Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1249: Fifty two

A farce finally ended with the Yang family being driven out of home. The old lady of the Yang family didn't give up when she was driven out of the house. She stood at the door of Yu's IQ and scolded Huai as an unpleasant one, and she also called Yu Wei an undesirable broom star.

The angry old lady of the Yu family was sitting on the sofa and crying while slapping her legs. Teacher Yu was also disgusted by the Yang family and wished to go out and beat Yang Peng directly. In his opinion, although the old lady of the Yang family is mean, she can be regarded as the best of Xiaowei. The inaction of the dear husband is very chilling. What's more, for whom did his sister suffer such a serious crime, the old Yang family still has reason to scold his sister and Yu family?

I had known that the Yang family was like this and Yang Peng was like this. He couldn't marry Xiaowei back then.

Jiang Li said to the mud at this time: "Auntie, Brother Yu, I'll go to the Yang family and have a good talk. Don't worry, you and auntie!"

Before Jiang Li left, she couldn't help but look at Chi Shuyan a few more times. Seeing that her attention was all at home, she didn't look at Yang Linpeng from the beginning to the end. She probably didn't recognize Yang Peng. She was inexplicably relieved, thinking I think so, even though this woman saw her shopping with Yang Peng last time, she didn't wait for the other person to see people clearly, so she pulled Yang Peng away. It was weird that she could recognize it!

People in the Yu family have always trusted Jiang Li very much. Upon hearing Jiang Li’s words, Teacher Yu personally thanked Xiaowei, feeling that Xiaowei has such a good friend as Jiang Li, and Jiang Li helped Xiaowei every time the Yang family found fault with Xiaowei. micro.

The old lady of the Yu family also thanked her quickly, yelling Jiang Li's "girlfriend".

Jiang Li looked kindly and cared: "Auntie, Brother Yu, Xiaowei was stimulated tonight. I am afraid that his emotions have been unstable in the past few days. You have to watch people a lot. Don't let Xiaowei do stupid things. How can I say that they are pregnant with the children of the old Yang family. Can the old Yang family be irresponsible, and Yang Peng can not be responsible? The Yang family is not a good person!

After Jiang Li gave her instructions, the Yu family became more grateful. Chi Shuyan was expressionless beside her. To tell the truth, if she hadn’t seen Jiang Li hook up with a man surnamed Yang before, I’m afraid she would really think that Jiang Li was thinking about it. Brother Yu's sister is good.

Chi Shuyan looked at the other side more, and had to say that this woman did have some thoughts. Before Jiang Li left, seeing a woman surnamed Chi staring at her, it was inevitable that she felt a little guilty and suspicious.

Just before she had any doubts, Chi Shuyan narrowed her eyes and said in a sincere tone: "Miss Jiang is so kind to Sister Xiaowei!"

Dispel the suspicion of the other party directly.

Jiang Li looked serious and sincere and said: "I am Xiaowei's best best friend for decades. I am not good for Xiaowei, who is it for me?"


Jiang Li's words made the old lady Yu and Teacher Yu more grateful. The old lady Yu even got up to send Jiang Li out in person, but don't refuse Jiang Li, saying that the Yang family might still be outside.

After Jiang Li left, the old lady of Yu's family wiped her tears and rushed to the teacher and said: "Fortunately, this girl has been with Xiaowei. This child is so good to Xiaowei. I don't know how to repay Jiang Li, this girl!"

Teacher Yu also sighed with emotion.

But Teacher Yu didn't sigh for long, and soon thought that Shuyan was on the sidelines, busy introducing him to his mother.

If it had been before, Mrs. Yu would really not believe that such a young girl would be a capable master, but she could think of her daughter’s stomach ache just now. This little girl posted something on her daughter’s belly, and she immediately got better, Yu Lao The wife looked at the young girl in front of her with completely different eyes now.

He hurriedly pulled Chi Shuyan's wrist and said, "Master, when will the Nezha grandson in my girl's belly be born?"

Teacher Yu had just drank a sip of water, and was shocked by what his own mother said. He was so embarrassed that he wondered how his mother was sure that Xiao Wei had Nezha in his belly!

Chi Shuyan knew about this from Teacher Yu before, but at this time, she was caught off guard by Teacher Yu's mother's question and choked.

Teacher Yu quickly said: "Mom, don't talk nonsense! What's in Xiaowei's stomach..."

