Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1177: One thousand one hundred and ninety

Chi Shuyan saw that Director Huang was stabbed by the ghost with only one last breath. After the eyes of a few people asking for help, he finally took out a pile of bursting charms and threw it over.

But he was swiftly hiding by the ghost.

Seeing the ghost, let go of Director Huang, Chi Shuyan immediately asked Teacher Chen and Su Yu to dial 120. By the way,

Lift to the side.

Su Yu listened very much to Chi Shuyan's words. Riding on the ghost, let go of Director Huang, and immediately cooperated with Yao Zhao in the division of labor. He lifted his hands, feet and heads, and hurried to the side.

After waiting hard to lift Director Huang to the side, the few boys raised their eyes and looked as stupid as Chen Jin and Lao Yu, and stared at the Chi Xuemei who was making tea with the ghost not far away. Zhang's boss looked dazed, excited and horrified.

Chi Shuyan ignored other people's reactions, and focused on the ‘ghost’ who was fighting.

The ghost had already remembered its hatred for a long time, and now the old hatred and new hatred were counted together, staring at her with weird and vicious eyes, and shaking his head, the ghost's neck was more springy, and his head was thrown far away, full of corpses. His face opened and his mouth flew over to bite Chi Shuyan's body. Someone screamed in surprise, but Chi Shuyan pulled out a bursting charm to block him.

As the opponent opened his mouth, Chi Shuyan quickly stuffed a few bursting talisman in with his eyes and hands.

When the ghost swallowed, there was a scream, and several holes popped in his stomach.

If it was an ordinary water ghost next to him, he would have been seriously injured by the explosion, but after the ghost screamed and exploded a few holes in front of him, his body became darker, and he automatically started to repair his own body. Seeing Chi Shuyan also became more and more sinister and infiltrating, with a trace of scarlet, and the people watching were extremely disturbed.

Chi Shuyan stood there calmly, aside Chen Jin, Lao Yu, Su Yu, Yao Zhao, etc., but it was the first time for Chen Jin, Lao Yu, Su Yu, Yao Zhao to see such a terrifying and horrible thing like a ghost so clearly, all of them were panicked, and their legs were faint. Soft.

Ji Mingshu just woke up just now and was scared to death by the ghost not far away, but Yu Bo comforted him: "Don't be afraid Mingshu, there is Chi school girl, no, there is Master Chi!"

At this time, Yu Bo didn't know that the school girl in front of him was a real real person, and he was very fortunate that he had made friends with Mingshu and this master Chi.

Of course, although Yu Bo is afraid, he still has confidence in the master Chi who has the upper hand in the fight. At the same time, he dare not think about the consequences of Master Chi being killed by this ghost. He can only think about the good side. .

Other people's minds and thoughts are similar to those of Yu Bo, and they all look worried and fearful.

People who want to run but dare not run, who can guarantee that they can run, it is safest to be around Master Chi.

The courageous Mao Di and Huang Shanming uttered a phrase of ‘fear’ to a group of people at this time, their faces pale and scared, and they asked directly: "Mr. Chen, Teacher Yu, there’s nothing wrong with Chi Xuemei!"

Chi Shuyan naturally didn't have time to pay attention to the thoughts of other people at this time. Seeing that the ghost was originally Cai Xuanqiao's face, it didn't take long for him to reveal his prototype.

It was a woman's face that couldn't recognize her face, her swollen face was full of decayed corpses, not only her face was swollen, her body was wet and swollen with blisters, as the woman appeared in her original form, there was a strong rancid and watery smell The smell of seaweed came, almost fainting everyone else.

I saw the ghost suddenly let out a cry of sob, and the sharp woman's cry became louder and louder.

From the time this woman was crying, Chi Shuyan had a bad premonition. This ghost is harder to conquer than other people's ghosts. Seeing this sharp sob and crying become more and more acute, the incoming people’s ears almost burst into people’s ears. Chi Shuyan's right eyelid twitched on her eardrum, and immediately let people cover their ears.

Yu Bo only took care of covering Ji Mingshu's ears. As soon as the sharp cry came into Bo's ears, Yu Bo's eardrum bleeds, and his eyes turned black. His face was pale and his body was shaking and tightly covering Ji Mingshu's ears.

Ji Mingshu’s cries suddenly rang out, and he hurriedly covered Yu Bo’s ears with his hands and eyes quickly. Although the others were covering their ears, they didn’t feel better. The eardrums and brain hurt by the shrill sound made him feel dizzy and vomiting. , Desperately cry for help!

Not only Chen Jin and Yu Bo Suyu, but also her face paled by the sharp cry of the water ghost at this time, and fine cold sweat oozes from her forehead.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to break out of the enchantment, he saw the water ghost whimpering and sharp crying, and the black pressure suppressed many lone souls and wild ghosts coming from all directions. Chi Shuyan had no choice but to immediately break out of the enchantment and take out a long whip to take flight. Tossed it over, interrupted the cry of the ghost, and at the same time bit his fingertips, drew a third-grade high-grade pure Yang talisman out of thin air, and shouted: "Go!"

The third-rank high-level pure Yang talisman smashed on the ghost, and immediately smashed the thing a few meters away and fell to the ground.

It's a pity that these three-rank high-level talisman only caused some damage to the ghost, and did not cause serious injuries. The ghost quickly got up and suddenly spouted water from its mouth. Not long after, a pool of water gradually formed on the ground, which wet everyone's ankles.

The ghost's distorted and hideous face stared at Chi Shuyan, spraying water and shouting'death' in a panic, Chi Shuyan coldly moved the fourth level of the Xuan Yin Jue: "Today I want to see Who died first?"

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