuanlin still sent Zhenbai a few explanation messages to avoid any small conflicts between the two. .

Feng Yuanlin drove away when Shu Yan disappeared from her back.

Chi Shuyan took the elevator upstairs, thinking about what happened tonight and about Yang Lan, and more about what happened to Qi Zhenbai last night. She wrinkled her brows and made up her mind to talk to each other tonight. As for breaking up, she really didn't want to break up, and she didn't think they were breaking up now.

There is only a little conflict between the two, it shouldn't be a problem.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the door with a familiar road, and entered the password.

She originally thought that the other party should go home so late, but when she opened the door, it was dark inside. She glanced around, and there was no light in the kitchen, bedroom, and study room, and there was no movement inside!

He hasn't come back yet?

Chi Shuyan walked to the hallway and turned on the slippers, and the light was bright. She walked in and subconsciously walked to the door of the man’s study, knocked on the door, and no one responded. She opened the door and saw that there was no light on and no one inside, and went to the bedroom again. After a glance, it is obvious that the man really hasn't come back!

Chi Shuyan wanted to make a few phone calls, but think about calling tonight. If the other party is busy, she had to take a shower first. After seeing her friend's boyfriend tonight, she didn't forget to go to the sewer.

It's just time to take a bath.

After taking a shower, Chi Shuyan saw that Qi Zhenbai hadn't come back. He sat on the sofa in the living room with his pillow and looked at the phone for a while. After not looking for a while, he went back to the bedroom and went back to Fuluo.

Tonight, I painted bursting talisman and pure Yang talisman. With the experience of last night, only a few of them were scrapped, and the others succeeded, but the pure Yang talisman only had one or two fourth-rank high-level successes, and she was not surprised.

She couldn't stop this painting talisman. She drew similar bursting talisman and pure Yang talisman, as well as a few safe talisman. Chi Shuyan couldn't wait to try to draw the fifth-grade tracking talisman.

With the spiritual energy on the tip of the pen, she tried to draw amulets for the first time, although she knew in her heart that she was only on the fourth level of Xuanyinjue, and it was enough to paint the fourth-grade high-level pure Yangfu, not to mention the fifth-level.

She didn't have much confidence, but she had to try it once, condensing all the aura in the dantian into the pen tip, and began to draw the fifth-grade tracer.

Just waiting for the transportation of the Spiritual Qi to draw the fifth-grade tracer, the pen in his hand seemed to be out of her control for the first time, and he wanted to escape from her hand with a hum.

Chi Shuyan Qiang controlled the cinnabar pen in his hand, and continued to transport his aura and began to draw symbols on the yellow paper.

Only half of the talisman paper was drawn, and then there was a bang. Not only did the yellow talisman paper burn into powder, but the cinnabar pen also exploded into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Chi Shuyan was over-consuming aura and the cinnabar pen fell to the ground. She immediately leaned back limp, her face pale, and her forehead was sweating heavily.

She stared blankly at the yellow talisman paper, half drawn on the yellow talisman paper, a little scribbled, and disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Chi Shuyan was quite unbelief in evil, rested for a while, gritted his teeth and took out a new cinnabar pen, followed the steps just now to draw the five-grade tracer, which is more radical than the previous instillation of aura, this time he transported the aura to instill the pen. At that time, she was quite gentle, slowly advancing, but it is a pity that these five-rank talisman are not what she can paint successfully now.

This time, the talisman was burned and the cinnabar pen was also shattered. The leaked aura made her chest feel a little painful, but the second cinnabar pen was broken, and Chi Shuyan had to give up.

Withdrawing her mind, she subconsciously looked out of the window. The bedroom curtains were not drawn. Through the window, the maw was white and it was too early.

She looked up at the clock on the wall. The hands were already pointing to the word half past five.

So late?

Chi Shuyan got up and opened the door to take a look outside. No matter whether she was upstairs or downstairs, she looked at her. She was the only one in the empty apartment of several hundred square meters.

Thinking that the man Qi Zhenbo hadn’t returned yet, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the other party again. After taking out the phone, she saw that the other party sent her a text message at about twelve o’clock, indicating that he was busy tonight. No time to go home!

