Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1213: A more panic of Qi Zhenbai

Mr. Zhu is talking nonsense with his eyes open at the moment, saying that his little boss is as pitiful as he is. Of course, Mr. Zhu feels that he is not exaggerating. I am afraid that the little boss is really hiding and crying now. One of them crashed.

It's just that the little boss is stronger than the other little girls and doesn't like to show weakness in front of others.

"What are you talking about?" After listening to Zhu Zongzhu's words, Qi Zhenbai's original calm expressionless face suddenly cracked, like being hit by an outer meteorite in a calm lake, and the waves are raging.

If he is calm enough, he should know that Zhu's words are absolutely nonsense.

But at this time, Qi Zhenbai's head was completely blank by Zhu Zongzhu's "Little boss crying especially badly, especially fainted". His head was completely blank. He was flustered and helpless, his lips faded, and his face was also The brush is white.

Obviously he didn't see anyone, but he was distressed, and he stabbed a few knives in his heart, one blunt and one blunt, and the heart that was just ecstatic by his wife's care was overwhelmed with distress and panic.

He even regretted agreeing to go to the appointment at this time, although the reason he went to the appointment was because the woman surnamed Zhuang was too evil and too dangerous, and there was a problem of evil cultivation behind this woman. The two were still with his four uncles and four. My aunt has a very close relationship, I'm afraid I have another purpose in coming to him this time.

He was not afraid of his fourth uncle and aunt rushing to him for another purpose, but he was very jealous that his confused fourth uncle led the wolf into the room and brought the evil woman and the evil Xiu behind him to the old man. He acted on the old man Qi family. You must not be different from the other party.

I didn’t know that he was caught by his wife for the first time. Although Zhu Zongzhu described it as vague afterwards, he suddenly thought of being touched and seduced by a woman surnamed Zhuang.

When he thought that his wife might be misunderstood, the blue veins on his forehead violently violently, the tortuous blood vessels soared, and his expression became savage, and he looked like he was going to kill someone.

At this time, Zhu Zongzhu was shocked by his boss’s hideous expression. He didn’t expect his boss’s reaction to be so big. Seeing his boss’s cyan complexion, his feet slammed on the floor, and he didn’t slow down. Do not walk slowly.

He couldn't breathe under the severe pressure all over his body, his throat was blocked by something, and he stammered, his face pale and unable to utter a word.

For a moment, he almost thought his boss would lose control and kill him directly.

Before Zhu Zongzhu was frightened and frightened, Zhu Zongzhu only felt that a hurricane had hit him. When he opened his eyes again, his boss was no longer in the office.

Chief Zhu:...

At Jing's auction house, Chi Shuyan came back this time, and the person serving him was not only Qian Zhengde, the treasurer of money, but also a handsome man named Jing Hengran next to him.

The man has a gentle and handsome appearance. He looks very good, and looks harmless, but it is not.

Chi Shuyan was also keenly aware of the other party's identity from the aura in the opponent's body.

At this time, Qian Zhengde saw the little girl selling pills again, and he was very excited.

Anyway, thinking of the Spirit Gathering Pill that the little girl secretly gave him before, he gave half of it to his son, and then gave the other half to Shao Jing.

Of course, the reason why Qian Zhengde gave the Spirit Gathering Pill given by the little girl to Jing Shao was not to betray the little girl. It was impossible for him to protect the bottle of Spirit Gathering Pill by himself.

Qian Zhengde felt that the little girl still somewhat underestimated the cherish and preciousness of the pill in this world, especially such a precious and aura-rich spirit gathering pill.

Therefore, he was afraid of setting fire to his body, and also afraid of injuring the little girl, Qian Zhengde immediately voted sincerely to the current heir of the Jing family.

The Jing family belonged to the ancient martial arts family, which was divided into many factions.

Qian Zhengde is still very convinced of the current heir to the Jing family. Not only is Jing Shao exceptionally talented, his character is very good, and his ability is also extraordinary. Under the circumstances of the Jing family's patron, he can break through the siege, which shows that his ability is extraordinary. Place.

And the most important thing is that Jing Shao is very principled, and the most correct thing is to leave the matter of gathering the spirit pills to Jing Shao.

If it were handed to the current Patriarch of the Jing family, I am afraid that this bottle of Spirit Gathering Pill would not only be unable to keep it, but would easily cause trouble for this little girl.


When he handed over half of the Spirit Gathering Pill to Jing Shao, Jing Shao did not greedily ask for the whole bottle of pill.

At the same time, Qian Zhengde became more and more convinced.

Of course, what he is most grateful for is the little girl in front of him who gave the medicine pill. Since his son took the Spirit Gathering Pill, sure enough! He quickly broke through, and there were no hidden wounds and erysipelas left in his body.

You must know that erysipelas is very harmful to cultivators.

His gratitude to the little girl in front of him can be said to be more turbulent than the water in the Yellow River, and he is more excited and grateful to see people than to see a lifesaver.

He also knew the address where the little girl lived before, but he didn't dare to step forward and bother. It was a disadvantage that the little girl had left the pill at their auction house before the money had not been settled.

That's why he was able to calm his mind, but these days passed, seeing the little girl never come home, the treasurer Qian was a little uneasy and worried, because of the little girl's gratitude, he even had the address of the little girl Jing Shao. Did not dare to tell, but fortunately this little girl is here today, she should call Miss Chi to come again.

Otherwise, he would have to worry about how long he was afraid. After all, since this Miss Chi can get so many elixirs, how could she care about the money for a bottle of elixirs auction.

Qian Zhengde was excited and grateful at this time and personally greeted the humanity: "Miss Chi, you are finally here. By the way, we have not settled the money from the previous auction of the medicine. By the way, Miss Chi, this is Jing. Little, the person in charge of our auction house just arrived!"

Jing Hengran looked at the little girl in front of him with a bit of surprise and inquiry, and soon the gentleman greeted with a gentle face: "Miss Chi, hello, in Xia Jing Hengran, if Miss Chi is free at this time, it is better to go to your box first. Talking about business?"

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