Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1200: Grandpa Jiang's dazzling first

After Wei Panyang blurted out this sentence, his first thought was that fortunately, he saw such a young Old Man Jiang this time, otherwise his grandfather would see that Old Man Jiang is younger than him, and he would be crazy.

These days, what Mr. Jiang likes to hear most is that others praise him for being young.

And these are really not false words. Old man Jiang himself saw him getting younger and younger in the mirror with his naked eyes. One can imagine the effect of the moisturizing pills and spirit rice.

Mr. Jiang felt that it was not a problem at all that he was a hundred years old now.

Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, has also repeatedly learned from the changes in his father that the contents of the online store are comparable to magical medicine. The original number of times of checking the safe three times a day has become five or six times a day.

I saw a few boys curiously staring at his half-black black hair. Just when the boys whispered that this hair might be dyed black, Old Man Jiang happily touched his half-black hair and half show off: "My old man's hair is not dyed! It's his own black! Aduo, don't you think?"

Jiang Duo Le Zizi immediately nodded and said in support: "That is!" While saying that, he didn't forget to say something nice to his grandfather: "Grandpa, you really look younger and younger! Thanks to Chi..."

Jiang Duo blurted out to talk about Master Chi, and thought of the words Master Chi didn't want to be high-profile just now, and quickly changed his words: "Thanks to that..."

Jiang Duo hadn't finished speaking, and was interrupted by Jiang's father, for fear that this kid would tell the sacred shop, how many more competitors would there be?

Father Jiang is used to seeing too many winds and waves, and he knows the reality better than Jiang Duo. He is a veritable businessman. The things in the online shop are absolutely extraordinary and good things, and he can't buy it with money. He has more selfishness in his heart. .

Father Jiang didn’t know that his son’s friends had known this store for a long time. If the boys heard Jiang Duo’s remarks at first, they were just a little moved, then at this time they saw the earth-shaking changes in Mr. Jiang, how many boys really Can't calm down, my heart is stormy.

At this moment, look at Master Chi who has been silent on the sofa. His eyes are called a scorching heat. If Master Chi’s online store is on the shelves now, they will rush to grab it right now.

The regrets of Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying who had been pitted with a bottle of nourishing pills before reached their peak again.

That expression is more regretful than missing a billion.

Take a look at the changes of Jiang's father and Jiang's mother. Although the changes in the faces of the two couples are not as great as those of the old man, they can really see that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother have also become younger. The most obvious feature of Jiang's mother is that the skin is too much better and the pores are small. A lot less wrinkles around the eyes.

Absolutely sharp contrast.

Damn it!

It's too much that Jiang Duo didn't tell them about such a big thing!

It's no wonder that Uncle Jiang's pocket money for Aduo during that period was particularly exaggerated.

If you change them, it is estimated that the family will definitely provide for them.

Wei Panyang was a little confused before, but now he also understands what Jiang Duo has been hiding. Several people looked at Jiang Duo's eyes and wanted to strip him alive.

Jiang Duo sees goose bumps all over his body.

Wei Panyang even wondered how to get his grandfather a nourishing pill refined by Master Chi.

If Mr. Jiang went to his grandfather for a moment, let’s not say that his grandfather was so worried and knew the truth.

Questioned him.

Maybe compare him with Jiang Duo.

He doesn't want it.

Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao had the same ideas as Wei Panyang at this time, thinking about when to buy a moisturizing pill or spirit rice immediately.

Jiang Duo didn't know what Wei Panyang and others thought at this time. He said in his heart that he was sorry for Wei Panyang, but not for others. After all, he hadn't let a few kids buy things from Master Chi's shop before. What did Ning Jin, Luo Ying, and Chang Hao say at that time?

He was fine without complaining to Master Chi, he was not guilty at all.

In the shocked and complicated mood of the few boys, Old Man Jiang, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang invited everyone to dinner together.

Father Jiang’s expression is also better. It is true that he saw that the little girl brought by his son is pretty good. From the questioning just now, he also knew that she was a college student at Yenching University. As soon as Father Jiang changed his serious expression, he was very stern towards Chi Shuyan. Called a mellow and pleasant color.

Speaking of which, Father Jiang doesn’t have any conception of discipline, but he highly respects educated people. In a word, Father Jiang especially likes high-achieving students and educated people. Even his silly white sweet academic son would be pleasing to the eye, if this The son can really marry a high-achieving student back. Jiang's father thinks that in the future this kid will need as much pocket money as possible.

Not to mention Father Jiang, Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang are also very enthusiastic about Chi Shuyan, especially Mr. Jiang. Seeing that this little girl is not blindly courteous, and very decent, Mr. Jiang called satisfaction in his heart.

Wei Panyang first noticed that Mr. Jiang, Father Jiang, and Mother Jiang were not right about Master Chi’s diligence, and whispered in Xiao Ningjin’s ear: "Ning Jin, how do I think that Mr. Jiang and his uncle and aunt’s attitude towards Master Chi is a bit wrong? What? Wait, Mr. Jiang won't regard Master Chi as the boyfriend's girlfriend, right?"

It happened that Wei Pan Yang saw that Jiang Duo had been paying great attention to Master Chi. Of course, they knew the identity of Master Chi, so it was not surprising that they were paying great attention to Master A Duo, but the expressions in the eyes of Old Man Jiang, Father Jiang, and Mother Jiang were a bit strange.

Wei Panyang couldn't help but blurt out, "Damn, how can this kid Jiang Duo be worthy of Master Chi?"

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao to see that the boy Jiang Duo had been paying great attention to Master Chi, and the two could not hold back. They were always attentive to Master Chi. In the end, even Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin couldn’t hold back and joined the battle. During the battle, one after another rushed to show courtesy, the Jiang family who was watching were dumbfounded and confused.

However, Chi Shuyan was so distressed by the diligence of several boys.

After eating and drinking, everyone left. Jiang Duo originally wanted to send Master Chi away personally, but Wei Panyang preempted him. He said that the off-road vehicle here belongs to him. Of course, he came to give it away, as well as Master Chi’s family. One way, it is also convenient to give away.

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