Chi Shuyan stared at the two ‘no time’, a little fascinated. For a while, she was not sure if the other party deliberately avoided the excuse she made or was really busy. She didn’t want to really misunderstand each other. She even hoped that she would prefer the latter and dare not think too much.

Since this man won't be back tonight, Chi Shuyan had to go back to the room to sleep and lay on the bed. She thought a little bit. What if the man Qi Zhenbai really wanted to break up with her?

Will not!

Chi Shuyan felt that he shouldn't think too much about it, and practice while sleeping, and have to go to school tomorrow, and talk about other things tomorrow.

The next morning, Chi Shuyan simply washed up and took the bus to the university.

Before getting into the car in the morning, Chi Shuyan took the initiative to dial Qi Zhenbai’s phone. When the phone was connected, she was about to speak when there was an incoming call.

Mr. Xu’s voice: "Little boss, hello, the boss is in a meeting now, I’m afraid I’m not free! If you have something to look for, should I go and let me know?"

Chi Shuyan was a little disappointed and shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm fine. I just wanted to call him. Since he is busy, forget it. If it is possible, I hope Mr. Xu will convey it to me."

Mr. Xu nodded immediately: "Sure! No problem, little boss!"

Chi Shuyan didn't say a few words with Mr. Xu and hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, the bus stopped at the Yanjing University stop sign. Chi Shuyan got off the bus and walked absently to the school gate.

Happily this morning, she unexpectedly ran into Yang Lan at the door with an open eyebrow. Yang Lan saw Chi Shuyan and looked very happy. She greeted her familiarly: "Shuyan!"

Chi Shuyan looked up and saw Yang Lan who was greeting her not far away. Just when she subconsciously wanted to greet her, she saw that her brows were full of spring breeze, and the peach blossoms were about to bloom.

She couldn’t help but think of Yang Lan’s love and hospitality at first sight to a cousin of Brother Feng last night, and then Yang Lan got into Feng Yuancen’s car. She didn’t know what happened after the two of them, but she saw Yang Lan’s obviously peachy face. , Her face condensed, it seems that Yang Lan did not listen to her words last night.

Chi Shu's face was a little heavy, and she was not in a good mood. Although she was quite worried that Yang Lan put her scheming on her heart last night, in the end Yang Lan was not only emotionally confused, but also sincere to her. She didn't want to lose such a friend. Don't want to look at Yang Lan's bad luck.

She pursed her lips and tentatively said, "How about you and that little brother Feng last night?"

Yang Lan heard Shuyan mentioning Feng Yuancen, her cheeks were a little shy and shy, and she said, "Shuyan, I think he has a good personality, and I have never been so passionate about a man, I still want to try!"

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Yang Lan said again: "He seems to be a little bit interesting to me!"

Chi Shuyanxin said that she knew from Feng Ge about his cousin’s romantic character, she knew what kind of kid Feng Yuancen was. I’m afraid that as long as he is a mother, he can play with it. It doesn’t matter. It's a pity that Yang Lan still doesn't know about this. She was lost in a moment of heartbeat and couldn't see the truth.

She really thinks Feng Qin is much better than Feng Yuancen, if she can be with Feng Qin, she will not regret it in her entire life.

If she were Yang Lan, she would not hesitate to choose Feng Qin, who is reliable and practical, and has unlimited potential, not to mention Feng Qin looks good.

Chi Shuyan didn't want to persuade a lot this time, and she saw that even if she said Feng Qin was good, she wouldn't listen to her. At this time, her heart was filled with Feng Yuancen's kid.

She can't help but sigh with the lethality of sometimes skin!

In fact, women love pretty, nothing wrong, normal, but Yang Lan’s situation is a bit special, she feels that men and fate are more important to men and fate, if the other party is worthy of love, if it is not worth it, she really I don't know what risk the other party is worth her!

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Yes, it seems that you have decided on your own! Let's go, class is about to begin!"

Seeing Shuyan turned around and didn't say anything, Yang Lan looked a little anxious and a little flustered. She also knew that what she did last night was a bit unnatural. Yang Lan gritted her teeth and said suddenly: "Shuyan, I'm sorry last night!"

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