Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1190: One thousand two hundred and three

Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, and Chang Hao were still quite eye-catching people. It didn't take long for Master Chi to perceive that there was something wrong with the look of a man and a goddess in front of him. They were not in a hurry to reply, and Baba looked at Master Chi.

Chi Shuyan ignored Zhao Junrong and He Minrou, and after registration, he took a few boys to their rooms.

The neglected Zhao Junrong and He Minrou's faces were very ugly and stiff, staring at the figures of ordinary people walking further and further, almost crushing their teeth.

Especially Zhao Junrong, who had been completely ignored and face-stricken, flashed coldly in his eyes.

He Minrou couldn't help but said, "I should teach those ordinary people a lesson just now!"

Zhao Junrong's eyes were cold, but there was a gentle expression on his face: "Well, Min Rou, this is not a big deal. We can't care about others! Besides, these people are just ordinary people!"

He Minrou looked at Zhao Junrong obsessively, and only felt that her brother was really a gentle and reasonable gentleman. Seeing the person right in front of her, He Minrou felt a ripple in her heart: "Brother, your personality is too good!"

Chi Shushuyan went up the stairs with Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao, and Wei Panyang to his room. Because it was close to Swan Lake, the boys were uncharacteristically afraid to live alone. If it weren't for Master Chi It's a woman, they all want to go to Master Chi's room to make a floor.

It’s not to say that Master Chi agrees or disagrees, and they have no such face. Although they can’t go to Master Chi’s room, the last few people agreed that there is a room for two people, one for three people, and Chi Shuyan lives alone in a room. It was Master Chi who lived in the middle, and their two rooms were close to Master Chi's room.

Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo and a group of people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After dividing the room, the few boys had the mind of gossip again, and wanted to ask what kind of celestial sect the two were just now, and whether there is a real sect of celestial master in this world.

When it comes to the words of the sect of the Heavenly Master, the few boys are very curious and gossiping about the age of the couple just now.

It's not polite to pick up a woman's age, so a few boys simply gossiping about the man's age just now.

Wei Panyang's guesses were all ten-separated, but Xiao Ningjin thought for a while and guessed that the other party might be thirty-two years old.

Chi Shuyan saw that a few boys were so bored that they were fighting for the age of a stranger. He interrupted the quarrel and said, "Okay, time is almost up. Let's take a good rest tonight. We will be downstairs at 9 o'clock tomorrow. Converge!"

Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin stopped arguing and honestly entered the room. Wei Panyang and Jiang Duo saw Master Chi living alone, fearing she would be bored, and invited her to come in and sit down.

If Chi Shuyan had been in a mood before, but now her good mood is all about seeing Zhao Junrong disappear by himself.

If she remembers correctly, Zhao Junrong is the scumbag who hurt her master in the past life.

Although she had never seen such a person as Zhao Junrong in her previous life, she had seen a portrait of Zhao Junrong, a scumbag at her master's side.

She has seen that portrait several times and has been hung in the cave by her master. According to her master’s words, this will allow her to remember the hatred and the rhetoric of men at all times. She will never believe in men. Will be blinded by men.

It can be said that because of Zhao Junrong, only hatred remains for her master. After her master, she no longer believes in men, and she is even a little bit extreme.

Of course, these errors at the source were caused by the man Zhao Junrong. If Zhao Junrong hadn't hurt her master too badly, her master would not have fallen into such a situation.

She spent so many years with her master in her previous life. Although she hadn't seen how the scumbag negatived her master, she also pieced together the truth from the words of her master's friends.

In the previous life, Zhao, who was surnamed Zhao, was disconnected from his first lover, Bai Yueguang, and he deliberately provoke her master.

If it is said that Zhao Junrong provoke her master at the beginning because of his arrogant and romantic character, then she knows that her master’s family is in a good family background, and there is a secret book for the cultivation of the celestial master.

The man surnamed Zhao caught the attention of her master.

Although Zhao Junrong looks good and has a gentle face, he is really a hypocrite with mixed appearances. No, he is still a Phoenix man.

