Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 125: One hundred twenty-five

Wang Xuewen looked horrified, and his legs trembled anxiously: "Haozi, Chongying, Chengfu, let's run the suspension bridge faster!"

Seeing that the monster had caught up, Jian Chongying dragged a few people who were about to run to the suspension bridge and turned their heads to let everyone run to the right.

As soon as they ran, the sound of knives chopping wood sounded behind them. Wang Xuewen was really curious and couldn't help but glance back. This look almost made his heart jump out.

I saw the ghost with a hideous face and gloating, taking a knife and slashing at the vine lock of the suspension bridge, grinning with a weird smile while cutting.

"Chongying, Haozi, Chengfu, look at it!"

Chen Bing, who was halfway there, saw that the chain of the suspension bridge was about to be cut by the ghost, where there was the gloat and pride just now. She was even more careful than Wang Xuewen to see that the shoes were completely melted, and saw that the rope was about to be cut. Broken, the suspension bridge was crumbling, and a beautiful face that was scared was extremely frightened. With a hideous face, he rushed to Qi Hao anxiously for help: "Shao Qi, Shao Wang, help me, Jian Shao, Lu Less, save me, save me! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

But Qi Hao and Jian Chongying were miserable by this woman several times, and they wanted to save her.

Chen Bing saw that several people were indifferent. Chen Bing's expression became more and more desperate. Seeing that the vine lock was cut more and more thin, and it would be broken with a slight pull, Chen Bing was frightened, distorted and screamed, crying and crying. Damn, the **** in his mouth keeps scolding the four people.

Finally screamed, puff! The loud bang still fell into the lake, and it was instantly melted completely, with no bones to be found, and the lake was still crystal clear.

This is much more shocking than seeing the shoe melt just now.

Even the calmest Jian Chongying was shocked. Wang Xuewen, Qi Hao, and Lu Chengfu were terrified. They were very grateful to hear what Jian Chongying said earlier, otherwise Chen Bing would not be the only one who fell into the lake and melted.

A few people were in a daze. The ghost was chasing in their direction after cutting the lock. I don't know if it was their illusion. They felt that the ghost was walking much faster than before, and it was always energetic. The more chasing, the faster.

A few people slapped their spirits, panting and throwing the talisman while running. Jian Chongying lost two, and Qi Hao lost three without the power of the one before Lu Chengfu.

The ghost was only stopped for a short while, and after a while it caught up with them again.

The few people who were scared turned blue and trembled, making them silly.

"What to do? What to do?" Seeing that the ghost catches up with them again, Wang Xuewen cried his father and called his mother to ask Jian Chongying a few.

Qi Hao also looked desperate and asked, "Could it be that we are really going to die here?"

Lu Chengfu just wanted to say whether he should try again, but he didn't know that he hadn't said anything, and he suddenly stumbled on the ground.

This wrestling was terrible. Jian Chongying and Qi Hao wanted to stand up Lu Chengfu right away, but the ghost chased him too fast. They hadn't touched the corner of Lu Chengfu's clothes yet, and the ghost was dragging the knife. 'Already caught up to them.

Lu Chengfu was afraid that he would be involved, and shouted a few: "Run! Run! I'm the fuck!"

Lu Chengfu thought that he was bound to die. After all, he gave Wang Xuewen the talisman Haozi had given before, and the other talisman was already a little black and he wasn't sure if it was useful.

But before he died, he had to delay some time for his brother, so when the ghost caught up, the whole person immediately got up and rushed towards it.

"Cheng Fu!" Jian Chongying yelled at a few canthus!

Which ghost saw Lu Chengfu rushing forward, and his body was extremely inflexible, avoiding Lu Chengfu's body, bypassing Lu Chengfu, dragging the knife towards Qi Hao and Jian Chongying to continue chasing.

Lu Chengfu:...

A few of Jian Chongying and Wang Xuewen:...

Qi Hao: What the **** did I give Lu Chengfu before?

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