Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1236: Xiao Xiang Ziqi and life style four more

Qi's father was moved by what Qi's mother said. The girlfriend Zhenbai was looking for before, he didn't say anything, but he was also very satisfied.

The little girl is very young, but she is very sensible. What's more, his son likes it, and the little girl is not incapable. She is admitted to Kyoto University at a young age and is still an alchemist. Naturally, Father Qi thinks that the little girl is worthy of Zhenbai. Old lady, at this time, after listening to Qi’s mother, Qi’s father is also rare to agree: "Dad, I think Zhenbai’s mother is right. I only have the son, Zhenbai. The most important thing is whether he likes it or not. The marriage made by the old lady back then was only a verbal engagement, so naturally it doesn’t count!"

Father Qi said that the second aunt and third aunt of the Qi family and the second and third Qi family immediately agreed.

First, the second and third members of the Qi family have a deeper feeling for this elder brother than the fourth, and secondly, they are really satisfied with the wife Zhenbai is looking for now.

In particular, the second wife of the Qi family and the second aunt agreed most, and the main reason was that Zhenbai's wife was kind to their son.

Besides, with the character of the fourth and fourth daughter-in-law, they kept shouting that Ms. Zhuang was so good. They didn't believe it at all, and they felt that the fourth and fourth daughter-in-law had nothing to do with each other, but these words can be done without worry. come out.

Everyone in the Qi family fell to one side, and the fourth wife of the Qi family and the fourth wife were panicked and angry. The two angry couples almost smoked in their foreheads.

They are really weird. The people beside them are like their somewhat powerful families. What they care most about is the background of the object. Their family is very good. They don't care about the background. They only like the kid Qi Zhenbo?

The two husbands and wives thought that this was a deliberate prevarication. The fourth uncle of the Qi family and the fourth aunt felt that they might be the most scheming when they looked at this honest sister-in-law, and they knew that they would advance by retreating.

Looking at the satisfied and relaxed expression on the old man's face, the fourth child of the Qi family wanted to vomit blood, and the more he felt that this old man was too partial. Of course, if it were not profitable, he would really wish that Qi Zhenbai boy married a woman with no background.

But thinking of his plan with the people behind him, the other Xiao wanted the purple energy and fate of Qi Zhenbo's kid, and he wanted the entire Qi family, this deal was not a loss.

The fourth Qi family still didn’t give up and said to the old man: "Dad and mom have been dead for so many years, how old did you say when she was with you? Now that you disagree with her such a small request, how can my mother be at ease in the spirit of heaven? Is it?"

When Father Qi heard the fourth mention the old lady, his face suddenly sank, his complexion was very ugly, his eyes were cold and he looked at the fourth, he is now young and big, does not mean he is confused, for so many years, the fourth and fourth wife's heart What purpose, what attitude towards Zhenbai, he didn't say anything, but he knew everything clearly.

Therefore, he naturally did not believe in the kindness of the fourth and fourth daughter-in-law to Zhenbai. I am afraid that there is nothing to do, but the fourth child in front of him is the son he once loved the most.

Elder Qi still had a sense of compassion in his heart, and at the same time still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that he was wrong.

As for Zhenbai's wife, let's not say that he is the same as Qi's mother. He only admits that Shuyan is a granddaughter-in-law. Even if there is no granddaughter of Shuyan, he does not agree that Zhenbai is with that woman named Zhuang.

With the eyes of the fourth child, this old man didn't believe him at all.

The fourth Qi family knew the old man’s character. Seeing the old man’s cold light fell on him, he secretly said that he was not good, and quickly said: "Dad, I really have no other meaning. Although I don’t want to see the girlfriend Zhenbai is looking for, it’s not. Seeing that the little girl is too young, the family background is the same as that of our Qi family. Isn’t it right? Where can I save face when I take it out? As for girl Zhuang, she is not only the one set by her back then, she is beautiful, has good character and background. Okay, it's a good match for Zhenbomen, what a good match!"

Elder Qi's gaze fell on the fourth child. He did not say whether he believed it or not. Just as he was about to speak, a low, majestic and cold voice suddenly came from the door: "Uncle Si, since you have such a good impression of the girl Zhuang, it is better for you My nephew married someone?"

Everyone subconsciously followed the voice and saw that Zhenbai came in from the door in a stride. He was always tall, and even standing tall, he felt oppressive, not to mention his sullen face.

