Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1166: One thousand one hundred and seventy nine

As soon as Chi Shu's face fell, Chen Jin and Lao Yu coughed and choked with her words. They stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe that she even dared to sell charms, especially Lao Yu. Seeing this student is dead pig, he is not afraid of boiling water. This Fulu was selling in front of him, and he was stunned for a while. I don't know what expression to face the student in front of him, and I don't even know whether to punish her harshly or praise her for being brave.

While the two teachers in front of him were dumbfounded, Chi Shuyan took out a talisman and placed it on the teacher, saying: "Teacher Yu, this talisman can be given to you first. As for the money, we can go back to school and talk about it!"

After saying this, Chi Shuyan turned and left.

When Chi Shuyan walked away, Chen Jin and Lao Yu finally woke up. The two of them stared at each other, the boss with staring eyes.

Don't know what to say?

Lao Yu even stared at the paper talisman in his hand and almost didn't stare at him. This student dared to cheat his money? Wait, no, this is not the most serious one. Who is this student brainwashed?

Thinking of this, Lao Yu's face was very solemn.

Chen Jin took a few glances at the talisman in Old Yu's hand, but remembered the talisman that Lao Zhang gave him. At this time, he took out a few, and Lao Yu's eyes widened. After looking at it carefully, he found that these are the same as the one just now. The student gave him exactly the same, with a look of astonishment immediately: "Where did you come from? Old Chen, your kid also believes this? They were bought by the same student? How much did it cost?"

If Lao Chen really spent money to buy this thing and still believe this, Lao Yu doesn't know what to scold!

Chen Jin did not conceal it and said directly: "These talisman papers were given by Lao Zhang!"

Old Yu:...

"Wait, Lao Chen, before I saw this old piece of rune paper secretly in his pocket, how did Lao Zhang get these rune papers?" Lao Yu opened his eyes wide and confronted Chen Jin. After a glance, the two violently looked at the back of the little girl just now, wait, Lao Zhang wouldn't have been brainwashed by the little girl!

Chi Shuyan didn't know how much entanglement she gave to the two teachers. As everyone was busy, Chi Shuyan was ready to get acquainted with the surrounding area, and by the way, see if there is anything unusual around it.

The scenery of Beiqiao Mountain and Nanqiao Mountain is really good. It is surrounded by green mountains and rivers. The water is very clear and there are a lot of flowers blooming around it. Because it is also a barren suburb, it is very quiet.

But this unusual silence made Chi Shuyan feel uneasy.

At this time, the students in twos and threes were scattered upstream, downstream and around, picking up picture frames and easels to draw carefully beside them. As everyone was busy, Chi Shuyan walked up upstream.

Not long after I walked, I saw a familiar river and cave in the upper reaches.

There were no people at the entrance of the cave, but there were many people on both sides of the river. Everyone was drawing with easels and frames. Chi Shuyan stood above, staring at the very calm and clear water thoughtfully, sometimes staring at it. The iron-patterned eyes of the'South Bridge Mountain' were a bit trance.

Whenever she thought of chasing that thing last time, she chased it here. The ghost thing was missing. She was always a little uneasy and abnormal. In short, no matter how beautiful this place is at this time, Chi Shuyan didn't like it.

Turning to see the hole behind him, preparing to go back the same way, he heard a rather familiar and unfamiliar voice behind him: "Shu Yan, here! Look here!"

Chi Shuyan turned his head and saw a pretty girl beckoning to her. Who was that girl if she wasn't Ji Mingshu?

Yu Bo's easel and picture frame were next to Ji Mingshu's. Seeing that the two were quite close to the river, her brows frowned slightly, and she didn't want to go to the cave to explore, strode over and greeted each other.

Compared with Chi Shuyan's indifference, Ji Mingshu is obviously very enthusiastic. First ask her if she wants to paint. If she is interested, she can try it on her drawing board.

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to refuse, Chen Jin didn't know when he would come over there. It was a little complicated to look carefully at the bottom of his eyes, but he didn't pursue the previous matter any more, but said: "Don't you like painting very much? You can try! It's better to draw a basic sketch apple! I'll see if you have this talent by the way!"

Chi Shuyan:...

When I saw the teacher Chen in front of me, I didn't talk about it casually, it was true. Chi Shuyan opened his eyes wide to refuse. Ji Mingshu was also very enthusiastic and quickly cut the pen for her and let her paint.

It was a bit scary for Chi Shuyan to wait for her to stand in front of the frame with a pen. She just wanted to chase a ghost, but what is it that she stood in front of the drawing board with a paintbrush now?

Then look at the gentle teacher Chen in front of him with a kind and expectant look on her.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to put aside other things for the time being and first draw some sketches of apples. Knowing that Ji Mingshu and this teacher Chen were both good intentions, Chi Shuyan also perfunctory, took out the serious energy of drawing talisman and thought about the appearance of apples for a while and began to try painting.

To be honest, she does have a lot of interest in painting, but after this attempt to paint, Chi Shuyan once again understands one thing deeply: even if you are interested in something, it does not necessarily mean you have talent. Just because she is good at drawing Fulu does not mean that she can paint.

Waiting for a four-different apple to be displayed on the drawing board, not only Chen Jin looked at it and frowned, but Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo also stared at the picture frame and coughed, not knowing whether Shuyan's painting was an egg or an apple.

Among their professionals, there is still a huge difference between eggs and apples, but Shuyan’s apples are not much different from eggs. The most numerous heads are much larger than ordinary eggs.

Chi Shuyan looked at the apple in the frame seriously, and was somewhat satisfied, put aside his pen and said, "Ms. Chen, I'm done drawing!"

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