Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1164: One hundred and seventeen

As soon as the girl's words fell, Jiang Tongle's group all gloated at her. Yao Zhao's group looked at Jiang Tong's gleeful look and reacted. I'm afraid she is suing the teacher to make the matter worse. Now Yao Zhao's group People really think Jiang Tongle is too much.

I also feel that this Chi Shuyan school girl is really not smart, and it's nothing more than secretly fooling people. What is it to fool them in front of so many people?

For a while, Yao Zhao really sympathized with this school girl.

Ji Mingshu's face changed suddenly, and he subconsciously hurriedly pulled Chi Shuyan's arm.

Chi Shu's face changed and changed, and the girl who complained to the other side nodded and said, "Yes, I will pass now!"

Just a few steps away from Chi Shuyan, Su Yu suddenly blocked the conversation and said, "Sixty thousand, isn't it? I have transferred to your Alipay! You can check it!"

After Su Yu said this, he turned and left. Chi Shuyan raised a smile and stopped the person. He handed the two talisman in his pocket to the other party: "Come, this talisman is now yours!"

Just as Su Yu was about to refuse, Chi Shuyan strode out to the car door without giving Su Yu time to react.

Jiang Tongle didn't expect that she could understand the fact that Chi Shuyan was fooling and deceiving people. Su Yu also gave the other party money to buy the broken talisman. Didn't she slap her in the face?

Jiang Tongle stared at Chi Shuyan's back for a while, his face turned blue and purple, and the other one was ugly, so he shouted at Su Yu: "Shao Su!"

Su Yu ignored Jiang Tongle and got off the car, followed by Yao Zhao's group.

"Ming Shu, let's get off the car too!" Yu Bo said.

Ji Mingshu looked at the back of Su Yu away, and quickly got off the car, only to think that Shuyan was pierced by the teacher. Ji Mingshu was really worried and whispered: "Yu Bo, why don't you come with me, teacher? Over there to explain for Shuyan? Jiang Tongle is too much!"

Anyway, she has a great affection for Shuyan, a school girl. She feels that this is what her grandfather used to say about eyeballs. This is the first time she wants to make a friend.

Yu Bo is naturally what Mingshu said.

It was equivalent to Bo Tong Ji Mingshu getting out of the car. Ji Mingshu raised his eyes and saw Shuyan being reprimanded by their teacher Cai. In short, their teacher Cai's face was very ugly, and the eyebrows were angry. Ji Mingshu was worried.

In fact, not only Ji Mingshu was quite worried, but Yao Zhao and the others also felt that the school girl was very miserable and pitiful. When they looked far away, they knew that Teacher Cai had been training a lot of blood.

Among these teachers, the young teacher Cai has the worst temper. Teacher Chen has a very gentle temper. Teacher Yu is occasionally serious and is usually good.

Huang Shanming couldn't help but said, "Tsk, this school girl is really miserable!"

Meng Ping and Yao Zhao also nodded in agreement.

Meng Ping thought of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, Ayu, just now you paid this school girl that sixty thousand yuan is not because of poor people's curse!"

Su Yu did not deny that, in fact, he did transfer money because of this before, and he kept pinching the two yellow paper charms and staring without speaking.

Yao Zhao, Meng Ping, and Huang Shanming followed Su Yu’s sight and fell on the yellow paper talisman held in Su Yu’s hand. When they thought that these two fluttering things were sold for 60,000 yuan, several people looked at each other. Zhao gritted his teeth and said: "In fact, this school girl is really a god, and she is too good at doing business. If she is really short of money, who doesn't do this kind of business in a low-key and secret manner, but it is so upright and open. , You guys are talking about how the school girl's head grows, and what Jiang Tongle had just exposed, her calm look, I really admire it!"

Yao Zhaobian said that he looked up again at the school girl who was scolded in the distance by the dog-blood sprinkler. Seeing that her face was still very calm, she didn't know what to say for a while? Said this school girl is too thick-skinned?

Meng Ping couldn't help but glanced at the teacher Cai, and said, "Ayu, I think you might have been a disservice with the 60,000 yuan just now. For a while, Teacher Cai won't let the school girl come to you and ask her to pay her back. Huh? It’s even more embarrassing!"

Seeing that Su Yu was quiet again, Meng Ping couldn't help but say: "Yes, I won't say much, who made this elementary school girl not make money down-to-earth, she specializes in cheating, and being taught a lesson will give her a long memory, yes, ah Yu, these two pieces of torn paper are useless anyway. Would you like to give me one and let me fold a plane to play?"

Su Yu directly asked the other party to transfer 30,000 yuan, and he gave him one.

Meng Ping hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't, don't, I don't want it! I don't want it! This torn paper is too expensive! I recently lacked money to buy this torn paper!"

Huang Shanming saw the teacher look over at this time, and immediately said to the others: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, I'm always looking at you, everyone, hurry up and get things done!"

The group of Huang Shanming and Meng Ping just took out the drawing board and easel. Cai Xuanqiao had brought people over there, and he said loudly to Su Yu, "Su Yu, come here!"

Chen Jin also just learned about Chi Shuyan at this time. It was because Ji Mingshu went to find someone. After all, this student was specially brought by him. He hurried over to prepare to plead with Cai Xuanqiao.

It's a pity that Cai Xuanqiao didn't give Chen Jin any face because of some private complaints. The left sentence Chi Shuyan blackmailed, and the right sentence she blackmailed students. When Su Yu walked over, she snorted and said to Chen Jin: "Teacher Chen, I really didn't expect it. You brought such a student with a problematic character, not only blackmailing other classmates, but also against the teacher. I dare not teach such a student with corrupted character. I have to talk to the school about the student's corrupted character!"

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