Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1169: 111,182

Although Yu Bo was wet next to him, he looked at Ming Shu in a state of something wrong, staring at her from time to time while undressing, and seeing her suddenly crying and saying hell, Yu Bo's heart was cold and his face was a little pale. He gritted his teeth and said: "Ming Shu, don't say anything, there are no ghosts in this world! We were just caught by the vines in the river!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he did not know when his gaze fell on Ji Mingshu’s scorched talisman powder. Guessed what it was, he subconsciously squeezed it into his pocket, waiting to take out the black scorched powder, Yu Bomeng’s eyes widened, his face Shuashu was pale, the blood on his lips had faded, and his lips trembled from time to time, staring at Chi Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the black scorched black powder in Bo's hand, and took a closer look at Yu Bo's face. He saw that his face was the same at this time. Ji Mingshu was very much the same. The death has passed, but the black energy is still strong. Can he survive tonight? It depends on their luck.

"Well, what happened just now? If you don't tell me, I can't save you!" Chi Shuyan said flatly.

Ji Mingshu stumbled and said with horror about what happened just now. Originally, she had already packed up the drawing board and flower stand with Yu Bo just now, and was about to return to the car. However, she temporarily saw Su Yu was also there, so she couldn't hold back, and went to Su Yu to talk more. Talking for a while.

She didn't expect that saying so few words to Su Yu would arouse Jiang Tongle's jealousy, and then Jiang Tongle called her to go over and say something. Ji Mingshu was in a good mood at that time, so he didn't say anything and followed.

I don't know that the other party didn't ask her to say anything, but took the opportunity to crash her into the river to warn her, but Jiang Tongle had bad luck. After knocking her down, he also fell into the river.

At that time, Yu Bo and Su Yu jumped down to rescue them as soon as they saw the situation.

It was only when Ji Mingshu was rescued that she knew about Yu Bo and Su Yu who had gone to the river to save them, but she would never forget everything that happened in the river before.

She remembered she wanted to climb ashore when she just fell into the river.

The school has swimming lessons, and she can also swim. The river is not too deep. She originally thought it would be very easy to get ashore, but when she was about to swim up and climb ashore, she suddenly felt a force to hold her. She couldn't kick off her legs.

Before she was drowning in a daze, she clearly saw a grimace whose head was swollen several times by blisters, and there were still corpses and rotten flesh on her face and rushed towards her, saying that she was her, they were alone. .

At that time, she was frightened and desperate. When she saw that the thing was about to get on her body, there was a sudden burst of golden light in her body, which violently bounced off the thing, and she was rescued ashore.

When she was rescued, she was terrified and horrified. She didn't hear a word of what others said. The hideous and terrifying grimace had been lingering in her head before she woke up. The previous feeling of being forced to possess, she was vicious. There was a chill, and I was quite sure that I was not dreaming.

In order to make sure that she was not dreaming, she glanced at her ankle and saw five shocking fingerprints on her ankle.

At that time, she was frightened by the inexplicable red and swollen fingerprints on her ankles. She was so cold that someone poured cold water on her head in the winter. She was absent-minded and terrified and lost her soul along the way.

Ji Mingshu was afraid that Chi Shuyan would not believe it, so he took off the shoes on her feet and showed her, nervously and horrified: "Shuyan, I really didn't lie! I really didn't lie."

Although Ji Mingshu’s voice was very small, he didn’t know when Su Yu and Yao Zhao’s attention was still noticed. Yao Zhao’s mouth was so unbelievable that Su Yu’s face was not much different from Bo. His face was pale and his eyes were very complicated. , Staring at the shocking fingerprints of Ji Mingshu's ankle, his right hand was in his pocket at some point, and when he took out a scorched talisman, Su Yu's face was very ugly, his eyes were good and he kept staring at the talisman in his hand.

Chi Shuyan's attention was not on Su Yu, his eyes swept across Ji Mingshu's ankles. In the eyes of ordinary people, there were only faint red and swollen five-finger prints on the white ankles. In Chi Shuyan's eyes, the wound was still showing up. Less black.

When Yao Zhao saw that Su Yu's face was not very good, he was trying to comfort him by expressing that the superstition was not credible, and he saw that the little girl with the late surname took out another talisman sometime and put Ji Mingshu's leg on her leg.

Then Yao Zhao followed a magic trick, and saw that the Fu Mingming in the hands of the school girl didn't use a lighter to light it, but somehow it shook in front of them, and the Fu Lu suddenly burned out of thin air.

This scene almost didn't make Yao Zhao jump up and scream.

What Yao Zhao couldn't believe the most was that as soon as the talisman burned, the five fingerprints on Ji Mingshu's ankle gradually disappeared. Yao Zhao's eyes widened, and his eyes stared at Ji Mingshu's bright and white ankle without any fingerprints. His eyes were stunned and unbelievable.

Not only Yao Zhao, but Su Yu, Yu Bo, and Ji Mingshu almost screamed when they saw this magical scene, their expressions changed a lot, and they stared at the immature and exquisite school girl in front of him with no expression. Confident and dumbfounded.

"Okay!" Chi Shu's face faintly put Ji Mingshu's feet down, and several people have not recovered.

Su Yu was the first person to recover first, staring at her with a bit of excitement. Ji Mingshu saw Chi Shuyan and the last straw, and suddenly grabbed Chi Shuyan's arm. Said: "Shu Yan, help me! Help me! Did I hit the evil? Did I hit the evil!"

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