Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1195: One thousand two hundred and eight

Driver Chen shook his hand. At this time, he couldn't tell the fear and horror in his heart at all, including his wife. He couldn't describe the fear and panic that he had just passed through the intersection of death.

The weird man last night was really not good.

Driver Chen thought that if he didn’t happen to be carrying a master yesterday, if it wasn’t for the master to remind him, and he immediately discovered something was wrong last night, and left immediately without being greedy, only making money, otherwise he was killed and dismembered. it's him.

When he thought that he might be robbed and divided, Driver Chen shivered abruptly, his face paled, and his lips faded from the original color in fright. His face was very ugly, his lips trembled, and his eyes fell on the non-stop news. The fundus of the eyes was even more frightened, and the pupils tightened severely, panicking.

"Old Chen, what's the matter with you?" The more driver Chen's wife saw that her husband was not right, her forehead kept sweating, what was going on?

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Driver Chen's son couldn't help asking.

The children were small and couldn't see anything. Riding on his father's carelessness, twelve-year-old Chen Zhiguo immediately grabbed the remote control from his father and turned to a cartoon channel.

At this time, the driver Chen didn't care about worrying about his son. He didn't have any appetite and hurried back to the bedroom. When he returned to the bedroom, his hands and feet were cold and weak, and he almost fell on the ground.

It was the wife of Driver Chen who reminded him to be careful.

Driver Chen held the table with his legs and stepped on the cotton. His head was blank. Only the murder case reported in the news was in his mind.

The wife of Driver Chen saw that her husband's face was very ugly, more pale, even more scary than some people who were seriously ill. Just like any major irritation, she was really shocked at the moment. She didn't care about breakfast, so hurry up. Then he followed into the bedroom, fearing that his son would worry, the wife of Driver Chen secretly closed the door, and saw Driver Chen sitting on the bed in the bedroom, pulling her hair.

The wife of the driver Chen was really scared: "Old Chen, Old Chen, what's the matter with you? It was not okay just now. What's the matter with you? Is it unwell? Why don't you ask for a leave today and I will take you there. Which clinic to see?"

No one in the family should have an accident. Old Chen is the pillar of the family.

Driver Chen's wife touched her husband's forehead again, and found that not only his forehead, but also a chill on his body, his complexion became even more nervous, and she would take him to the clinic to see him.

Driver Chen finally spoke at this moment, with a guilty tone: "My wife, I was the one who was dismembered and died last night!"

The wife of Driver Chen didn't understand why her husband suddenly said this unlucky thing, and what did he mean by this sentence?

Before Driver Chen's wife could ask, I heard Driver Chen suddenly say: "Do you remember what I told you last night?"

The wife of the driver Chen nodded: "Remember, I don't remember, Old Chen, why did you push the guests who opened three times the price to others last night!"

Driver Chen’s wife’s voice is very pity, and she regrets it when she thinks about it at this moment, wishing to stop him by her side last night.

Before the driver Chen's wife finished speaking, Driver Chen suddenly said, "The driver is dead and has been dismembered!"

Driver Chen’s wife was stunned for a while before he could react. Driver Chen spoke again and said this time more clearly: "Last night a master said that after 3:20 am, it’s best not to carry passengers, otherwise there will be accidents. At that time, before I went home, I ran into a man in the wilderness, the man who shouted three times the price last night. At that time, I thought of the master’s words and felt that something was wrong with the man, so I didn’t agree to carry the passengers, but the man got on. The next taxi, I was upset at the time, so I remembered the license plate number of that taxi."

Having said this, Driver Chen's voice was obviously trembling, and he paused for a moment before he said: "But after one night, something really happened? What happened?"

At this point, Driver Chen's eyes widened, not only his pupils were panic and horror on his face, his palms were all sweaty now, and he wiped his hands like water. Driver Chen's originally calm tone also became excited: " The chance was lost. The victim taxi driver reported in the news was the last taxi driver who robbed my business last night. He died, he was dismembered! That's really a master, the master did not cheat Me! Didn't lie to me!"

Driver Chen’s words at this time really scared the whole person of Driver Chen’s wife, dumbfounded, shocked, and unbelievable. Then, the terrible fear of palpitations hit his wife Chen’s heart. Driver Chen’s wife was frightened and weakened, if not for her hands. On the wall, I'm afraid I'm frightened and limp to the ground.

Mr. Chen’s wife was in the same mood as Mr. Chen at this time, and even more excited than Mr. Chen. She was horrified, excited and frightened. It is almost certain that the man who offered three times the price last night might really be the murderer. The **** of death passed by, just a little bit, just a little bit too close. It was her husband who was dead and dismembered. Driver Chen's wife was flustered and scared, and she was terrified, and she couldn't think of the scene where Old Chen might die.

If something happens to Old Chen, their family will be over.

She even said that the master was a liar last night? I also complained that Old Chen refused three times the price and didn't give it away. At this time, the wife of Driver Chen was very thankful that her husband had listened to the master's words and took his life without regard to greed. The wife of Driver Chen pointed to the man at this time. The master who passed his own Lao Chen was very grateful, and said hurriedly: "Lao Chen, Lao Chen, let's go to that master immediately, yes, we have to buy some gifts to thank that master!"

Driver Chen also remembered that he had not given the fortune-telling money, and his expression followed his wife's expression of excitement, and he immediately agreed.

On the other side, Chi Shuyan waited until more than ten o'clock in the morning before returning to the inn. That night, the hundreds of lonely ghosts in the ghost banners were full of food and drink, and their strength greatly increased.

Although Chi Shuyan did not sleep all night, she had a good energy for practicing meditation. When she entered the inn, she happened to encounter several people such as Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying who were obediently waiting in the living room. After a few glances, he didn't see the figure of Jiang Duo.

Chi Shuyan saw that it was early and was not in a hurry, thinking that this kid might have gone to the bathroom or where.

After nine o'clock, there were no people in the lobby on the first floor of the inn except for the staff. Xiao Ningjin and a few saw Chi Shu's face looking excited at this time, and they all called Master Chi together.

Chi Shuyan nodded a few people.

Xiao Ningjin thought of something and suddenly said, "Master Chi, by the way, two strange people came to you just now, saying that there is something urgent!"

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