To be honest, the Qi family's fourth son is not afraid of anyone in the Qi family, including the old man, but Qi Zhenbai is the wolf boy who is most afraid and afraid.

At this time, the fourth Qi family raised his eyes to meet those dark, deep, bottomless eyes with cold light, and felt a chill in his heart, and even the fourth aunt of Qi family was so angry that he wanted to scold him because of his words, but he was stunned by the nephew in front of him. The heavy and sullen face made a big jump, and the duck that was pinched around his throat, did not dare to scold even a word of it!

The fourth aunt of the Qi family did not dare to scold, and the fourth one of the Qi family was afraid of the gloomy nephew in front of him. He dared not scold him. He only dared to complain to the old man: "Dad, look at how this nephew Zhenbai talked to my elders. "It's not enough to complain to the old man, he also complained to Father Qi: "Brother, look at your son!"

The shameless complaint of the fourth Qi family’s old man made Qi’s mother uncomfortable, saying that his fourth uncle must be like an elder, so what would Zhen Bai do to him?

Qi's mother was suffocating in her heart, and Qi's father was uncomfortable.

However, the fourth Qi family was immediately reprimanded by the old man Qi with **** head, and he cursed him for not being like an elder, or could this nephew Zhenbai treat him that way?

See how Zhenbai usually treats the two uncles and elders, the second and third, how can Zhenbai not wait to see him alone?

Old man Qi knew very well in his heart that he was looking at the fourth child now, the more he looked more and more unpleasant, he directly let the boy get out of Qi's house, where to go back and forth, and at the same time directly express his self-confidence Shuyan this granddaughter-in-law As for what Miss Zhuang he asked for, where did he find it, and immediately solve it by himself.

The last two of the Qi family's fourth and fourth aunt could only roll their teeth in embarrassment and resentment, cursing everyone in the Qi family while piping.

In the heart of the fourth Qi family, everyone in the Qi family is too partial, not only the old immortal, but also his brothers. Of course,

The fourth child of the Qi family felt that the second and third child were because the Qi family was in the hands of Qi Zhenbo's stinky boy, and that the old undead clearly wanted to give the whole Qi family to Qi Zhenbo's kid.

So the second child and the third child have been pleased with Qi Zhenbo.

And his big brother, looking honestly, is actually the cunning and scheming of their brothers.

But even if the old immortal handed over the Qi family to the kid Qi Zhenbo, I don't know if that kid has inherited the Qi family for too long.

Thinking of the people behind him for a long time about Qi Zhenbo's life and the purple spirit, the fourth Qi family was gloating and proud.

No matter how great Qi Zhenbo is, no matter how ruthless his methods are, he is an ordinary person, and he cannot be compared with those who practice.

Sooner or later, he will make everyone in the Qi family regret offending him.

At the same time, he has to watch that Qi Zhenbo's boy is not as good as he should die. Thinking of this, he can't wait for the people behind to start with Qi Zhenbo's boy.

However, Zhuang Yanru's woman is the key, no, he has to think of a way to get Qi Zhenbo's kid to marry quickly!

In the Qi family hall, the Qi family old man saw at a glance that Zhenbai's grandson's expression was uncharacteristically gloomy and wrong tonight. The old man directly shouted, "Zhenbai, first go upstairs with my old man and go to the study to chat!"

By the way, the old man wanted to ask when this kid would bring Shuyan back to Qi's house.

For so long, this kid is busy, and even forgot his wife. Sooner or later, he doesn’t know if the daughter-in-law ran away. No, he has to tell the kid to remind him, so that he can quickly bring Shuyan and granddaughter back to Qi. Family.

Not to mention the panic of Qi's mother, he wanted to play a chess piece with Zhenbai's wife.

When he got to the study, the old man sat down and didn't mean to pretend to be angry. He asked directly, "Smelly boy, when are you going to take my granddaughter home?"

Qi Zhenbai's expression changed abruptly when he heard the old man mention his wife. However, thinking that his wife had said that he had met for two days, his expression gradually eased now, but his mood was still not very good, and he said, "A few days later. !"

"That's it, don't forget to take my grandson-in-law home in a few days and let my old man take a good look!" Old man Qi said this soon and exhorted again: "By the way, you are almost as busy these days, young Don’t just be busy, take time to accompany Shuyan! As for your fourth uncle’s words, you don’t think you have heard it!"

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