"Break up" is hard to say, but at the beginning, Chi Shuyan has a lot of mouths, she said and looked at the face of the man in front of her. Seeing that he was still expressionless and calm, she just stared at her, even though she felt in front of her. The man's gaze was so hot that he wanted to see a hole in her head, but the man in front of him was really calm and rational, and he was inexplicably relieved.

No matter how happy the two were before, she thought about breaking up and hoped to break up peacefully. After living for two lifetimes, she could not treat a relationship and a man as everything like an ordinary girl.

It's even less likely to die because of a relationship. In her view, in addition to feelings, other family relationships, friendships, and cultivation are also very important in her life.

It is normal to continue if it is appropriate, and divide it if it is inappropriate.

Chi Shuyan thought clearly and looked at the man in front of him more firmly, waiting for the other person to reply, to be honest, she came to break up with the man clearly, thought about her various situations after breaking up, but never thought of this at all.

It was after she proposed to break up, the atmosphere between the two of them was silent for a long time. The tall man in front of him only pressed his thin lips, did not get angry or angry, but calmly, calmly looked at her and did not speak or reply.

The oppression of the man's eyes and the whole body is still strong, Chi Shuyan can't breathe for some reason with the tall and straight figure and the silent and calm face.

As time passed, the atmosphere of the two became more and more awkward and weird. Chi Shuyan even stopped stirring the coffee, raised his eyes to the man in front of him, and waited for his reply as calmly as possible.

For a long time, but only a few minutes later, Chi Shuyan felt that more than half a century had passed. During this period, the man's figure had not moved for a long time, and her expressionless facial paralyzed face pressed her deeper and deeper.

She wanted to take the initiative to find some topics, but she said everything about the breakup. It was too deliberate to find a topic. She simply looked away from the French window and waited for the man's reply.

After a while, the man's low voice was as calm as ever, as if he hadn't heard Chi Shuyan's break up just now. The two are still skilled, with a low and magnetic tone: "Grandpa and parents want to see you!"

Chi Shuyan waited for a long time and didn't hear the reply she wanted to hear. She was a little confused and a little confused. She had already said the word ‘break up’ just now, and it is unlikely that the man in front of him could not understand it.

Since it's not that you don't understand, you are acting stupid?

The other party doesn't want to break up with her?

Chi Shuyan looked at the man in front of him a few more times, and made sure that the man looked calm and scary from beginning to end, unlike the emotionally wounded appearance. Chi Shuyan was inexplicably relieved. The two had been dating for less than half a year. There are feelings, but they are so deep that Chi Shuyan feels that they are not at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to spit out the word parting with her easily.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, and repeated it again: "Qi Zhenbai, I will definitely go to see the affairs of the old man and uncle and aunt when I have time." Although she made up her mind to break up with the man in front of her, she was not really cruel because she was in front of her. The man drew a clear line with the Qi family, and even because of the man in front of him, he broke all the connections with his friends, such as the relationship with Feng Ge and Qi Hao.

But just because of the trivial matter of breaking up, she didn't want to draw a clear relationship between the man in front of him and everyone else. It was too much for the loss, and the two did not have much feud.

She even felt that after the two really broke up, as long as the man in front of him didn't want to sever the relationship with her, it would be okay to maintain this kind of friendly relationship occasionally.

After talking, Chi Shuyan continued to change the conversation: "Don't worry, going to visit Qi's house and breaking up with you are two things, I will not confuse. As long as you don't mind in the future, I can occasionally visit the old man in Qi's house. With uncle and auntie!"

In fact, she wants to go there often, but think about it, after the breakup, the two of them are better off to avoid suspicion. If someday the other man finds a girlfriend, wouldn't her ex-girlfriend be too embarrassed.

When Chi Shuyan thought about it, he didn’t notice that the man’s facial paralyzed face suddenly became gloomy. The dark and bottomless eyes looked like a vortex of stormy seas. The calmer the man’s expression, the more frightening he was. Look carefully, the man’s forehead The veins and blood vessels faintly bend and bulge, and the cold eyebrows are unprovoked, which is inexplicable. The finger joints holding the coffee cup are white and the bones are distinct.

Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention to the face of the man in front of her. She didn't intend to spend more time with the man. She almost said everything that should be said. She just wanted to say a few words before leaving.

The phone ringing suddenly rang, Chi Shuyan uttered "Sorry", and when he picked up the phone, he heard Zhen Yu screaming in shock on the phone. The tone of the voice was incoherent: "Shuyan, are you in the coffee shop? Isn’t it in the cafe? Someone confessed to you. By the way, it’s the boy Feng Yuancen. The banners are all hung in our school. There are so many roses! By the way, Shuyan, someone else has passed by! It’s like looking in the cafe. You confessed, did you see anyone!"

Chi Shuyan's head was still a little confused at this time, and she heard Zhen Yu continue over there: "I saw someone, right at the door! Shu Yan! That kid is right at the door!"

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