Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1179: 111,192

Chi Shuyan’s words completely awakened the other horrified boys, Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Meng Ping, Huang Shanming, Ji Mingshu and a group of people realized that everything is over, then what kind of ghost is really learned by this surname Chi The sister cleaned up.

Huang Shanming, Meng Ping, and Yao Zhao couldn't help screaming excitedly: "Is it all right? Is it all right? Is it all right?"

It is estimated that a few boys are too excited and haven't been sober for a long time. They are immersed in ecstasy and the excitement of the rest of their lives. They can't fall on the ground. This time they escaped from the dead, and they really understood how good it is to be alive.

When Chen Jin and Lao Yu saw that some of the boys were still being stupid, they reminded them to help Director Huang get out the swallowed sewage.

Fortunately, although Director Huang was stabbed by a knife again, he was not stabbed to the point of death. Director Huang was lucky.

Hearing the words of Teacher Chen Jin and Old Yu Liang, the boys were really in the real situation. Su Yu saw that Chi Xuemei was about to leave, and thought of her mysterious and unpredictable methods just now. They were startled by excitement. people.

A few other boys also rushed to stop people. The ones who called Chi Xuemei before, now they all call ‘Master Chi’,

The ghost suddenly appeared just now. Although they looked scared and panicked, they could clearly see how the school girl cleaned up the ghost.

Although their heart palpitations are really ghosts in this world, they are shocked and shocked to force the school girl in front of them to produce endless mysterious magic and magical methods, which are hundreds of times more exciting than they watched science fiction blockbusters, and it opened their eyes and shocked them.

Chi Shuyan saw that Su Yu was stopping her, and thought they had something to do, so she narrowed her eyes and asked, "Is there something else?"

Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Meng Ping, and Huang Shanming changed their previous high coldness. At this time, they were extremely grounded, and Chi Shuyan's eyes were full of excitement, admiration, and respect.

Su Yu was calmer, her lips trembled for a few minutes without holding a word, or Huang Shanming, Meng Ping, and Mao Di first asked in unison with excitement: "Chi...Chi Xuemei, you are a celestial master? There is a heaven in this world. division?"

Chi Shuyan has long been accustomed to the curiosity and excitement of ordinary people towards the celestial master. When the burial grounds were indiscriminately, Qi Hao's boys saw her harvesting ghosts, weren't they so excited?

Chi Shuyan nodded faintly, and said lightly, "There are ghosts in this world, how can there be no heavenly master?"

A group of boys choked when they heard the word ‘ghost’, their excited expressions were very bleak and severely shivered. When they thought about tonight, they didn’t dream of meeting again.

At this time, Chi Shuyan heard Ji Mingshu crying, and saw her kneeling beside Yu Bo, who was in a coma. Thinking of something, she strode over and said: "Don't worry, he's okay. Just go to the hospital and rest for a few days!"

Ji Mingshu now believes in Chi Shuyan's words very much, and hastily wiped his tears, incoherently thanking Chi Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan had a good impression of Ji Mingshu, and said, "If he doesn't wake up tomorrow, you can come and find me in class!"

Having said that, Chi Shuyan said which department and class he was in.

Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Huang Shanming and a group of people listened.

Seeing that Ji Mingshu was in a much better mood, Chi Shuyan was weak and weak, ready to leave.

Lao Yu and Chen Jin still stared at Chi Shuyan with excitement. They had a lot of things in their hearts, but seeing her face was wrong, they had to plan to look for her again tomorrow.

Chi Shuyan greeted a group of people and left. Before leaving, she remembered Fulu's incident. She did not forget the warnings from a few teachers. She walked up to Su Yu and thought about it and said: "Right, I sold it to If your talisman is intact, you can return it to me if you don’t need it, and I can also refund your money, but if the talisman is damaged, you can also refund it, but I have to deduct a portion of the money from the damage."

She never runs a loss-making business.

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, Su Yu hurriedly slammed and shook his head desperately. Even if this talisman was fake before, Su Yu didn't even think that he would not care about the tens of thousands of dollars because of his face. The ability of the'true master' in front of him and the deterrent power of this talisman, how willing to retreat.

He also knows now that there are experts in this world, but there are not many experts like the school girl in front of him, and this kind of talisman, which is really useful for evil spirits and can save their lives, is definitely a good thing with a price and no market. Thinking of this, Su Yu couldn't wait to buy dozens of more talismans and keep them, wherever he is willing to pay them back.

Besides, the value of this talisman is totally incomparable to those tens of thousands of yuan. What's more, even though the ghost thing was collected by the school girl in front of you today, it doesn't mean that there is no evil in this world. Su Yu was even more reluctant to think about it. After retiring, he hurriedly put in his pocket carefully, making sure that the talisman in his pocket was not still there, Su Yu sighed in relief.

If these Fulus accidentally dropped, he would have to vomit blood, and he blurted out: "Is there any Fulus! There is one!"

Chi Shuyan twitched her mouth violently when she heard this. The others had been irritated before and never thought about Fulu, but now they heard the word Fulu, each of her eyes brightened and widened.

Chi Shuyan did not see the bright eyes of a few boys, and said, "Really?"

"No refund!"

"If you want to return Fulu to me, then I won't pay the money!" When he said this, Chi Shuyan made a louder voice for the two teachers to hear. Chi Shuyan was afraid that the two teachers, Old Yu and Chen Jin, said she Taking advantage, she specifically rushed to the two teachers and said: "Teacher Chen, Teacher Yu, this talisman is not because I refuse to return the money, but because the other party refuses to return my talisman!"

At this moment, Chen Jin also thought of the many Fulus that Lao Zhang had accidentally stuffed him before. The thought that this Fulu was probably given by this student, Chen Jin was so excited.

It’s the old Yu who warned Chi Shuyan before that he choked speechlessly when he heard this student’s words. Now that he knew that there were such terrible things as ghosts in this world, he really wanted to buy more talismans from this student. But this is too much face slap, but in face slap and fate, of course fate is more important. Regardless of face pain, Old Yu cheeky suddenly said: "Shuyan, you... are you still selling charms?"

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