Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1294: Ninety six

Here, Zhuang Yanru was proud to say that he was gloating with misfortune. Not far away, Qi Zhenbai saw his daughter-in-law first with sharp eyes. His stern expression was abrupt, and he ignored the woman named Zhuang in front of him. It should be said that he was from beginning to end. Ignoring the woman surnamed Zhuang, the man walked to the front in strides, his dark gaze fell softly on his daughter-in-law, and then his sharp gaze swept to the side of Qin Qing. There was not the slightest temperature in his eyes, and the momentum was strong. There was an inexplicable chill in her heart, and she shrank her neck subconsciously. When she reacted, she had taken a few steps back and made an excuse. She was as far away as she was immediately, and her stiff and horrified expression wanted to take her immediately. Dig a hole and hide it from others.

Chi Shuyan had such a big influence on Qi Zhenbai, and Qin Qing was so afraid of the tall man in front of him that he was surprised, and couldn't help but feel happy, but if the dog skin plaster surnamed Qin could be kept away from her, she Her mood improved a lot. Seeing a familiar man in front of her, although she was a little confused, thinking of Qin Qing's words, she subconsciously fell on the woman Zhuang Yanru not far away.

Seeing this woman stepping forward, Chi Shuyan thought that the man Qi Zhenbai was indeed looking for the woman named Zhuang, and didn't intend to pay more attention to it, nodding at the other side as a greeting to leave.

After all, even if the man in front of me really had anything to do with the woman Zhuang Yanru, she was not qualified to take care of it. She just thought of the violation of Zhuang Yanru this woman's body. Before leaving, she took a few more glances, and her eyes were scrutinized.

Looking at the man in front of Qi Zhenbai, the eyes were a bit complicated. Out of the previous friendship, she wanted to remind him one or two, but Zhuang Yanru, the woman, still didn’t understand and see clearly, and couldn’t get much with him for a while. Said, I can only say: "I have something to do, you and Miss Zhuang have any business to continue talking!"

After talking, lift your foot neatly and leave.

Qi Zhenbai had a soft complexion and wanted to speak, but suddenly saw his wife's back exposed a large white back. His face turned black and his expression was somber. When he thought of his wife wearing such a naked skirt tonight , I don’t know how many men saw this look. It was originally a facial paralyzed face. Now, this paralyzed face is covered with a layer of frost. Look at her daughter-in-law’s bumpy figure and appearance, especially the back exposed. A piece of attractive white skin has attracted many people's attention, and they look straight at her. Many men have straight eyes. Qi Zhenbai's forehead and blue veins are even more convex, and there is an inexplicable hidden in his heart. Anger and desire for monopolization are stuck in his chest, and he is out of breath, his face is blue, but he is used to suppressing his emotions, and his emotions are extremely restrained.

But the more restrained the emotions of such introverted people are, the more frightening they are.

The man's face was quite calm, but he saw that he was really scary at a glance. Someone from a long distance saw his black face and felt irritating.

"Ms. Qi!" Zhuang Yanru came over in three steps and two steps. He wanted to continue talking to the majestic man in front of him. As soon as he tried to speak, he saw that the tall man in front of him ignored her, and suddenly went forward and took off in three steps. She lowered her jacket, and then overbearingly wrapped her jacket around the little girl who had walked more than a dozen steps away, and then directly picked up the person and hugged him into the car regardless.

Zhuang Yanru and Qin Qing looked completely silly on the side, and when the two returned to their senses, the black vehicle had already driven far away.

Chi Shuyan, who was forcibly carried into the car at this time, was also a little stunned. It can be said that she didn’t even know what was going on right now. She was a little stunned when the man put his clothes on her. , I saw an acquaintance again, so I forgot to take precautions. This was being forced to get into the car by the other party. Otherwise, with her skill, as long as she was unwilling, the other party could not get her into the car.

What is even more surprised to her at the moment is that the man in front of him who is surnamed Qi is inexplicably abruptly letting her get into the car?

Chi Shuyan didn't really want to talk to each other, but everyone was in the other's car. As long as she turned her head to look at the man driving, she saw the man with a sullen face, his face uncertain and ugly.

She is even more confused. What does this man's expression mean?

The black suit jacket she wore was full of the familiar breath of men. To be honest, she still missed it, but it was one thing to miss it, and it was another thing to miss it. She thought about it or avoided it. Give the suit back to each other, and let people stop by the way.

However, as soon as she touched the suit, the man suddenly stopped the car and put his hand on her shoulder. His tone was extremely strong and he gave a command: "Wear!"

Chi Shuyan didn't really like the man's tone of commanding her, her face turned dark, and regardless of the other's strong or not, she wanted to tear off the other's suit and throw it at her, but the man next to her held his hand firmly on her shoulder. , Chi Shuyan used the strength of the breastfeeding and did not move the hand on her shoulder. His calm eyes couldn't help but stare at the man in front of him, how unpleasant his eyes were, and said coldly: "Thank you for your kindness, but no need. I am too hot!"

Qi Zhenbai's eyes stopped when he heard his wife's words, but when he thought of the large and seductive skin on his wife's back, his calm face was once again hard to look like, and he was heartbroken.

Fortunately, he and his wife were the only two in the car. No one could see anything. Qi Zhenbai compromised and removed his hand, taking off the jacket thoughtfully, putting the jacket in his daughter-in-law’s hand in a natural motion, with thin lips. He found an excuse: "I feel hot too, my daughter-in-law..." Thinking of his wife's alienation from him in the past, Qi Zhenbai changed his mouth and said: "Yan Yan, I want to drive, I will take you back, and you will get the coat for me! "

While saying that his eyes were still staring at the bare skin of his wife's back, before she made up his mind to get out of the car, she absolutely had to let his wife put on his coat before getting off the car.

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan didn’t know what the man was thinking. If she knew, she would have been too lazy to get out of the car now. Although she wanted to avoid suspicion, she had a ride on the ride. She was not in a hurry to get off. Drive to her villa.

Qi Zhenbai started the engine again and drove. While driving, Yu Guang looked at his daughter-in-law. Before, he only saw his daughter-in-law dressed up through the photos taken by Haozi. It can be said that Qi Zhenbai was shocked when he saw the photos at first sight. I was flustered again. Naturally, I was afraid that my wife was so beautiful and would be chased away by other men. At this time, the warm light was turned on in the car, and under the warm light, his wife’s beautiful, charming and stunning appearance was even more straightforward. His eyes, waiting for the traffic light in front, he almost stepped on the accelerator directly as a brake, shocked his back with cold sweat.

But it looks good. He will never allow his daughter-in-law to wear this naked skirt in the future. Of course, he really wants to wear it, and he can only wear it in front of him. Speaking of which, when he doesn’t know what conference his daughter-in-law is attending, he only knows that she will dress up and go out like this. Seeing people, Qi Zhenbai, who was busy at the company, almost went crazy. He pried out from Qi Hao's cousin where his daughter-in-law had gone. He rushed over immediately. Fortunately, he received someone right now.

"What are you looking at?" Chi Shuyan glanced coldly, looking at the scenery outside the window.

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