Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1277: eighty

Two days later, I saw the day of Director Li's video conference. The day before, Xie Mingxuan was afraid that she had forgotten, so he called her to remind her and said that he would come to pick up people in person the next day.

Chi Shuyan has no interest in the entertainment industry and the press conference, but at any rate the group of people with Director Li and Mingxuan Xie are acquaintances, and she is not easy to postpone it after being invited to join in several times.

But on that day, she was still a little at a loss. Although she did not mix in the entertainment industry, she also knew that the entertainment industry was mixed, and she had to wear a formal dress, walk on the red carpet, and various exposures.

Chi Shuyan thought about it for a while, and felt that she was a little transparent, and she didn't want to go on the red carpet or want to be red, so she could just wear ordinary casual clothes.

So when Xie Mingxuan’s car parked at the door of the villa, Chi Shuyan was still dressed in casual clothes, with a ball on his head randomly, making him look younger and younger, like a high school student.

I haven't seen Xie Mingxuan for a long time. When the two suddenly met, Chi Shuyan felt that Xie Mingxuan was more mature at first glance, and his good figure in a high-end suit was particularly attractive.

His face is not so good-looking, he is also very handsome, and he is considered a handsome man.

Chi Shuyan is Xie Mingxuan's fan, can't help but look at it a few more times, and praise him in his heart.

When Xie Mingxuan saw Chi Shuyan here, people were also slightly startled. He felt that time was really magical. Master Chi was also very magical in front of him. Not only did he not see him for some days, not only his skin became paler, but his small face became more and more beautiful. It's so exquisite, no matter how you dress up, it is outstanding.

If Xie Mingxuan hadn't seen Master Chi's ability in front of him with his own eyes, who would have known that such a little girl was an extraordinary expert?

Xie Mingxuan's attention was quickly attracted by Master Chi's casual casual clothes. Seeing her in a simple dress, she probably didn't paint any makeup on her face, so she was light.

Xie Mingxuan twitched his mouth, feeling that Master Chi’s casual dress was more like going to a book than attending a film conference.

However, his facial features are really exquisite, his skin is really nice and supple, and there are no pores at all. Even though he doesn't have makeup, he also beats many female stars in the entertainment industry.

Chi Shuyan has five keen senses, keenly aware that Xie Mingxuan's eyes are something wrong, and can't help but ask: "Is there a problem?"

Xie Mingxuan thought for a while and said the truth: "Master Chi, let's participate in the launch of Director Li's film, maybe we have to change our clothes!"

Chi Shuyan understood Xie Mingxuan's words. She wanted to say that she was just a little transparent, and she didn't care about makeup.

But this time it was Director Li and Mingxuan Xie who invited her. To a certain extent, she was considered to represent their faces. She would definitely see people in a while. If it is not easy to embarrass them, she should do things according to the rules. She will put on a little makeup, and she will be upstairs. There is no dress.

Chi Shuyan felt a little regretful for a while. If he knew how troublesome he was, he should resolutely refuse to go to any press conference. As for repaying favors, he just took the talisman.

But she didn't prepare for the time being, where would she go for makeup to find a dress?

Xie Mingxuan saw Master Chi's entanglement, and just wanted to speak, Chi Shuyan thought of a person, namely Qi Yunshang, Qi Zhenbai's cousin.

Yunshang is a well-known celebrity in Kyoto, and it's probably common to wear dresses to banquets.

To be honest, she is not very familiar with this cousin, not to mention her current awkward relationship with Qi Zhenbo, it is not good to take the initiative to find Qi's family.

But thinking of what Qi Hao said before that the old man is not in good health, she kept remembering that for the past two days, she washed some tea with aura, and was about to send it to the old man, so she looked at people by the way.

You have to go to Qi's house anyway. It's better to choose another day than hit the sun. It really doesn't work. She can find Qi Hao, a kid, to help her get a dress.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while and asked Xie Mingxuan: "Thank you, how long will the press conference start?"

Xie Mingxuan replied: "It's still early, it's estimated that it will take a few hours. With the red carpet walking, it is estimated that there are still five or six hours!"

Chi Shuyan immediately said: "Thank you, the actor, you can just tell me the address of the press conference. I will go there in five or six hours. I will clean up by the way. Don't wait for me. As for the red carpet, I will forget it. , Do you find someone else to go with you?"

Xie Mingxuan shook his head: "The others have already arranged to go together, but if Master Chi, you really don't want to go on the red carpet, I can go alone!"

