Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1184: 111,197

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the few boys looked at her with horror and pitiful looks, and looked at her with round eyes. Chi Shuyan laughed. Don't say that Wei Mu's cooking skills should be good. She can smell the fragrance while sitting here, knowing The boys were afraid of what they were afraid of. She took the initiative to say that she was hungry, and asked Wei Mu to help serve a bowl.

The guardian mother’s confidence that had been smashed for a few days was a joy to hear Chi Shuyan’s words. The guardian didn’t recognize Chi Shuyan for a while, only thinking that the little girl was a friend to see her son. The guardian was very happy and saw him again. The little girl took the initiative to eat her pork rib soup, and Wei Mu's impression was even better.

Busily filled a bowl with enthusiasm and handed it over and said enthusiastically: "You kid wants to eat more, you can eat as much as you want!"

Chi Shuyan thanked Wei Mu.

Chi Shuyan had just eaten a full meal. Although she was not hungry, she tasted a few mouthfuls of soup. She really felt that Wei Mu's cooking skills are really good, and she exclaimed, "Auntie's cooking skills are so good!"

The Weimu's impression of seeing the little girl in front of him immediately improved, and with a kind face and grinning, he gave her a spoonful again.

Others were afraid to eat the things made by Wei Mu because of the previous shadows. Now, seeing Master Chi take the initiative to eat the ribs soup cooked by Wei Mu, several boys who have eaten ribs for many days are also eager to move. The idea is that Wei Panyang's **** cooked this soup!

They couldn't help it.

Wei Panyang and Jiang Duo couldn't help but hurriedly follow Chi Shuyan's pace. They served themselves a bowl, gobbled up a bowl, Wei Panyang and Jiang Duo moved, Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoyingsan People couldn't help themselves, and hurriedly served themselves a bowl, and the food was delicious and fast, for fear that the action was slow and it was gone.

On the side, Wei Mu saw that her son and other boys were uncharacteristically. You vie for me to eat the ribs soup she cooked. It was a bit of excitement, especially when the boys praised her for her good cooking skills. Comfortable.

There were so many people eating together. Soon, the soup in this thermos cup was not only exposed, but the ribs were also eaten up. Wei Mu smiled cheerfully throughout the whole process and lifted the thermos cup, indicating that she would prepare some food again to bring them to eat.

Wei's mother was too enthusiastic, and Wei Panyang, his own son, could not stop it, but what worries Wei Panyang is that he knows what his mother is good at cooking noodles and soup, but other complicated cooking is estimated no solution anymore.

Waiting for Wei Mu to leave, Wei Panyang ate some ribs and soup, still feeling hungry, his eyes widened and said bitterly: "Master Chi, you really canceled the takeaway? Or we order, we treat! Master Chi, you again Stay here a little longer?"

As long as Master Chi stays here all the time, even though they have seen ghosts before, such things as ghosts can't really be immune to them once or twice.

A few people are still afraid to think about it once in a while, the jade card that Master Chi gave before, several of them go to the toilet and take a bath, and they dare not leave.

Wei Panyang could say what other people were saying, and looked at her nervously one by one.

Chi Shuyan put the nervous and horrified expressions of a few boys into his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I have already taken care of the things you provoke, but there is one thing that requires your help."

Chi Shuyan went straight to the subject and talked about a few boys personally telling her about going to Swan Lake. He didn't tell them about the evil, but said in a calm tone as before: "Since you provoked that thing yourself, If you can find the body of a person when you go with me this time, you will have a thick burial, and it will be considered as a complete cause and effect, and that thing will never haunt you again!"

The news that Chi Shuyan brought this time was simply ecstasy, excitement and disbelief. Wait, what did Master Chi mean, what was really done by Master Chi?

At this time, several boys couldn't hold their faces in excitement and ecstasy. Even the calmest Xiao Ning Jin heard the news and suddenly stood up in ecstasy and excitement. Because of his excitement, his body shook a few times, his lips trembled a few times, and his ecstatic speech was incoherent. I asked several times: "Chi...Master Chi, really, you say...really? I promise! I promise!"

Xiao Ningjin agreed, and the others immediately agreed with excitement and nodded their heads. They couldn’t wait to immediately follow Master Chi to the Swan Lake. They should stop the matter early. They shouldn’t stay in the same room all the time. Dare to eat instant noodles.

The fright of these days makes them clearly understand how extravagant and happy it is to be alive, and what they worry most is that they are afraid of hurting their families.

Before, they thought that they might end up with Wang Yu, Shen Zhihua and others, but fortunately they met the nobles.

Thinking that this matter is about to end, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang and a group of people cannot help but think of Shen Zhihua, Wang Yu, Jin Ming, and Fang Yingchang who were killed by the ghost before.

Wei Panyang burst into tears with excitement, and regretted that he was blind and didn't see Master Chi in front of him as an expert. Originally, all of them didn't have to die, but who made them start to believe in Master Chi.

You can only say that you have committed sins and you cannot live!

He is really regretful now, and the only thing that makes him thankful is that he was lucky enough to not lose his life.

This matter can be regarded as a profound lesson for Wei Panyang, and in the future, you must not just look at the surface.

When Wei Panyang cried, Jiang Duo couldn't help but patted Wei Panyang on the shoulder and said: "What a happy thing, why are you crying?"

Wei Panyang choked for a while, and said: "I cry because I am happy and because I regret it. Aduo, you said it was great that we all believed in Master Chi from the beginning!"

Now Wei Panyang’s left sentence “Master Chi” and the sentence “Master Chi” on the right are the most slippery among a few people. Every time Master Chi arrives, his eyebrows are not as arrogant as before, and he is respectful and respectful and enthusiastic. The appearance is more dogleg than anyone else.

Others heard Wei Panyang’s words, and the previous few people were only a few regrets for Wang Yu who had died before. Now, when they heard Wei Panyang’s words, Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao couldn’t help it. Uncomfortable, yes, and Shi Ran unconscious.

Chi Shuyan saw these boys look sad and uncomfortable, and could not comfort others. The only thing in this world was regret medicine. She asked herself to do her best to these boys and to the other dead, Chi Shuyan had a clear conscience, she I plan to go for a cutscene to see Director Huang, without disturbing them, just tell them that the takeaway is here for a while, and call her when they finish the takeaway. Go directly to Swan Lake in the afternoon.

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