Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1159: Let's go to Beiqiao Mountain for a watch

Because the matter was too serious, Counselor Zhang didn't think much about agreeing to it this time, but after agreeing, Counselor Zhang was still worried that she would not even have an accident when she went.

Chi Shuyan seemed to see Counselor Zhang's thoughts, and said, "Don't worry, I will be fine!"

Seeing that the child in front of him was so calm, counselor Zhang subconsciously believed her words. Seeing that the young teacher Cai who had gone to the bathroom also got in the car, and the driver got in the car, counselor Zhang had to take her there immediately and shouted Chen Jin: "Old Chen , Come down, I have something to tell you!"

Chen Jin heard Counselor Zhang's words and got a little puzzled. He greeted Mr. Yu and Mr. Cai before getting off the bus. Mr. Yu was fine, just let him hurry up.

However, the young teacher Cai, who has just entered Yenching University, frowned, and said with a strange tone: "The drivers are all in the car and the time is almost up. What should I do if the students' time is delayed?"

Chen Jindang didn’t hear Cai Xuanqiao’s weird words, so he got off the car, and Lao Yu treated the woman surnamed Cai as a stranger. At this moment, Chen Jindang got off the car and talked about it as a delay in student time, then the woman just went to the bathroom. What's the matter of being on for such a long time, isn't it a delay in students' time?

If you didn't know that this woman had a'very close relationship' with Director Huang, I would be too old to say something.

Seeing that they both regard her as a transparent person, Cai Xuanqiao's mouth crooked in anger.

In the car, counselor Zhang saw Chen Jin and immediately said: "Old Chen, I don’t have a student who is particularly interested in painting, but I don’t think this study can be half-hearted. I persuaded this child not to listen, so in the afternoon you can Can't you help me take her to see it? By the way, see if this kid has a talent for drawing? So that this kid can give up!"

Counselor Zhang couldn't find an excuse for a while, so he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Chen Jin looked at Chi Shu's face standing in front of Counselor Zhang for a moment, with doubts in his eyes. Didn't Old Zhang in the office tell him anything about this kid's interest in painting? Seeing that Lao Zhang has not been dissatisfied with the child's amiable appearance, Chen Jin was suspicious of Counselor Zhang's words for a while, and couldn't figure out why he was lying.

Chen Jin had a lot of guesses, and his eyes were filled with doubts: "Is this kid still in class in the afternoon? Is it okay to be absent?"

The counselor next to him is afraid that the students will not be able to keep up and miss classes. What's the matter with Lao Zhang?

Chen Jin didn't doubt Lao Zhang's other thoughts, but thought that it was a good way for him to use this method to allow the child to concentrate on class and study in the future.

In the end, he accepted the matter in counselor Zhang's advice and nodded: "Sure, it's okay!"

Seeing Chen Jin's promise, counselor Zhang heaved a sigh of relief.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she was a little admired for giving counselor Zhang an excuse for making a temporary bludgeon.

Of course, suddenly coming here is not all because of soft heart.

Since leaving the office just now, she was always a little uneasy. After all, she had chased the ghost to the Beiqiao Mountain and Nanqiao Mountain area before seeing it again, and always felt that something was wrong.

Now that Teacher Chen suddenly wants to take so many students to sketch in that area, she is always a little uneasy, so come and see, sure enough!

The matter was more serious and complicated than she thought. Before, she only thought that this teacher Chen would have an accident. Now look at it, I am afraid that the people in this car will have to go out this trip. After all, she has so many lives. No matter how hard it is, there is no way to watch so many people die.

What's more, a group of her fellow brothers have been looking for the whereabouts of the ghost. If it is really possible, this time is also a good opportunity to solve it.

So she decided to go with the same without hesitation.

Thanks to her such a divine assist as counselor Zhang, with Teacher Chen's consent, Chi Shuyan did not speak, and obediently followed him in the car.

Counselor Zhang still has classes in the afternoon, so he can only leave first. Before leaving, he looked very complicated and worried.

Chen Jin looked at it for a while and couldn't help but feel happy: "Lao Zhang, what is your look? Can I still eat your student?"

Counselor Zhang choked, Chi Shuyan then said: "Teacher Zhang, goodbye, I will take care of myself!"

Counselor Zhang can only gritted his teeth and nodded. He looked at the time and left first.

When Counselor Zhang left, Chen Jincai took the girl student next to him into the car, and while taking a look at the girl next to him, he felt that the girl's temperament looked like an art student.

Chen Jin has always been loving, talented, and gentle. If the other party is really talented, he wouldn't mind giving him some guidance. He couldn't help but ask: "How did you apply for other majors when you liked painting?"

Chi Shuyan Xin said that besides drawing talisman, she is really not good at other paintings. It would be awkward for her to draw the simplest apple sketch. How can she report her profession?

She raised her eyes to meet the expectant gaze of the other party, Chi Shuyan couldn't utter a word, and suddenly felt that the excuse that Counselor Zhang had just made for her was a pit. At this time, she couldn't tell the truth in the expectant eyes of Teacher Chen in front of her. To be honest, just gritted your teeth and found an excuse: "At the beginning, the family was poor!"

Chen Jin's face was startled, her eyes looked at her from looking forward to curiosity to the later distressed and complicated.

Chi Shuyan froze because of the toothache and brain pain from Chen Jin's distressed look beside him. He regretted the excuse he had just made, and simply pretended not to speak anymore.

Chen Jin looked at this appearance but thought that what he said just now hurt the little girl’s self-esteem. She rubbed the little girl’s head in distress, and said with earnestness, “It’s not a bad thing to be poor at home, and the teacher doesn’t think much. The family is also poor, as long as you have a future for yourself!"

After being poured a handful of chicken soup by this teacher Chen, Chi Shuyan nodded with a ‘oh’.

"Well, let's get in the car first, let's talk about other things!" Chen Jin said.

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