Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1161: One thousand one hundred and seventy four

The boy named Ayu next to him didn't speak at all. The few boys next to him had always been aware of Su Yu's character. They murmured a few words and didn't say anything. The girl in front turned her head and spoke suddenly and asked Yao Zhao if she wanted to change her position.

When Yao Zhao heard the girl in the front row, he blinked ambiguously at Su Yu, and took the initiative to change positions with the other party. With this change, Su Yu also changed positions with the boy sitting in the front row.

When Yao Zhao saw Su Yu sitting with him, he looked at Ban Hua who was so sad that he almost didn't cry out. He couldn't help but draw the corners of his mouth, feeling that Ayu really didn't have any pity for Yu Yu, no wonder he was single all the time.

They can also say that the flowers in this class are always interesting to Ayu, but Ayu has never responded. They all behaved so clearly, and they haven't seen it yet, they can only say that Ayu is not interested in the flowers.

"Damn, Ayu, you are so amazing!" Yao Zhao whispered, seeing that Ayu never returned to him, he had no choice but to give up, and his focus shifted to the little girl who was sitting by the window just now. When I was gossiping in my heart, I couldn’t help but glance at the face of the little girl sitting behind him by the window, thinking that this little girl is definitely more beautiful than their flowers, her small face is exquisite and the whole body is very outstanding, so outstanding. The beauty of Ayu was a transparent person just now, and he admired it.

At the same time, he was quite admired for this big beauty's indifferent appearance towards A Yu, looking at A Yu's appearance, there really is no woman or girl who can completely ignore A Yu.

He couldn't help but whispered to Su Yu next to him. He secretly glanced at the other person again. The more he looked, the more he felt that this girl was much more beautiful than theirs, and her temperament was much better, but her face Some are light and light.

Chi Shuyan's eyes on other people's bets were very keen. She glanced at the other person, and she looked away and swept over. Yao Zhao's eyes were quite sharp, and Yao Zhao was startled.

Chi Shuyan did not have much interest in other dog blood triangles at this time, and the Xihua next to her took the initiative to speak to her. Only then did Chi Shuyan know the names of the two who changed positions next to her. She was a medium-sized person with a gentle complexion. Not too good-looking, the guy who has been courting the girl next to him is called Yu Bo, and the guy next to him is called Ji Mingshu. They nodded politely.

Ji Mingshu never denies that he has a very good impression of Su Yu. Just now I saw Teacher Chen brought a beautiful girl to sit beside Su Yu deliberately. Ji Mingshu was still a little uncomfortable, thinking that most of this girl came for Su Yu.

But just now I saw that Su Yu hadn't paid much attention to the girl, and saw that this girl politely took the initiative to greet her. Ji Mingshu was a little embarrassed, with a shy and polite expression of hello to Chi Shuyan.

I don't know if it's because Chi Shuyan took the initiative to nod to greet the other party just now. Ji Mingshu changed positions with the man next to him uncharacteristically, and introduced himself while speaking with Chi Shuyan in an enthusiastic manner.

Chi Shuyan is always indifferent to strangers, whether it is a male or a female, but Ji Mingshu seems to have not seen it, and does not know whether it is a problem with her eyes, no matter how little Chi Shuyan speaks, she has a lively personality, a very warm attitude and a natural familiarity. .

"Shuyan, so your name is Shuyan, this name is so nice!"

"Shuyan, which major are you in which class? Why are you suddenly following Teacher Chen?"

"Shuyan, let's contact WeChat, next time I will play with you!"

Chi Shuyan has always felt that she has probably experienced more of her previous life, and her personality cannot be as innocent and romantic as her peers. She has a good impression of the little girl beside her, and answers her words concisely and concisely. As for adding WeChat, forget it. Let's talk about it.

She didn't pay attention to the girl next to her just now, but at this moment, because of the other party's initiative to strike up a conversation, she couldn't help but glanced at the other person a few more times. At this look, she frowned.

Although she saw the black lifelessness surrounding the car just now, she looked at the face of the little girl in front of her. The lifelessness on the girl's forehead was stronger than everyone else around her, and the black lifelessness gleamed with a strange red light. , Is the undoubted appearance of death.

The more she looked at, the more frowning her brows, and she glanced over the few boys sitting next to him. Among them, the face of the forehead named Yu Bo sitting next to Ji Mingshu was also the same. The dark life was shining with a strange red light, and it was undoubtedly mortal. It seems that other people are much better, with black lifelessness, but they may not really die.

Chi Shuyan stared at the two men intently. Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo were a little confused. Yu Bo just saw that Mingshu had been talking to the girl next to him and ignored him. He couldn't help saying, "Mingshu, are you thirsty?"

Ji Mingshu waved his hand to indicate that he was not thirsty, and asked with a curious smile: "Shuyan, what are you doing looking at me?"

When Chi Shuyan was talking to the other party, she squeezed the other party's hand. When the scene of the other party falling into the water and drowning flashed through, she suddenly said: "Why don't I give you a fortune? Five hundred at a time!"

No one thought that Chi Shuyan would suddenly speak like this, as soon as he opened his mouth, he would be a fortune teller, and he would reach out to ask for money.

The boys who were still chattering around were shocked by her words and immediately shut their mouths and stared at Chi Shuyan with round eyes. Yao Zhao and Su Yu, who had just poured mineral water in the front seats, were almost never caught by Chi Shuyan’s words. Cough directly in the mouth.

Su Yu was okay. He swallowed the water in his mouth with a few coughs, but Yao Zhao, who was next to him, sprayed the water directly, and said to Su Yu: "Ayu, I...I heard that right?"

Su Yu was paying attention to Chi Shuyan just now, and couldn't help turning his head to look at her a few more times, her eyes were very subtle.

Chi Shuyan does not care about the thoughts and gazes of others. Since she has a relationship with the other party, she is also happy to break a relationship with the other party. As for Ji Mingshu, whether she wants to believe it or not, she will follow her. If the other party regards her as a liar , She didn't force it. After that, she was still dead, and she could only say that it was fate, no wonder anyone.

Just when everyone thought that Ji Mingshu would turn his face and refuse, it does not mean that Bo refused. Ji Mingshu widened his eyes and nodded happily: "Shuyan, you can tell a fortune? Okay... Okay, let me do it!" Ji Mingshu sneaked a peek at what he thought of. Su Yu in the front row asked secretly: "By the way, Shu Yan, can you help me count a few more times, no, it's done once, I want to count marriage! Can it be counted as marriage?" Ji Mingshu said, getting weaker. The voice is weaker!

Chi Shuyan:...

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