Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1187: Shi Ran's Yin and Yang Eyes Second

Shi Ran was afraid that Chi Shuyan would not believe it, saying that he really saw a particularly terrible woman who was covered with corpses and was lying on Fang Yinglong.

Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin thought of one thing at the same time. After a few people came back from the Swan Lake trip for the first time, he suddenly expressed nervousness about changing cars halfway. Did he see Wang Yu also picking up a ghost?

The two of them also asked about this.

Chi Shuyan sat next to him and was curious to listen to them, while observing Shi Ran's face.

Soon, Shi Ran's face paled. He couldn't help thinking of Wang Yu's death and what happened at the time. His face was sad and terrified. He couldn't help but glance at the direction of Master Chi beside him. His expression was relieved. Shao, shook his head and answered the words of the two of them: "No, I couldn't see what was on Wang Yu's body at the beginning, otherwise, where would I dare to ride in the car with him?"

Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin looked surprised, but Shi Ran quickly turned around: "However, I had the best relationship with Wang Yu at the beginning. He usually likes to hang shoulders with him, but I put my arm on him that day. On my shoulder, I felt something weighing heavily on my hand!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Shi Ran's complexion turned pale again while shaking his body with Ji Ling, recalling what happened at that time, and continued: "At that time I just thought I was thinking too much or playing too crazy during the day. I thought, until I accidentally saw five pinched fingerprints on my arm! But Wang Yu clearly didn't pinch my hand. I also recognized that these fingerprints could never have been pinched by Wang Yu!"

Shi Ran was afraid that a few people would not believe it, so he rolled up his clothes and showed the pale and black handprints on his arms to everyone. He continued: "Although I didn't think about anything at the time, I saw that the handprints were scared, but My handprints were not so scary at the beginning, only a little red."

Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang had been getting goose bumps all over by Shi Ran's words, and seeing the black handprints on his arms, the two shuddered subconsciously.

Chi Shuyan also glanced at the handprint on Shi Ran's arm. As for the lightening of the mark, it might be Fulu's cause.

Shi Ran pursed his lips: "You should all know what happened after Ning Jin and Pan Yang. Later, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to ride with Wang Yu in the car and changed positions. After returning to the hotel, everyone divided the rooms. Wang Yu said before that he would live together. At that time, I was a little scared, so I went to some of you room to play for a while, and asked you some ghosts and gods!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang also thought of this. The two also remember that Shi Ran seemed to have deliberately asked about this. Unfortunately, they did not believe in superstition at all, and they definitely said that there can be no ghosts in this world. Persuaded Shi Ran and laughed at him.

Shi Ran's complexion didn't take long before he returned to the room. Thinking of this, Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang looked at each other, their faces flushed, and they squeezed a cold sweat for Shi Ran. If it was said that Wang Yu was the first to find that ghost. The dangerous ones except Wang Yu are the people who walked close to Wang Yu, and the thought of Shi Ran's ignorance would count as staying with that ghost for one night.

The two shivered fiercely, and the limbs shivered. Fortunately, the ghost didn't attack Shi Ran.

Wei Panyang even thought that he did not hang on his shoulders with Wang Yu less that night, and that he had ‘close contact’ with that ghost. When he was sweating for Shi Ran, he was flustered and chilled.

The more I thought about it, the more startled the hairs counted down, his arms madly, his face turned pale, thinking back to the past, I really had the urge to strangle myself.

After knowing that the ghost thing was solved, Shi Ran was bolder than Wei Panyang. He put the expressions of Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin in his eyes, sighed and continued: "I was persuaded by them, but it's actually not strange. They, not only them, but I did not believe that there are ghosts in this world at first, but until Wang Yu suddenly died. At that time they were still asleep, and the police first informed me that when I passed by, I clearly saw Wang Yu just came from Salvage the swollen corpse from the water!"

Having said this, Shi Ran's voice choked, and the words followed. After a while, he found his own voice and continued to speak: "At that time, my head was completely blank. I couldn't believe that Wang Yu died suddenly. Drowning in the Swan Lake, I was very desperate at the time. My relationship with Wang Yu has always been the best among several people. I couldn’t accept his accident. Later, until the police and several forensic doctors discussed about Wang Yu’s drowning, I heard clearly. Several forensic doctors analyzed the corpse spots on Wang Yu’s body and found that Wang Yu’s body had been soaked in Swan Lake for 13 hours, that is, he died at 7 o’clock in the evening the day before. At that time, my scalp was exploded. He really died at 7 o'clock in the evening last night. So last night, our brothers got in the car with Wang Yu and talked together, and even the things he said to Wang Yu when he returned to the room last night were the things? "

At this point, Shi Ran was very emotional, and there was a naked horror in his eyes, and his face was worse than that of the person who had just died.

It can be seen that Wang Yu's death was shock and excitement in Shi Ran's heart.

Here, Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were able to calm down just now. After listening to Shi Ran’s words, the two gasped at the same time. They couldn’t calm down even if they wanted to calm down. , The lips trembled and trembled in disbelief, the two of them wanted to speak anxiously, but their throats were blocked by something.

Or Xiao Ningjin blurted out in horror: "What did you say? The forensic doctor said Wang Yu died in the evening the day before?"

When Xiao Ningjin asked this, his hands kept trembling. Wei Panyang could not speak, but his whole body was shaking all the time. Doesn't Shi Ran's words mean that when we went back with Swan Lake in the evening, Wang Yu was very good Maybe it's dead and not a human?

Thinking of this, the intense fear in my heart almost overwhelmed the two again.

The blood on their faces faded violently, and the horror in their eyes was like the shock and horror when they saw the ghost for the first time.

Shi Ran nodded, then looked at the eye guard Pan Yang and continued: "Later, after seeing Master Chi leave with a few Wei, I actually saw Fang Yinglong lying on the back with a swollen face. The woman with the corpse! That was the first time I realized that I saw that ghost!"

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