Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1285: eighty seven

When Xie Mingxuan left, Chi Shuyan also picked up some food on the dining table next to her as she wanted to sit on the sofa and watched the celebrities in the hall scrambling to entertain each other.

Most of the celebrities who can come to Director Li’s conference are very famous. She is not a star chaser, so she can only recognize some of them by her appearance. Most of the names can’t be uttered. Director Li and Xie Mingxuan took a look to pass the time.

Although Chi Shuyan’s appearance is very outstanding, at first there were men who came to talk to him, but Chi Shuyan didn’t pay much attention to it. Later, there were a lot less people who came to talk to each other. After all, this is a vanity fair, and most of the people who come are for profit. .

For a while, Chi Shuyan was sitting on the side and eating at a leisurely pace.

It's just that it's too boring to be alone. Chi Shuyan only feels that he is out of place with the atmosphere of this hall. After making up his mind, he won't participate in this circle anymore, and no one else will invite him.

With this leisure, she might as well go back to the villa to rest or do business.

Before long, there was a small sensation in the hall. The people who were originally coveted Qi Qi looked at King Ruan, who was introduced by the host. Chi Shuyan didn't care at first, or listened to the comments of others, and realized that some ordinary men just came in. The famous King Ruan in the circle.

It is estimated that Xie Mingxuan had been talking to her about the movie emperor Ruan. Chi Shuyan had no interest at first, but she was bored at the moment and couldn't help but watch the other person more.

It is estimated that this King Ruan is a very popular person in the circle. When he came in, many people gathered around him and took the initiative to talk with him.

Chi Shuyan took a few more glances before seeing the famous King Ruan.

I saw that King Ruan had an ordinary face, but his whole body had a unique mature and calm charm of a man. His brows were clear and his eyes were deep, but he was not a crooked person. On the contrary, although the other's eyes were deep and sharp and occasionally transparent. He was kind of gentle, but his eyes were very peaceful, and looking at the white air around him, such a person could be considered a good person.

Chi Shuyan's interest in the King Ruan, who had met for the first time, also stopped with just a few observations. After a few glances, he planned to move away, but suddenly realized that the other party's expression was a bit wrong.

I saw that the King Ruan who had just laughed at Yan Yan with the people around him suddenly turned pale, with a lot of cold sweat on his forehead inexplicably, and the blue veins on his forehead were still convex. Then look at the other person’s expression as if he was trying to suppress and forbear What restraint.

After Chi Shuyan stayed so much, he saw a cloud of black air suddenly appeared from the forehead of the other party, and then there was a golden light flashing, and the black energy increased a little, and then immediately slipped into the opponent's forehead and disappeared. The King Ruan's expression has also improved a lot, but his eyes are a little dazed, and his eyes are still a bit wrong.

After waiting for a while, the other person's eyes became clearer. He immediately said a few politely to the people around him, and then found a corner to sit down.

Looking at this series of images, Chi Shu Yan's eyes were a little startled and thoughtful, and his eyes remained on the body of Yingdi Ruan not far away with a bit of curiosity.

Although she was curious about the golden light and black energy on the other party, the golden light seemed very weak. As for the black energy, the King Ruan might provoke something that shouldn't be provoke, and that thing is probably quite unusual.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while. Naturally, he would not give up the opportunity to make money. What's more, the other party looked like a rich man. He didn't expect to come out and let her run into a business again. Chi Shuyan changed the situation temporarily. Bored and in a good mood, he took the initiative to walk over and greet each other: "Emperor Ruan?"

Ruan Shenglin has always been very keen to mix in circles. After all, everyone in this circle is mixed, and if you don't pay attention, you may suffer. When he raises his eyes to see the strange but very beautiful woman in front of him.

Ruan Shenglin's eyes flashed with surprise, but his eyes were more on guard and defensiveness, thinking that the other party was a newcomer who wanted to seduce him or seduce his fame.

It's no wonder that he thinks so. In this circle, one-night stands, thigh holding, all kinds of temptations are frequent, regardless of male and female, he has seen even more nasty things.

Sometimes Ruan Shenglin is very fortunate that he looks ordinary, so he is not polluted. Instead, he relies on his acting skills and steadfast superiority. Ruan Shenglin's eyes flashed darkly and his face was alienated: "Something? May I ask you?"

He said that he wanted to leave.

Chi Shuyan was not disappointed by the other party's indifference to her, but rather had a good impression of the Yingdi Ruan in front of him, and did not detour, she wanted to give the other party a business card directly, but thought that she hadn't printed a business card, so she simply followed I took paper and pen and wrote my phone number and name on it and handed it over: "Emperor Ruan, you can contact me if you have anything!"

Chi Shuyan said and handed it over, but Ruan Shenglin was darkened by what the woman in front of him said. Not to mention that he already has a wife, not to mention that anyone in the circle didn't know that he was very principled and was very disgusted. This kind of unspoken rule, occasionally encountered this kind of thing, he scolded once, who knew that the little girl in front of him dared to rush over, Ruan Shenglin was waiting for a cold rejection.

Chi Shuyan first saw that there was something wrong with the other person’s expression, so he went straight into the mouth and said: "Emperor Ruan, I see your brows are straight, your forehead is broad, and your earlobes are fleshy. You are a man of great fortune and wealth, but I am afraid that you will meet The catastrophe also hit the evil. Although I don't know where you hit the evil, it is best to get rid of the evil as soon as possible, so as not to harm your family. If you need it, you can come to me. I have time!"

Ruan Shenglin:...

Before Chi Shuyan left, he looked at the other side's face more and found that the other side actually had a few broken and dead faces. Unconsciously, his eyes flashed, and he added, "Emperor Ruan. , You’d better make a decision as soon as possible when you hit the evil. In the light of your own death, the family will be destroyed. Remember!"

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