Chi Shuyan is really not interested in walking on the red carpet, but after listening to Xie Mingxuan’s words, she rubbed her eyebrows. In the end, it was difficult to let the pigeons go alone, so she had to say: "No, then I will accompany you on the red carpet. , I have a friend who should have a dress. I'll borrow one and contact you again?"

Xie Mingxuan wanted to say that he knew the high-end dress shop and could take her there, but thought that the dresses there are not generally expensive, even if it is rented, he really doesn’t have the money now, and he can’t be generous. The two said a good afternoon. He will pick her up at four o'clock.

Chi Shuyan nodded, agreeing to Xie Mingxuan's words.

When Xie Mingxuan left, Chi Shuyan wanted to contact Qi Yunshang's cousin, but the two had nothing to do with her before, and she didn't have the phone number of this cousin, so she had to call Qi Hao and ask Qi Yunshang for the number, and went back to the villa to clean up. After a while, I took a taxi to Qi's house.

When Qi Hao received the call, he was bored and panicked in the Qi family. Hearing his sister-in-law said that he was on the way to the Qi family, and asked Yun Chang if Yun Chang was there and the father was there, Qi Hao couldn't help being a little curious: "Sister-in-law, you What's the urgent matter?"

Chi Shuyan didn't hide it, and told Qi Hao directly that he had to borrow a dress and put on makeup to attend a film conference.

Qi Hao replied, "Sister-in-law, is this just something? I can solve it for you. Why don't you want Yun Chang to help me more!"

Qi Hao felt that his cousin was very pleasing, but for fear that his cousin would take up his place in the heart of his sister-in-law, he immediately swept it all out, saying that he was solely responsible for this matter.

Although Chi Shuyan didn't really believe in Qi Hao's second-year aesthetics, he decided to trust him after thinking about it, and nodded: "Sure, you are in the Qi family now? I will look for you in the past? By the way, the old man is in the Qi family. Huh?"

Qi Hao immediately said: "Sister-in-law, here is..., Grandpa is at home, I am at home too, I am waiting for you!"

After waiting for the two to hang up, Qi Hao immediately sent a message to his cousin: Brother, sister-in-law is coming to see me at home!

The tone is so bleak.

The opposite party didn’t reply for a long time, and Qi Hao quickly posted another message on WeChat: Brother, sister-in-law said that she would participate in a film conference, and she had to wear a dress and make-up. It’s rare to see her in a thousand years. Looks like? Should I take a beautiful photo of my sister-in-law and send it to you?

The other side still didn't reply, it is probably busy.

Qi Hao was a little frustrated at the moment, so he didn't bother to rush with his brother, opened the phone book, found someone, and asked him to find a very famous makeup artist to come and apply makeup for his sister-in-law. By the way, he asked him to prepare a set of advanced and perfect Dress.

The other party should respond respectfully and respectfully immediately, but the size of the dress must be provided.

Qi Hao simply estimated the size and sent a photo of his sister-in-law. Of course, his face was naturally painted with a mosaic. If his cousin knew that he had sent the picture of his sister-in-law to other men, he would not have the mosaic. It is estimated that he has the heart to kill him, so he should not risk it.

Everything was arranged, Qi Hao waited for his sister-in-law to arrive.

Speaking of it, neither his cousin nor he has seen his sister-in-law look like his sister-in-law wears a gown and puts on a gown. I wonder if his sister-in-law looks good after putting on makeup and gowns?

Qi Hao thought for a while, and felt that this time he would have to let his cousin look dumbfounded and confused.

When contacting the person who provided the dress, Qi Hao repeatedly emphasized that the dress was perfect, unique, and amazing. These requirements were simply painful.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know that this kid Qi Hao was worrying so much for her in the car at this time. She didn’t think much about the dress. She just hoped that she could wear a similar dress. She didn’t care if the focus was not in focus. She is not the starring protagonist, she is just a little transparent, almost don't lose face, she is not demanding.

Soon after arriving at Qi's house, Chi Shuyan got off the car at the door of Qi's house. The door of Qi's house has always been heavily guarded. There are many security guards at the door. Ordinary people have to repeatedly check and take fingerprints.

Chi Shuyan is a frequent visitor to the Qi family, so there is no problem when she enters. The door of the Qi family is a bit far away from the villa. After walking a long way, she called Qi Hao and told Qi Hao that she had arrived and walked to the door of the villa. First see the acquaintances, who is not the old man and Qi Hao?

I saw Qi Hao supporting the old man, and the two of them seemed to be going out. Chi Shuyan's eyes lit up and his smile brightly shouted: "Grandpa, Haozi!"

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