Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1226: Chi Shuyan see through the five shifts

Chi Shuyan was no better than yesterday. Today, the person who should be calm is calmer. Regardless of the opponent's various aggressive methods, in the end he directly regarded the person surnamed Qin as a transparent person, ignoring the opponent's ugly face, and left with his hand.

Regardless of the woman Zhuang Yanru or the woman named Qin, she has no time to do anything about love with them. She feels that instead of competing with other women to be jealous, it is better to concentrate on cultivation or make a temporary refining pill. It makes more sense to meet them.

As for the woman surnamed Qin trying to use the relationship between other women and Qi Zhenbai to hit her, she can only say that she thinks too much and thinks wrong, and the problem between them has not been with others but with herself.

And after getting along for so long, she still knows Qi Zhenbai's character and can guarantee that the man can't do half-hearted things. If he really admits the "fiancee" of a woman surnamed Zhuang, he will never come to provoke her.

Even if she saw the ambiguous scene where the woman took the initiative to hook up with Qi Zhenbai last time, although she disliked Qi Zhenbai's refusal, after calming down, she really did not suspect that they had a leg. She only felt that Qi Zhenbai I'm afraid it has no purpose.

Although she can understand, it does not mean that she can forgive. The man’s “no rejection, no response” seriously violated her bottom line and taboo, but now the other party does not need her to forgive.

Chi Shuyan sighed. She had known that she had been so tired of talking about feelings and so many things. She should listen to her master's words as early as possible, try not to get emotional, and work hard to cultivate to the broad road.

But it's not too late to break right now.

Chi Shuyan had a good mentality, and it didn't take long to forget about Zhuang Yanru and Qi Zhenbai. When he went to the imperial restaurant, he did not forget to call Feng Ge.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chi Shuyan asked directly, "Brother Feng, you shouldn't have any contact with that Miss Qin recently, right?"

Feng Yuanlin has been busy these days and never went home. He never heard his mother nagging her to marry Qin Qing. After so long, Shuyan suddenly mentioned this name, he was still a little stunned. Quickly reacted and said: "No! What's wrong? Shu Yan?"

Chi Shuyan said, "If you don't have it, it will be done. Just make a phone call and persuade you to seal your brother. If you really want to fall in love or get married, don't even think about marrying a woman surnamed Qin!"

Qin Qing's woman was the source of the painful death of Brother Feng for a lifetime. With this kind of scourge, whoever marries is unlucky!

Chi Shuyan's mouth is generally not poisonous, but now she has five senses for a woman like Qin Qing, thinking about the miserable end of a woman surnamed Qin who killed Brother Feng in her previous life. She feels that occasionally reminding brother Feng to **** Qin Qing that woman is still Very necessary.

Moreover, the matter of brother Feng and Qin Qing's weird offspring, her eyelids always twitched when she thought about it.

Feng Yuanlin didn’t know about the “children’s luck”. He also saw the woman Qin Qing clearly now. He wanted to stay away, where she would provoke him. After thinking about it, Shu Yan suddenly mentioned such a woman as Qin Qing. Go to Shuyan?

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help asking.

Chi Shuyan didn't conceal it, "Well, I just came here, and came with Qi Zhenbai's fiancee, and told me to meet people! But I ignored it!"

Feng Yuanlin just went to fill a glass of water, and just drank a sip, when he heard the phrase'Zhen Bai's fiancee' said by Shu Yan, Feng Yuanlin was surprised that the water he had just drunk couldn't hold back and sprayed out. His eyes widened in disbelief, thinking that he had heard it wrong, after a long time, and realizing that he had heard it right, Feng Yuanlin's voice was stuck: "Shu...shuyan, what is Zhenbai's fiancée? You are not. Is Zhen Bai's fiancée?"

Before Chi Shuyan could speak, Feng Yuanlin quickly recovered her voice and said, "Shuyan, are you at odds with Zhenbai?"

Chi Shuyan said that it’s not a conflict, but just broke up and got back on track. Now she doesn’t want to talk about the relationship anymore. Chi Shuyan didn’t tell Feng Ge about the breakup to make him annoying, and only said: “Feng brother, no need Worry about me, worry about it and do it yourself. If that woman Qin Qing comes to you, don't forget to remind me."

At the moment, Feng Yuanlin’s head is full of what Shuyan said just now. When he thought that Zhenbai might have changed his fiancée, and that his fiancée was someone else, Feng Yuanlin could not calm down for a while. He felt that this should be impossible, he knew. Knowing Zhenbai's feelings for Shu Yan, where might he marry other women.

Feng Yuanlin thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Shuyan, Brother Feng, I'll be free now, or else I'll go over to have lunch with you and talk to you by the way!"

Chi Shuyan heard Brother Feng’s concern and the cautiousness in his words a bit funny. Yesterday she might have to be comforted by someone. Today, she has figured out everything she should have figured out. She deliberately teased: "Brother Feng, I’m here. I'm hungry for a while, but I can't wait for you. We will find time to eat when we have time. As for the matter between me and Qi Zhenbai, don't think too much about it. We are both adults, we can solve it, and you should also seal brother. Know what kind of person I am."

Feng Yuanlin didn’t know about the breakup of the two, and he was very relieved to hear this. Yes, Shuyan is not another difficult woman who can only be jealous. Zhenbai should definitely not bear that Shuyan was wronged. Since Shuyan and Zhenbai can solve the matter of personal feelings, he doesn't want to mix it up. After all, matters of personal feelings are the most taboo for others to make peace with others. It will be no good if they become more complicated.

However, Feng Yuanlin said on behalf of his brother: "Shuyan, don’t worry, the matter of Zhenbai’s fiancee must be groundless, and it cannot be true. Whoever in this world betrays you, Zhenbai cannot betray you. I like other women. I have no doubt about that."

He really felt that Zhen Bai had been acquainted with Shu Yan, and had been planted completely in her hands. He had never seen Zhen Bai, who had always been cold-blooded and merciless, like a person so much.

Chi Shuyan did not continue to talk about her relationship with Qi Zhenbai, but only said, "I will invite you to have a big meal later, and I will seal my brother! Let’s not say much, just hang up the phone first. Brother Feng, you can be as far away as Qin Qing's woman!"

"Good! Don't worry, Shu Yan!"

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