Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1246: Forty-nine

Chi Shuyan just turned around to leave. Before she took a few steps, her right wrist was severely constrained by the tall man next to her, and that force wanted to pinch her bones directly.

Chi Shuyan's painful complexion changed slightly, and she slammed her head to meet the man’s bloodshot eyes gradually scarring, and she couldn’t wait to swallow her alive. She subconsciously stunned, but she didn’t intend to escape the breakup anymore, and she finally said it. Don't want to be muddy and sticky.

Just when I didn’t see the man’s gloomy and ugly face, his face with blue veins and bulging forehead, before he waited for the man in front of him to speak, Chi Shuyan spoke first, and his face was uncharacteristically serious and said: "Qi Zhenbai, what I said about breaking up tonight was really not intentional with you. As for the breath, I have thought a lot in the past few days. Whether it is in the coffee shop or what Brother Chongfeng said just now, I really want to say in my heart. I really don't think we are suitable!"

After saying this, Chi Shuyan shook the man's hand away, but after a few times, the man not only did not let go of her, but instead held her wrist tighter and tighter.

Chi Shuyan has always been a pain-tolerant person, but it hurts too much when he is pinched by a man at this moment. She feels that she has to keep quiet, maybe it is her who will enter the hospital for a while. She quickly said: "It hurts, let go first!"

When the man heard this ‘pain’, he immediately let go, but the gloomy expression on his face increased unabated, and the whole body was full of hostility, which made people particularly shocked.

Chi Shuyan only heard the man suddenly say: "Are you afraid of me?"

Chi Shuyan's head was a little confused, she didn't know what this man meant. She wished to stay away from the dangerous man in front of her at the moment, and she didn't want to have much relationship with the other party. She nodded her head without even thinking about it. Fear! Let go first!"

Chi Shuyan originally thought that the man in front of him would not let go, and the two of them were still entangled, so he regretted that he had let Brother Feng escape first, instead of leaving first.

It didn't take long for her to feel the sudden release of her wrist strength. Chi Shuyan was rather surprised and relieved, when she heard the man in front of him spit out a cold voice, "Go!"

The other side's stunned face with a sigh of ‘fuck’, she almost went back to a ‘fuck’. She felt that after getting along for so long, it was only now that she really saw the man’s stinky temper.

This attitude towards her being called and going is really unbearable for her.

She used to think that this man was a gentleman with a good temper?

I really want to go back to when I first agreed to associate with this man, thinking that I had never been in a relationship before, so I was so easy to be with each other, Chi Shuyan only felt like a dog.

Fortunately, now she looks back in time, and it is not far from the shore.

Chi Shuyan burst into swearing in her heart, she really wanted to smash someone, but before stunned, she took one more look at the other person, and saw that the other person’s face was really ugly and frightened. Chi Shuyan thought about it anymore. To cause trouble, let the other party let go and hurry up to'get out' without hesitation.

Chi Shuyan watched as she left, but didn't notice that the bloodshot eyes of the man behind him stared at the hot and fierce gaze of her back.

After she got out of the hospital, Chi Shuyan realized what Qi Zhenbai said when she asked her to be afraid of him?

Although she is still quite jealous of his recent volatile character, she is not even afraid of hunting ghosts on weekdays, and she is afraid of his temper?

She didn't bother to explain this, so that he misunderstood it. In short, she really didn't want to step into his deep pit anymore, and it would be fine if she fell once.

At this time, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly remembered, but Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it, and connected the phone as he stopped the car.

As soon as the call was connected, the man opposite the handset of the phone sounded a lower than usual husky voice: "You really want to break up?"

Chi Shuyan didn't want to subconsciously nodded: "Yes!"

As soon as this ‘thinking’ fell, Chi Shuyan realized that the call was made by the man Qi Zhenbo, and she took it down and looked at it. It was indeed the other party’s call.

On the other side of the phone, after her ‘thinking’ fell, the man was silent for a long time, breathing a little shortly.

Chi Shuyan felt that it was probably the ‘thinking’ that he had just blurted out without hesitation just now, that was too damaging and choking, and the other party might be very angry right now.

But thinking of the man’s “get off” just now, she would feel so stupid that she felt so stupid. Seeing that the man hadn’t said anything for a long time, Chi Shuyan felt that she had nothing to say to this man, and she didn’t even want to speak directly: "I have other things. , Let's not talk about it, first?"

To show politeness, Chi Shuyan also asked euphemistically, asking the other party to hang up first.

I didn't know that as soon as her words fell, Chi Shuyan only heard a violent creak from the other side, like a loud noise of something hitting the ground, and then the phone turned off on the other side.

Chi Shuyan:...

It’s not too late at the moment, and it’s quite easy to get a taxi. It didn’t take long for the taxi to stop nearby. Chi Shuyan strode over to open the car door, got in the car, told the driver the address, and waited. After a while, she thought about the loud noise just now, thinking about whether to call and ask Brother Feng.

But think about it, since she decided to break up, she didn't plan to talk more about the other party's affairs.

Chi Shuyan just lost his mind, the phone ringing again, Chi Shuyan glanced at the screen, it was Feng's call, she answered the phone, and heard Feng's excited and frightened tone: "Shuyan, you are gone Why did you leave? By the way, did Zhenbai call you just now? What did you tell him? How irritating people just smashed the phone, and Zhenbai's face..."

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