Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1306: One hundred and eight

Because the living room didn’t turn on the lights, it relied on the kitchen and outside corridors to barely illuminate the living room. Although a few people could barely recognize that there was something squirming in the sack, they didn’t even know what was inside. Ruan Shenglin saw the critical moment. Regardless of Xu Tong's words, sweating on his forehead zoomed in on Aunt Cai's lens, but still couldn't see what was in the sack inside.

Until Aunt Cai came out of the sack, she saw her right hand grasping a chicken or a duck tied with a rope leg. That chicken and duck was struggling and screaming. After the thing, a few people also I recognized that Aunt Cai was playing with a rooster, but didn't wait for the rooster to scream.

Chi Shuyan, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong saw that Aunt Cai cut the chicken's throat without blinking, and the bright red blood leaked into the ground, and a lot of blood splashed on it. On her hand, she saw that Aunt Cai was staring at the half-dead and still struggling chicken with a weird grin at this moment. After the grinning, she seemed to realize something, turning her head and showing a shadow in their direction. Cold grinning.

Except for Chi Shuyan, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong were frightened by Aunt Cai’s strange grin. Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun’s two bolder palms were frightened with cold sweat, Yang Kun met Aunt Cai's face at this time, and staggered a few steps on the spot, his face pale, and he took a breath and swallowed his saliva. She was frightened and anxiously asked: "My mother, she... is she looking at us? How do you know we are here?"

Xu Tong almost got fetal gas without surprise, his face turned pale for a while, and he almost didn't catch his breath.

Still, Chi Shuyan saw that Xu Tong was not in the right state, and pulled a back chair from the side, let her sit and watch, while calming people and losing some aura, people are fine.

"No, how did she know that we were looking at surveillance?" Yang Kun was so frightened and distraught that he almost didn't cry, his expression was more frightened than watching the scariest ghost film.

The expressions of Ruan's husband and wife were similar to those of Yang Kun's agent at this time, and Ruan Shenglin also had a panic expression.

The horrified expressions of the two big men are really funny.

Chi Shuyan was accustomed to seeing all kinds of terrifying ghosts, his complexion was calm and there were no strange and terrifying thoughts, but he couldn't help but glance at this rather famous agent and this Yingdi Ruan. After a few glances, he looked away. Calmly said: "She is watching surveillance!"

After throwing out this sentence, Chi Shuyan's attention once again fell on the surveillance video.


I saw that the other party quickly pulled out a Buddha statue from the drawer, and then wiped all the blood in his hands on the black Buddha statue, fearing that the blood was not enough, Aunt Cai also directly twisted the chicken head off, and the blood was as big as the blood. Part of it was sprayed on the Buddha statue, and some of it was sprayed on her cheek. As for the chicken head that hit the ground, she didn't have much attention at all.

At this moment, Aunt Cai didn’t seem to feel anything. She stared at the Buddha statue with excitement and excitement on her face. Soon, Chi Shuyan saw that the Buddha statue suddenly flashed red, and the blood on the Buddha statue disappeared after a while. Penetrate into the Buddha statue.

Everyone who saw this scene had goose bumps and numb scalp.

This was not the time when they were most numb. Before a few people were panicked, I saw Aunt Cai'enlighten' the Buddha statue. She turned his eyes on excitedly and walked towards Ruan Shenglin and Xu Tong's bedroom, opening their bedroom. Door.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tong almost didn't scream out of fright on the spot. Ruan Shenglin, a big man, was a little frightened at this time. Then the couple saw Aunt Cai put the Buddha statue under their pillow and stood beside their bed. Staring at them with penetrating icy eyes and smirking at them.

This time Xu Tong was really scared and screamed directly. Ruan Shenglin was also scared. His hands trembled and squashed. The mouse was accidentally smashed to the ground by him. Others also fell from the stool to the ground, and the chairs fell together. There was a loud noise.

At this time, the bystander Yang Kun was trembling and trembling after watching the'Truth', and even almost urinated. When he thought of such a man standing by the bed and laughing at the two couples late at night, Yang Kun shivered severely. , Let alone don’t know if the other party is a human or not.

Thanks to Sheng Lin and Xu Tong’s sleep well, they didn’t wake up. If they wake up directly, they might have to be scared to death if they don’t get killed.

At this time, Yang Kun didn't know whether to be grateful that Aunt Cai was not entangled with him, or to express his sympathy to the Shenglin couple for their psychological shadow at this moment.

He wanted to comfort the couple, but he felt more panic in his heart, and he couldn't say anything. His legs were trembling all the time. How could he comfort people?

Fortunately, Yang Kun hadn't forgotten the master next to him. Yang Kun subconsciously glanced in the direction of Master Chi, and saw that her face was very calm and there was no trace of fear in her eyes. Yang Kun's psychology was only slightly comforted, and then think about the previous master deeply. With the hidden means, Yang Kun's psychological panic was finally relieved, and after a long time, he immediately helped Sheng Lin who was sitting on the ground in shock.

To be honest, Sheng Lin is really courageous on weekdays, but this is the first time that he has shown fear in such a gaffe. Yang Kun didn't dare to laugh at him. He wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead and calmed down, and quickly asked for Shenglin and his wife. Said: "Da...Master, what the **** is going on? Cai...Aunt Cai, she harmed by something, is she not a human?"

After Yang Kun tremblingly asked this sentence, Ruan Shenglin's face became pale again, Xu Tong was a woman, and he couldn't hold on anymore at this time, his eyes rolled, and he passed out first.


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