As far as she knew in her previous life, Zhao Junrong knew that in addition to ordinary people, there is a profession of celestial masters. He always wanted to be a master and apprentice. Unfortunately, he had no luck. No, it should be said that he was a little lucky. I have been a disciple of the sect for a day, but he has always been an outer disciple, no different from ordinary people.

And Zhao Junrong’s first love, Bai Yueguang, also met at this time. Like Zhao Junrong, he was an outsider, He Minrou.

Zhao Junrong has always been very ambitious, and naturally he is not satisfied with his current life. After spending eight or nine years at the outer door of the Tianyuan School, he knew that he could not enter the inner door and could not learn the real skills, so he was naturally unwilling.

Every time I think about the daydream of making a great achievement and being accepted into the inner door, it is so lofty, not very capable but ambitious.

He has been in a good relationship with He Minrou for so many years. On the surface, they are commensurate with senior brothers and sisters. In fact, the two have long been hooked up. It is a pity that He Minrou is also an outsider, and his family background is average, so he can't help Zhao Junrong at all.

Until later, Zhao Junrong met her master. At that time, although her master was not young, but because of a good family background, she was an only child and was well protected by the family. There was only one fiancé who died not long ago. He never fell in love. Zhao Junrong's rhetoric was deceived.

In the beginning, Zhao Junrong provoke her master is just a romantic nature, but now she thinks about it, no matter how she feels that the other party has bad intentions, I am afraid that the other party pictured her master's family situation.

Zhao Junrong is a man from an average family background, unable to endure bitterness. A typical little white face who eats soft rice, only has a nice skin and a sweet mouth. At that time, she was well guarded by the family and her master was always courted by Zhao Junrong. May not be tempted.

At that time, her master had always thought that Zhao Junrong was a good person. Since Zhao Junrong proactively expressed that he could be the son-in-law, her master was more satisfied with Zhao Junrong and liked him more.

But I don't know that Zhao Junrong's scumbag picture is the entire property of her master's family.

Seeing that Zhao Junrong was so caring, her master's parents were also deceived by Zhao Junrong, who was inconsistent. I have to say that, apart from his face, the only thing that deserves praise for Zhao Junrong is his acting skills.

Otherwise, how could she deceive her master and parents.

Later, Zhao Junrong entered her master's house as he wished, but never disconnected from that Bai Yueguang. He even took He Minrou to her master's house as a cousin and cheated on the woman He Minrou behind her master.

You must know why her master always thinks that Min Rou is Zhao Junrong’s real cousin, and he praises He Min Rou. Her parents saw that Zhao Junrong treated her master very well, and didn’t think much about it. They really thought it was Zhao Junrong’s cousin and they called He Min Rou. A good one.

Whenever her master has anything good, the first thing she considers is the woman He Minrou. He Minrou often goes to her master's room to pick all kinds of jewelry.

At first, He Minrou was a bit sass, knowing how to ask her master if she could give it to her. In the end, this woman took her master’s family property as Zhao’s family, and Zhao’s family belonged to her, as long as she saw what was in her master’s room. Good and precious things and jewelry, I took them directly in my room.

Her master had been arguing with He Minrou because of the relationship between the other party and Zhao Junrong's cousin, and he kept letting her go. Who would have thought that afterwards he indulged the two people's changes.

It wasn't until later that the surname Zhao accidentally learned that her master's family had a very powerful secret book of the heavenly master.

The surname Zhao didn’t think about the master who had been pregnant for him for several months. For this celestial master’s secret book, Zhao Junrong, a scumbag, He Minrou, jointly killed her master’s family, and even robbed the secret book, and even ran away after the incident was revealed. Lu did not forget to lock her master who was six months pregnant in the room, and wanted to burn her master alive.

Later, fortunately, her master had a big life, but although her master took his life, he was disfigured by the fire and the child in his stomach died.

One of her master’s best friends said that when the child was discharged from her master, he had been an adult for six months and was a boy.

It is conceivable that this disaster has dealt a big blow to her master.

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