Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1289: ninety one

Because of this incident, Director Li was not in the mood to entertain guests in the lobby. When Xie Mingxuan sent someone to the private lounge, he immediately asked Yu Qun on the side to help him entertain the guests first.

Next to him, Yu Qun wanted to say something but stopped. Chi Shuyan, who didn't know when he was leaving, gently slammed his elbow against Chi Shuyan's hand and asked in a low voice: "Master Chi, do you think this movie emperor Ruan has been evil?"

If it hadn’t been for him to bump into ghosts before, he would probably think that King Ruan had a drug and addiction attack. But look at this, no, wait for Yu Qun to sweep over and find that Xie Mingxuan was grabbing away. It didn't take long for the King Ruan to convulse all over, looking very scary, this look is not like a drug addiction.

Chi Shuyan had no time to talk with Yu Qunduo at this time, patted him on the shoulder, told him not to worry about it, and followed the group of people led by Li.

Before Qin Qing followed her, he looked at her in particular, Chi Shu's expression calmed down, and the look she was looking at was captured in his eyes.

However, due to Ruan Shenglin's extraordinary status, there were only a few people who followed into the lounge in the end. Before Qin Qing entered the door, he was blocked by the person who led Li first.

Zhuang Yanru got the permission of Director Li to go in.

In the private lounge, there are a total of five people including Director Li. For example, Xie Mingxuan and an agent named Yang Kun who helped hold Ruan Shenglin together, and then Chi Shuyan and Zhuang Yanru.

The agent of King Ruan has always had a good relationship with Ruan Shenglin. The two have a very good relationship. It can be said that King Ruan was brought out by this excellent agent. The two have been in friendship for more than ten years. At this time, Yang Kun met Shenglin. When something happened, his expression was both anxious and worried.

Yang Kun is an agent, and Ruan Shenglin's identity is very unusual. He didn't pay attention just now. At this moment, many people came in, as well as a few strangers. Yang Kun's face changed abruptly, but the lady whose surname was Zhuang It can be helpful, but the pretty little girl with a strange face next to Yang Kun thought that the other party was Li Daotai's newcomer. At this time, not only his eyes were vigilant, but his heart became more vigilant, and he did not agree to the other party following.

After all, Sheng Lin's identity is sensitive. How many people in the circle want to rub Sheng Lin's popularity or even step on him. Yang Kun frowned very tightly and looked at Director Li.

Director Li didn't know Yang Kun's thoughts, and patted Yang Kun on the shoulder: "It's all his own! Don't worry, the story of Emperor Ruan will not be revealed today!"

Yang Kun still wants to say something, but at the moment he is more worried about Sheng Lin. Who knew that such a major event would happen to Sheng Lin when he came to attend the Director Li’s press conference this time. He knew it would happen. A little favor let Sheng Lin come to join him.

By the way, Sheng Lin!

Thinking of the Shenglin in the bedroom in the lounge, Yang Kun couldn't wait first, and immediately said, "Is this lady?"

Zhuang Yanru immediately smiled: "My name is Zhuang!"

Yang Kun immediately said, "Miss Zhuang, can you follow me in to see Shenglin?"

If he could, he didn't really want any strange woman to contact Shenglin, but the situation was not allowed at the moment, Yang Kun had to give up, and it was not a wise move to send Shenglin to the hospital.

Zhuang Yanru's eyes flashed. Just as he was about to reply, there was a loud bang inside, and then Xie Mingxuan's exclamation sounded.

It turned out that the private lounge was divided into two inside and outside, with a small living room outside.

Ruan Shenglin is in the lounge inside.

At this moment, Yang Kun, who was standing in the living room, thought that something was going on inside, his face changed a lot and rushed in first.

The others changed their faces and followed in.

Everyone saw Xie Mingxuan being thrown aside. As for Ruan Shenglin, who was originally convulsed, was uncharacteristically calm and even knelt down in front of the opened curtains, gurgling in his mouth all the time.

His expression was calm but stunned, and his eyes had been fixed at a certain point. Not long after, he occasionally made a few sneers, and the people watching were very creepy.

Xie Mingxuan, who has seen the world, is okay, but other people are frightened by this scene, especially Yang Kun, the agent, how do you look at this scene, how do you feel hairy, if he is not a materialist, he doubts whether Sheng Lin has hit Evil?

However, the idea of ​​hitting evil only flashed in his head and disappeared immediately.

Yang Kun didn't think much about it, and he wanted to make Ruan Shenglin sober, and rushed over, pushing Ruan Shenglin hard, and said: "Sheng Lin, are you all right! Sheng Lin, I am Brother Yang, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Director Li wanted to persuade Yang Kun, but he also hoped that Yang Kun would make King Ruan sober. He had just speculated that King Ruan looked more like a drug and addiction, but now the more he looks, the more he feels that he is very wrong and more like an evil.

Director Li looked at Chi Shuyan subconsciously.

If there was no such woman as Zhuang Yanru, Chi Shuyan would have helped her a long time ago, but the woman surnamed Zhuang felt very strange and weird to her. She always had an instinct, as a last resort, it would be better not to be first in front of this woman surnamed Zhuang. Shot, I always feel that once I shot first, I would startle.

This kind of intuition is inexplicable, but Chi Shuyan is convinced of her intuition. She has avoided many crises by relying on this intuition in her previous life, so she hasn't moved.

Chi Shu Yan Chong, Director Li shook his head first, expressing peace of mind.

Director Li nodded.

Before long, Ruan Shenglin stopped laughing strangely, his face became calmer. Before Yang Kun could be happy, he heard Ruan Shenglin suddenly startled and said: "Brother Yang, I am not worthy to live! I am not worthy to live in this world! God wants to lead. I go to another world! I want to go to another world!"

Ruan Shenglin said inexplicably, the scared Yang Kun's face changed drastically, and everyone's expressions also changed. Without waiting for anyone to speak, Ruan Shenglin twitched all over again, rolling on the ground constantly, and Yang Kun hurriedly turned around.

At this time, I just heard Zhuang Yanru suddenly say: "Brother Yang, if you believe me, why don't you give me the King Ruan first, I will check the body of King Ruan for you tonight?"

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