Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1222: twenty five

In the Yu restaurant kitchen, Yu Chu Li did not forget to cook his own hearty dishes for Miss Shu Yan. In addition, Yu Chu Li has always been very grateful to the Qi family who opened the restaurant for him.

Moreover, the purple qi of the whole body made Li Yuchu very jealous and inborn in awe.

In ancient times, the emperor was born with purple qi all over his body, and Li Yuchu always felt that the purple qi in the Qi family was stronger than that of Emperor Wen Zhao when he was in court.

If it were in ancient times, this is definitely a natural emperor's fate.

But in Li Yuchu's eyes, the Qi family was like an emperor in his heart, so Li Yuchu immediately made a table of rich and delicious dishes this time.

Leading a few kitchen helpers, one end of the food to the box.

The other chefs have long been convinced by Li Yuchu's cooking skills, and they dare not ask anything. What the ‘master’ says is what they say. Although Li Yuchu does not admit that he is their master, in the eyes of other chefs, Li Yuchu is their master.

Li Yuchu and others passed the dishes to the table in the box one by one, faintly aware that the atmosphere in the box was not right, not to mention that the Qi family's expression was wrong, and the expression of his own Miss Shuyan seemed very wrong.

Li Yuchu didn't dare to interfere in the private affairs of the two people. After passing the food, he immediately retreated.

Chi Shuyan in the box stared at the hearty dishes on the table, and even served her more abundantly than before. Chi Shuyan couldn't help but think of Li Yuchu's respectful eyes when he looked at the man beside him. It was not angry, not even angry.

And even though the other party agreed to sit down and talk, the man next to her hadn't let go of her wrist at all, and changed from covering her wrist to wrapping her hand.

Chi Shuyan struggled for a long time, but still couldn't get out. I don't know how long this man will hold her hand.

Obviously the two of them have torn apart their faces, now what is this "sitting together and holding hands"?

Chi Shuyan couldn't respond in her heart, and she didn't even have any appetite for this table of abundant food.

On the contrary, the man on the side began to move his chopsticks. He did not rush to pick up the dishes, but frequently pick up the dishes for her, as if the cold war and conflict between the two had never happened before.

Even the breakup the man himself mentioned before didn't seem to exist.

This man can treat the things that have never happened before, but she can't.

Especially when the other party kept picking up vegetables for her, staring at the dishes in the bowl, her brain suddenly hurt.

If it weren't for looking at the man beside her at this moment, she would want to spit out a sentence and ask the other person: Is this interesting?

She didn't touch any of the dishes that the other party had, nor was she hungry, nor did she move her chopsticks. Her eyes fell on the hands between the two people from time to time. It was very complicated, and she was not a little happy to actively show good to the man in front of her.

The man held it for a long time, and saw that the woman beside him had no chopsticks moving, and the original gentle eyebrows gradually became a little bit hostile and violent: "Why don't you eat?"

Although Chi Shuyan sat down with the other party, it didn't mean that he would still have a good temper and give face to the man in front of him.

Obviously, he didn't plan to touch the dishes the other party had picked for her.

She now hopes that when this man finishes eating, this man can quickly let go of her hand. She wants to go back to the villa and have a rest instead of eating next to this man?

She is not at all in the mood to have a meal with this man.

To eat with this man, it's better to go back and think about the strange things that are everywhere in the pregnancy of the teacher and sister.

Chi Shuyan had a good idea. It didn't take long for him to hear a loud slamming noise on the ground. Chi Shuyan looked up and saw the man sitting in front of him with no expression and pulled the tablecloth directly and lifted all the dishes on the table.

Large and small dishes fell on the table, slamming loudly on the ground, and Chi Shuyan couldn't believe it and looked at the man before him in shock.

Just listen to the man's understatement: "Since we don't want to eat, let's stop eating!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan raised her eyes to face the man's faintly scarlet forehead with violent eyes, swallowing saliva, the dark, sharp and faintly scarlet eyes made her very heart palpitated.

It didn't take long for Li Yuchu to open the door again to bring in a Buddha jumped over the wall, but when he entered the box, he saw all kinds of chaotic piles of dishes and broken dishes on the ground.

Li Yuchu was a little dazed, even more dazed than Chi Shuyan at this time, and looked at them blankly: "Shao Qi, Miss Shuyan?"

Could it be that the two quarreled?

The one in Li Yuchu's heart was nervous.

Chi Shuyan really doubted whether the man next to her was crazy or schizophrenic. Seeing that Li Yuchu was still carrying the food, she quickly asked Li Yuchu to carry it down first, saying that they were not hungry.

Li Yuchu didn't dare to bother more, so he hurriedly took the dishes and left.

Only Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai were left in the box again.

At this time, not only the blue veins on the man's forehead throbbed, Chi Shuyan stared at a large amount of wasted vegetables on the ground, his face was ugly, and the blue veins on his angry forehead twitched.

The man became angry himself, what was it to waste Li Yuchu's mind?

Before I waited, Shu Shu's temper exploded, only to hear the man suddenly say: "You saw me sitting with other women crying at noon?"

Having said this, the man's faintly awkward face returned to calm, and his lips still had a gentle smile, but this gentle smile seemed quite frightening in Chi Shuyan's eyes.

This man's uncertainty is now regarded as a real experience, and she also understands what a real uncertainty is!

Chi Shuyan didn't know where did this man learn that she cried when she saw him sitting with other women at noon? Why is she crying again?

Thinking of the ambiguous scene at noon, she was still a little out of breath at this time, and she subconsciously felt a little response and disgust, and didn't want to see the man in front of her at all.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, the man said seriously again: "I have nothing to do with that woman Zhuang Yanru! Daughter-in-law, I don't like her, I only like you!"

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