Before Teacher Yu had finished speaking, the old lady Yu believed that the child in Xiaowei’s belly was a **** Nezha, and interrupted Teacher Yu first: "How did you talk to mom, kid? Why did my old lady talk nonsense? At the time, Xiaowei was pregnant, and a master Taoist specially told me that the **** Nezha was pregnant in Xiaowei's belly. We are always blessed when we are at home!"

Teacher Yu became more embarrassed by what the old lady said. Just about to interrupt the old lady, Chi Shuyan narrowed his eyes and asked: "Oh? Auntie, when is this? Can you tell me more specifically?"

When the old lady Yu heard the little girl’s question, she thought she had obeyed her, and she became more excited and excited: "It was the first half of the year. At that time, I went to the temple with Jiang Li and Xiaowei. People, that expert is so good. Before I said anything, he calculated our Yujia's bottom. The expert said that we are carrying the **** Nezha, Jingui. It's very,"

The more she talked, the more excited and happy the old lady became. Seeing her son frowned and unbelief, the old lady continued: "My old lady is really not nonsense. If your kid doesn't believe me, you can ask Jiang Jiang. Li, by the way, the expert gave Xiaowei a Buddha statue to bless the child in Xiaowei's belly! If it weren't for the Buddha statue, I'm afraid Xiaowei would have broken down long ago!"

The more the old lady Yu thought about it, the more she felt that what the expert said was very accurate. Now she wished that Xiaowei would give birth to Jingui's grandson in a few days, so that the Lao Yang family would completely regret it.

Chi Shuyan heard what the old lady said, especially when she heard the Buddha statue that the master gave, her eyes flashed, and she asked: "Oh? Auntie, can you show me the Buddha statue that the master gave you? "

The old lady was hesitant in her eyes, but thinking that the little girl in front of her was capable, she didn't refuse. Of course, in the old lady's heart, she still felt that the high-level humane deeds must be deeper than the little girl in front of her.

She now hopes that the little girl can see something, and then brainwashes her own son, so that his own son will never believe her.

The old lady Yu immediately agreed: "Yes, the Buddha statue is in the small room. My old lady will get it now!"

Chi Shuyan Chongyu the old lady nodded and said, "I'll go and see with you!"

Old Mrs. Yu did not refuse. Teacher Yu's expression was even more embarrassing. He felt that his mother was really nonsense. He always thought that his mother had run into a liar. Or, let Shuyan expose the liar and let his mother wake up. Wake up.

So Teacher Yu went in with him.

In Yu Wei’s room, Sister-in-law Kong took care of Yu Wei. Yu Wei was still halfway on the bed, but Chi Shuyan found that Yu Wei's complexion was much better at this moment, and his complexion was ruddy, but this ruddy face looked like Chi Shuyan. Very abnormal, even a bit creepy.

She had heard of people returning to their lives before they died, but she had never heard of a person who had been sick for a long time and had bad health.

Chi Shuyan looked at her brother and sister.

At this time, Yu Wei opened his mouth to punch his sister-in-law and said, "Sister-in-law, I am fine, so there is no need to stay in bed!" After that, he said thank you to Chi Shuyan.

It doesn't mean that the old lady took the Buddha statue. Chi Shuyan deliberately asked, "Teacher Yu, Xiao Weijie's face was ugly just now, but her complexion is pretty good now!"

The old lady Yu replied on behalf of Teacher Yu: "Xiaowei's body is getting better and better these days. If it weren't for the old pious lady from the Yang family, I would have been better for this girl!"

Chi Shuyan only saw the old lady pull out a black Buddha statue from under Yu Wei's pillow.

Generally speaking, Buddha statues are golden. As the saying goes, to shape a golden body, to shape a golden body, Chi Shuyan glanced over, subconsciously rejecting the Buddha statue in the hands of the old lady.

I saw that the face of the Buddha was somewhat like Maitreya, but Maitreya Buddha smiled with compassion, and how do you see how strange the smile of this Buddha statue is, and a **** hand stood abruptly in front of the Buddha statue, almost blocking most of the Buddha statue. Chi Shuyan frowned the more he looked at his face.

But the members of the Yu family are no strangers to this Buddha statue. Teacher Yu and Sister-in-law Confucius looked at each other. Both of them felt that their mother had encountered a liar. How could this thing bless his family and his sister?

At this moment, Chi Shuyan suddenly said, "Auntie, can I take a closer look at this Buddha statue?" Seeing the old lady's face hesitating, Chi Shuyan said: "Auntie, I will just take a look and pay you back immediately! The expert shouldn't say that people can't be seen?"

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