Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1301: One hundred and three

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the cold sweat on Yang Kun's forehead was gradually coming out of shock. When she met her sight, Yang Kun somehow thought of the scared scalp numb from the scene last night, and he was terrified. , He couldn't squeeze out a reluctant smile, but he was scrupulous about Shenglin's couple, how dare to say.

Chi Shuyan seemed to see what he was thinking, and then he made an understatement and exploded: "If Manager Yang doesn't say it, then I can't judge the black anger on your body. I think the whole body of Manager Yang when we met last night is still normal. Seeing it today, it seems to have provoke something too!"

As soon as these words fell, let alone Ruan Shenglin and Xu Tong's face changed first, Yang Kun finally couldn't calm down, and jumped up on the spot, his face turned pale. Look carefully, the whole body is shaking, and the complexion is real. Haggard and scary.

Xu Tong also carefully helped and explained in a dazed manner: "Master, are you wrong? Except for the hospital last night, Brother Kun stayed in my house, really didn't go anywhere!"

Xu Tong's dazed remarks didn't know if Ruan Shenglin was awakened. Ruan Shenglin's head flashed for a moment, and his face suddenly became ugly and scary.

Chi Shuyan put the three expressions in his eyes and deliberately said: "If Manager Yang doesn't want to say it, it will be done, don't regret it in the future!"

After saying this, Chi Shuyan seemed to take his attention away from Yang Kun, but Yang Kun could no longer calm his heart and calm down. His face changed from pale to blue and white, so it was not exciting, and panic flashed under his eyes. He also knew at this time that he really couldn't hide it and didn't want to hide it anymore.

Thinking of Master Chi’s words of'contained with black air' just now, Yang Kun only felt a cold breath from the soles of his feet into his heart. He couldn't understand the feelings of the two couples. After struggling for a long time, he still stammered under her sight Speaking of the scene I saw last night, while worrying about sweeping the Shenglin couple.

For fear that Master Chi didn't believe him and thought he was lying, Yang Kun added after carefully speaking, "Master, what I said is true. I really saw a dark shadow flashing in the belly of Shenglin's wife last night."

In addition, Yang Kun asked himself where he didn’t go last night, and he didn’t encounter other weird things. Speaking of which, he didn’t sleep all night, thinking of the weird shadow in the belly of Shenglin’s wife. There is always some chills and panic in my heart.

Yang Kun’s expression was too serious, and his words were too serious, especially when Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin’s couple had known each other for so many years. How could the two couples not know when Yang Kun was telling the truth or what is lie, so when his words just fell, The expressions of the two couples changed completely, and their eyes fell into fear unconsciously.

Because Xu Tong was timid and involved children, his face was already pale, and he blurted out and forced his defense to spit out: "Impossible!"

Ruan Shenglin’s face changed drastically and he was shocked. His eyes fell on his wife’s belly almost immediately. Thinking of what Brother Kun said just now, Ruan Shenglin only felt a dense chill on his back. Ruan Shenglin was really panicked. Looking at Chi Shuyan's eyes again, there was deep fear and worry in his eyes. He wanted to speak, but because of horror, his throat was blocked by something, and he couldn't utter a word.

The atmosphere in the hall was silent!

If Chi Shuyan had only six or seven points of certainty to suspect that the Ruan family had something to do with the Buddha statue, then she was already sure at the moment, because she was sure, her face was also a bit solemn, and her eyes flashed. , Directly asked Xu Tong: "Mrs. Ruan, have you received any Buddha statue gifts recently or someone took you to the temple to ask for a visa, and asked the master to give you what Buddha statue for you to worship?"

Fearing that his words were not clear, Chi Shuyan also specifically described the color and appearance of the Buddha statue.

Chi Shuyan’s words once again caused Xu Tong to fall into deep fear, and it also reminded her of a bottle of Buddha described by Master Chi that Qin Qing had sent to her before. Thinking of this, she also thought of Qin Qing first. Just denying that it was impossible, she promised to help her, why did Qin Qing kill her family?

But if it weren't for Qin Qing, how did the master in front of the Buddha know?

And she clearly let Aunt Cai deal with the Buddha statue, and she never worshipped it!

Xu Tong has been well protected by Ruan Shenglin over the years. She has forgotten the fierce fighting in the circle and all kinds of insults. However, although she has a simple personality, she is not stupid. Many doubts she quickly figured out, such as Sometimes when you help the other person, thank you from the other person’s mouth, not necessarily thank you sincerely, or even because you have a good life, you can’t see you well. This kind of thing abounds. In short, if others want to harm you, there will always be thousands of things. Reason.

After Chi Shuyan asked those words, he kept observing Xu Tong's expression. Seeing that her expression was too subtle, her expression was terrified and ugly. At this moment, it was already determined that the King Ruan family did not provoke something that should not be provoke, but Caused the Buddha statue.

Immediately he opened his mouth and said: "Now it seems that Madam Ruan has indeed seen the Buddha statue. The Buddha statue is harmful to people. Why don't you show it to me first?"

Chi Shuyan saw the abnormal expression on Xu Tong's face. Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin naturally saw her abnormality at this time. Their expressions changed and then surprised. When they were about to persuade her to take out the Buddha statue first, they heard it. Xu Tong covered her mouth and was scared! He cried first, and quickly confessed: "Master, Master, the Buddha statue was specially given to me by a friend of mine. She said it was given to me by an expert. It is very effective. It is very good for children to worship with blood every day. At that time, I couldn't believe it, so I gave the Buddha statue to Aunt Cai for disposal. I never touched the Buddha statue! I will now let Aunt Cai take out the harmful thing!"

As soon as Xu Fairytale fell, something messed up in the kitchen with a few chuckles. The other three people didn’t even glance at it because of the Buddha statue. Chi Shuyan glanced at the kitchen, just about to withdraw his eyes. I saw a plainly dressed woman in her fifties slowly carrying a few plates of melons and fruits.

When Xu Tong saw Aunt Cai's eyes lit up first, he quickly said, "Aunt Cai, where is the Buddha statue I gave you last time?"

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